To Kill a Mockingbird Webquest

Group Notes for Research Log

Navigator: __________________________________________________________________

Secretary: ___________________________________________________________________

Speaker: _____________________________________________________________________


1. Log in the title of each site you visit.

2. Take note of any significant facts you find at each site.

3. When questions are asked about a site, make sure they are all answered.

4. Supply examples to back up your answers.

5. Note any personal responses your group has to the site.

6. Back up any personal responses your group has with evidence from the site.

Step One:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

Step Two:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

Create a timeline of events from 1883-1914 listing the major events on this site (on a separate sheet of paper).

Step Three:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

Here each team member will need to take individual notes. Each team member will choose 3 different laws (each law must come from a different state). How would you react to having to obey that particular law? These will be turned in with your homework. Discuss this site together and complete the entry for your group's research log.

Step Four:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

There is a list of 20 people and their profiles. Each group will choose one person from the list to research. Before you begin your research, you must get your choice approved by the teacher. Groups will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each group member should take personalized notes on the individual being studied for use in your homework assignment. At minimum you should include the following information in your notes: name, date of birth, place of origin, major cause this person fought for, and major accomplishments. After each team member has completed his/her personal notes, make sure the research log has been completed for this part of the assignment.

Step Five:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

This site has 15 people telling their own stories of living under Jim Crow. Your team will now listen to a recording of one of these interviews. Before you begin your research, you must get your choice approved by the teacher. Groups will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis. After you listen to the interview, you should take a minute or two to record your personal responses to the interview in your own notes; this will be needed for your homework assignment. How did you feel while listening to this person’s story? What effect did hearing the person’s voice have on you? As you listened to the interview, could you hear emotions that are similar to your own? If so, describe what emotions you heard and how you know. Make sure that your group has completed the research log for this part of the assignment.

Step Six:

Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

Important facts:

Personal Responses:

A number of students wonder why this was so accepted. As a matter of fact, there was a great deal of racial turmoil in this period. Each group needs to pick one of the following incidents to explore further (warning--some of these sites have pictures of violent situations):
Atlanta, Georgia; East St. Louis, Missouri; Elaine, Arkansas; Knoxville, Tennessee; Omaha, Nebraska; Rosewood, Florida; Springfield, Illinois; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Washington, DC
Before you begin your research, you must get your choice approved by the teacher. Each group member should take personalized notes on the individual being studied for use in your homework assignment. At minimum you should include the following information in your notes: When did this event occur? What was the incident that started the riot? What happened to those responsible for starting the riot (if anything)? After each team member has completed his/her personal notes, make sure that you have completed the research log for this part of the assignment.

Step Seven:

1. Title of Webpage: _________________________________________________________________________

2. Important facts:

Personal Responses:

Visit Photographs of Signs Enforcing Racial Discrimination: Documentation by Farm Security Administration-Office of War Information. Your group must choose one photograph and complete a visual literacy exercise. After your group has completed the VLE, make sure that the research log for this part of the assignment has been completed. The VLE will be turned in with the research log.

Step Eight: Before you complete your research, make sure that your entire group research log has been filled in and submitted to the teacher.

Step Nine: If you complete these steps in advance of the other groups, you should explore some other Jim Crow sites that are provided.