Minutes for the Cochrane Skin Group/French Satellite Group teleconference April19th2016
Present: Finola Delamere, Laurence Le Cleach, Laura Prescott, Hywel Williams (Chair), Olivier Chosidow
- Brief re-visit of the original business plan
- Collaborators and hours of work remain the same, except with regard to Giao.
Name / Position hospital / Time per week dedicated to Satellite / Role
Pr Olivier Chosidow, MD,PhD / Head of the department of Dermatology -Henri Mondor Hospital / 10%: ½ day / Director / Training, author
Dr Laurence Le Cleach, MD, MsC / Senior Lecturer - Department of Dermatology Henri Mondor Hospital / Assistant professor / 40%: 2 days / Executive director / Author, training, organisation, contact with the Skin group
Dr Giao Do, MD, MsC / Dermatologist -Department of Internal Medicine, Centre Hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil / Part time Senior Lecturer / Originally, she had 20% (1 day) to contribute, but she now has no more university time spare / Collaborator / Author(Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis (#156), Intervention for chronic palmoplantar pustulosis (#6)) (head lice), training
Dr Emilie Sbidian MD, PhD / Senior Lecturer - Department of Dermatology Henri Mondor Hospital / 20%: 1 day / Collaborator / Author (Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis (#156), Intervention for necrotizing fasciitis (#158)), training,
Dr Camille Hua MD, MsC / Senior Resident in Dermatology / 50%:2 ½ half / Authors / Intervention for necrotizing fasciitis (#158)
- One grant of 9000€ was obtained for Camille Hua for ‘Interventions for necrotizing fasciitis’ (#158) from the French Society of Dermatology (SFD).
- One grant of 65000€ was obtained for ‘Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis’ (#156).
- In April 2016 the organisation aRED,which funded ⅔ of grants for writing systematic reviews,was replaced by the French Centre of EvidenceBased Dermatology, witha modification of the grant process.
Support from the French Cochrane Centre
- Statistical and methodological support was provided by Ludovic Trinquart, statistician for the French Cochrane centre, who was involved in ‘Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis’. However, he doesn’t wish to be involved in other Cochrane titles. Sandrine Katsahian has replaced him.
- The Information Specialist, Ellis Chan, who was to provide literature research support, left to go to another organisation.
Diffusion of evidence-based medicine and training in the French-speaking dermatological community
- Seven letters, which contain parts of Cochrane systematic reviews and meta-analyses relating to dermatology, have been published. They are available on the Satellite website and are sent through Cochrane France to 808 people (about 10% from French-speaking countries).
- A section dedicated to evidence-based dermatology has been created inthe Annales de Dermatologie et Venéréologie (the official journal of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD)). There have been 3 publications per year since 2012; these publications include a comment and the abstract and conclusion of dermatologist-relevant Cochrane reviews.
- Training was organised at Cochrane France or for dermatologyresidents by the SFD.
Contribution to the Cochrane Skin group’s Trials register
- Handsearching in Annales de Dermatologie et Vénéréologieand French-language conference proceedings (Annual Congress of the French Society of Dermatology, Congress of the Association of Francophone Dermatologists, Maghrebian Congress of Dermatology…) was not undertaken.
Communication Strategy
- The Satellite had strong relations with the French Society of Dermatology(aRED: Association for REcommendations in Dermatology). This group promotedevidence-based medicine through a training program and attribution of grants, but was replaced in April 2016 by the French Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology. The Centre’s focus will be on guidelines. There is no official implication for the Satellite, but data produced by the Satellite and CSG will be important to support the work of the Centre.
- Preliminary contact has been made with several dermatologists involved with the following two societies: the Tunisian Society of Dermatology and the Society of Dermatology of Morocco. They are still very interested, but the planned workshop in 2015 was cancelled for security reasons.
- Actions from previous teleconferences
- HW wondered if the Satelliteshould translate part of our newsletters. Laura Prescott (LP) is to send a draft copy to LLC and OC to see if they want to take any items for inclusion in the newsletter. Sebastien Barbarot (SB) suggested linking Laurence’s and the Society’s newsletter. We need to make it more sustainable: Laura to do.
- Khaled Ezzedine (KE) reported that there are two grants for dermatologists from French-speaking countries (i.e., from Egypt or Africa) available from the French Society of Dermatology to produce systematic reviews on topics relevant to their country’s public health and attend courses. No money has been found yet, but the principle has been accepted by the French Society of Dermatology. People will apply for the scheme and stay in France. One year to do a review isn’t enough time, so realistically, they’d be just setting them off, with the idea that they’d go home and get other local people on board with a view: Khaled is to investigate this.
- Co-publication in Annales de Dermatologie et Venéréologie
- There is now a formalpublication agreement:the format is a Cochrane abstract with an expert commentary. At the moment, only one piece was submitted (from SebastienBarbarot on the topic of atopic dermatitis), which is not published yet, and Khaled is writing one on vitiligo. Laurence Le Cleach (LLC) plans to ask other experts (rosacea, etc.).
- LLC thinks it’s important to translate some of the CSG newsletters.
- Progress on titles for Cochrane Skin Group (CSG) reviews
- LLC updated us on the progress of the following titles:
Title / Original deadline for review submission for editorial process / Comments
Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis (#156) / 17th May 2016 / Extraction is finished for 2/3 of included studies (about 80). Emailing authors for extra information. Have some paid work for repetitive admin tasks
Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque psoriasis (#16) / 3rd June 2016 / Ongoing: finalisation of results redaction, redaction of discussion
Intervention for guttate psoriasis (#2) / 20th May 2016 / Extraction is ongoing
Intervention for chronic palmoplantar pustulosis (#6) / 8th July 2016 / Extraction is ongoing
Intervention for necrotizing fasciitis (#158) / 29th July 2016 / Extraction finished; will be sending for reviewing in about 1 month
- The French Cochrane Skin Group Satellite website
- LLC has created some French-language pages on the Skin Group’s website. She hopes to create additional pages.
Summary of action points
- Discuss linking thenewsletters of theSatellite and the SFD, to make the output more stainable.
- KE to investigate the two grants for dermatologists from French-speaking countries available from the SFDto produce systematic reviews on topics relevant to their country’s public health and attend courses.
- KE to write a co-publication for the Annales de Dermatologie et Venéréologieon vitiligo. LLC to ask other experts (on rosacea, etc.) to do the same.
Date of next of next teleconference: to be arranged.