
The 23th meeting of the 8th Senate of the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University was called to order at 5:03 p.m. on April 13, 2010 with the Speaker of the Senate in the chair.

There were 22 senators present.

The minutes were read and approved.

President- Kevin Smiley

-  There’s big changes happening in tailgating

-  They are working the student interest in the new tailgating policy

-  Earth day is Thursday

-  We’re having a table from 12-4 on south lawn with Frisbees and waterbottles

-  We have signup sheets for our end of the year banquets

-  May 4th is the date for the banquet at 7 in the Kentucky building

-  Still looking at organizing the republican state senate debate

-  We’re looking at how to finance the library bill

-  Airmark is looking into doing some major changes to the library

-  Those who want to be included in how to design that area, contact me about that

-  Today we allocated just under $100 for the hill house open house

-  The hill house is a community service house run by the alive center

Executive VP Kendrick Br

-  Been working with Colton and Kevin for next year

Administrative VP Justin Thurman

-  I’d like you to pay attention to the scholarship bills

-  More money was given out than was appropriated

-  We are $400 over budget

-  The tshirt swap bill shirts are being printed now

Speaker of the Senate-Wade Pierce

-  No report

Staff Reports

Chief of Staff- Eric Smiley

-  If anyone would still like to help with the hall of distinguished seniors, let me know

-  I want to figure out who we need to interview

Director of Academic and Student Affairs- Currie martin

-  No report

Director of Information Technology- Sarah Howell

-  Put applications on the website for positions this year

-  Removed applications from last year

Academic Affairs- Brandon Logan

-  Have two big bills up for first read

Campus Improvements- Kaylee Egerer

-  No report

Legislative Research- Jacob Turner

-  If you have a bill up for first read, come to LRC

-  4:30 SGA office

Public Relations- Austin Wingate

-  My meeting will be in here right after senate

Student Affairs- Emmy Woosely

-  Earth day is Thursday

-  We’re showing Planet Earth

Special Orders

Colton Jessie came before the Student Senate

Kendrick Bryan came before the Student Senate

University Committee

Kevin Smiley

-  Board of student body presidents had a phone conference call

-  The council of post-secondary education sets tuition limits

-  They’ll probably set tuition ceilings this Friday

-  The board of regents meets this Thursday

-  I’m concerned about the athletics directors pay raise

-  Food services committee is coming up with a new method for special request items

Student Government Association Awards

Dero Downing Nominees

Greg Capillo

Rachel Reetzke

Jeff Moad

Bradley Venable

Outstanding Senator of the Year

Emmy Woosely

Brandon Logan

Ann-Blair Thornton

Kaylee Egerer

Outstanding Committee Member

Jerebeth Lucas

Austin Wingate

Lauren Bell

Kaylee Egerer

Charles A. Keown

Kevin Smiley

Justin Thurman

Kendrick Bryan

Wade Pierce

Kerrie Faye Stewart Memorial

Ann-Blair Thornton

Eric Smiley

Chris Jankowski

Katie Stillwell

Kate Masterson

Mary Angela Norcia

Stuart Kendres

Scotty Davis

Jacob turner

Wade Pierce

The Citizens Award

Cheryl Kirby Stowe

Jody Richards

Paul Marcum

Steve Thornton

David Serafini

Guy that works at gads

Charlie Pride

Andrew Rash

Dr. Thacker

Joshua Hayes

Mindy Johnson

Sharita Moyers

Hunter Williams

Bill 28-10-S

There was a motion to have the bill constructively read. There was a second. The motion passed with two (2) opposed.

The author spoke about the bill.

There was a technical question by Austin Wingate: what residence halls would they be going to?

It’s the 11 TVs with the flat screens. If the program takes off, we’ll visit it next year

There was a technical question: Do we have to pay a fee to use them?

No, just check them out with your I.D.

The bill passed unanimously.

There was a motion to suspend the bylaws to move bill 30-10-S to unfinished business. There was a second. The motion passed with one (1) opposition.

Bill 30-10-S

There was a friendly amendment by Jacob Turner: in every whereas clause, move the comma before the and

There was a technical question by Emmy Woosely- do we know what our budget is right now?

It would leave $500 in the general senate budget

There was a technical question by Emmy Woosely- I don’t want this to sound insensitive, I just don’t see the purpose in a t-shirt. Can you explain your thoughts on that?

It won’t have our Greek letters so that it’s open for everyone to wear. It will be given to her parents as well. The t-shirt is to remember the memorial. This will not be worn on that day; we will be wearing badge wear. It’s just a remembrance for our girls and especially her parents

There was a technical question: If this passes, will there be money for org aid?

Yes, it comes from different funding.

Austin Wingate: I see where Kat and her sorority sisters are coming from on this. I support this bill 100%. If you have second thoughts about this, think about how you would want that person remembered. Stuff like this does happen and we need to see that all of our students be remembered in some way.

There was a division. Eleven (11) in favor and seven (7) opposed with two (2) abstentions

There was a motion to move back into the bylaws. There was a second. The motion passed unanimously.


Kevin Smiley

-  Executive cabinet will be meeting at 6

-  Next week is the last week to put bills up for first read

Kendrick Bryan

-  Come to the WKU vs. UK game

Justin Thurman

-  Tomorrow we will be having our last org aid board meeting

Austin Wingate

-  Come to earth day celebration

-  The miss omega pageant will be in DUC at 6

-  There will be a forum in DUC at 6

-  My committee will be here right after senate


-  If you want to help with earth day, come talk to me

-  There’s an orchestra concert at first Baptist

-  The first orchestra concert in Vanmeter will be Friday

The Meeting Adjourned at 5:44 p.m.

Ann-Blair Thornton, Secretary of the Senate

Student Government Association

Western Kentucky University