Minutes for Finance Council
St. Mary’s Parish, Westphalia
December 4, 2014
Members Present: Jon Thelen,Trina Witgen, Lori Rademacher, Brian Smith, Chad Hengesbach, Jarrod Thelen
Members Absent: Greg Martin, Geri Pennell, Bill Nurenberg
Also Present:Father Eric, Mary Enneking, Alan Olsen
Call the Meeting to Order: Brian Smithcalled the meeting to order at 6:35p.m.
Opening Prayer: Father Ericled the opening prayer.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Chad Hengesbachand seconded by Lori Rademacherto approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Approval of October 23,2014 Meeting Minutes: Minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Lori Rademacherand seconded by Jon Thelento approve the minutesas written. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Continued discussion on the church heating system. Alan Olsen, Director of Property Management for the Diocese of Lansing, spoke with the council members about the condition of the current heating system and the logistics of purchasing a new heating system. All present at the meeting visited the boiler room and steam tunnels under the church for a visual inspection of the current system. Chad Hengesbach volunteered to contact Kirk Myers of Myers Plumbing and Heating to gather more information on the needed repairs to the current system. A motion was made by Jarrod Thelen and seconded by Chad Hengesbach to table the engineering contract with Matrix due to Alan Olsen’s input and due to the improved performance of the current heating system since the chimney was repaired and until further investigation by Chad Hengesbach. Motion approved unanimously. A motion was made by Lori Rademacher and seconded by Jon Thelen to approve the purchase of an automatic chemical feeder for the current system for $1,745 contingent on Chad Hengesbach’s conversation with Kirk Myers. Motion approved unanimously.
New Business:
Mary Enneking reported that the St. Mary School 6th grade class wrote letters to the PaperGator company asking for a bin in order to raise funds for the school. The company has had to place a second bin at the school due to high demand.
The Octoberfinancial reports were reviewed. A motion was made by Trina Witgen and seconded by Jarrod Thelento approve the reports. Motion carried.
Next Meeting: January 22, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Office.
Words from the Pastor: Father Eric stated that he is pleased with the financial state of the parish.
Adjournment: Lori Rademachermade a motion to adjourn and Jon Thelen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:12p.m.
Closing Prayer: Father Eric led the closing prayer.
Minutes taken by Jarrod Thelen.
These minutes have not been approved by the Council. (Approved by Finance Council 1/22/15)