Unit 5 Study Guide- Expansion and Division

  1. Describe why and how the first settlers moved west and started to explore and live in the West. Include information about Manifest Destiny, mountain men, the Oregon Trail, the Santa Fe Trail, the Donner Party, the Mormons, wagon trains, and Brigham Young.
  1. Explain how Texas, California, and the rest of the western states became a part of the United States. Include information about Mexican independence, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the Lone Star Republic, the Alamo, Goliad, Sam Houston, the Battle of San Jacinto, James K Polk, annexation, the Mexican-American War, the Mexican Cession, The Gadsden Purchase, the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and the Oregon Territory.
  1. Explain how the population of the American West quickly grew, how the wealth of the United States quickly grew and how this growth led to disagreements over slavery. Include information on the Wilmot Proviso, The California Gold Rush, John Sutter, 49ers, California, abolitionists, the Compromise of 1850, and popular sovereignty.
  1. Explain how the issues of the 1850s put the United States on a course toward the Civil War. Include information about the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave act, popular sovereignty, the Mexican Cession, the Wilmot Proviso, free-soilers, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas, Charles Sumner, Preston Brooks, Harriett Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the Dredd Scott Case, John Brown, and the raid on Harper’s Ferry.

Vocabulary terms for the Unit include

Manifest Destiny

Missouri Compromise

Mountain Men

Oregon Trail

Santa Fe Trail

Mormon Trail


Brigham Young

Joseph Smith

The Donner Party




Wagon trains

The Lonestar Republic

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna


The Alamo

Sam Houston

Battle of San Jacinto


James K Polk

The Rio Grande

Nueces River

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexican Cession

Gadsden Purchase

Wilmot Proviso

California Gold Rush


Levi Strauss

Wells & Fargo

Popular Sovereignty

Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay



Fugitive slave Act

Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Harriett Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Bleeding Kansas

John Brown

Charles Sumner

Preston Brooks

Dredd Scott vs Sandford

Harper’s Ferry