The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Swor, in the Council Chambers on the lower level of the Mill Building at 201 N. Main Street, Linden, Michigan, 48451.


Present:Brad Dick, Daniel Cusson, Ray Culbert, Lynne Drewett, Bill Swor, Tom Williams

Absent:Joe Crawford

Others Present: Paul Zelenak, City Manager; Adam Young, City Planner; Lynn Henry, City Clerk


Motion by Culbert, seconded by Drewett to approve minutes, for the September8, 2015 meeting of the Planning Commission. Motion carried with a full yea vote.


(A)PC 11-15 Public Hearing on the Request for Rezoning of 802 N. Bridge St. from R-3 to LS District

Swor opened the public hearing at 7:02 PM. Applicants David and Suzanne Lossing present for the hearing. They have an option agreement that they wish to go through with, if approved, and can return with full site plans. They want to open an office for Suzanne, provide an area with a kiln, and to offer some classes, including for glass art. The applicants like the size of 802 N. Bridge and believe it is conducive to being a learning studio. The Lossings contacted about 25 neighbors of the building and discussed the plans with them. The neighbors were supportive but did not want there to be street parking for the business.

Terry Wright

Spot zoning was not possible at one time so we should give this opportunity to others for some changes.

Chris Kinyon

Once it is rezoned, that zoning stays with the property. You might considered a conditional rezoning.

Sue Eaton

If this is open to one person that can open it to more people. I am concerned about getting on Bridge from Murphy because traffic can already be bad in that area. I am concerned it will take away from our neighborhood.

Swor closed the public hearing at 7:15 PM.

Williams noted that he lives within 300 ft. of the subject lot.







(A)PC 11-15802 North Bridge Street Rezoning – Change from R-3 to LSDistrict

Young presented his report the requested rezoning. The applicants are requesting a zoning change from R-3 to LS District in order to establish a new art gallery and studio at the site with a space for instruction.

David Lossing- We are interested in conditional re-zoning. We thought that LS would be the best fit with the Loose Center being across the street with the same zoning, but would like to withdraw the rezoning application with the intention of reapplying for a conditional rezoning.

(B)PC 12-15Master Plan Review

Young presented his staff report regarding the 2011 City of Linden Master Plan. The Plan will be 5 years old in January. Every five years a review of the Plan must be completed to determine if there are any necessary updates.

Dick asked that staff make recommendations regarding Master Plan Evaluation Questions 8, 9, 12, 13.

Culbert asked that Young move forward with the 13 evaluation questions in his staff report, to answer yes or no, and send the answers to the Planning Commission. He also requested that this be sent to select local businesses and organizations to open the Plan up for comment.

Terry Wright

Commission should review the Master Plan to make it more user friendly for the Union Block. Maybe don’t put anything there. It is a small piece of property. See what kind of public input you get.

(C)PC 13-15Front Yard Parking

Culbert- The vote from City Council turned down the recommended front yard parking ordinance 4-3. Some of the concern was that this ordinance would create a situation where families could not use their yard when they have parties. I think this originally came to us through our police chief because of all the cars being parked across front yards, but now we are hearing that we are preventing people from having additional parking on their yards when they have parties.

Zelenak- The intent is not to prevent people from having parties and using the yard for parking in that situation. We can allow parking adjacent to the driveway in the yard, or expand the ordinance to allow it more in another way.

Culbert- I would like to table it for a month to talk to the Police Chief and get his thoughts on these issues.

Dick- The feedback from the City Council Meeting was that it would be considered if there could be parking alongside the driveway too.

Marlene Coleman

We cannot park in the street already. We walk around town and bicycle and we do not see violations. I think we have enough ordinances already and we can forget the parking issue.

Chris Kinyon

Nowhere in the ordinances does it talk about for sale parking. In the public hearing it did not say anything about vehicles for sale.


Culbert- Paul and I will be bringinga plan over for audio visual equipment.


The meeting was adjourned by Swor at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

______Approved: ______

Lynn Henry, Clerk

City of Linden Minutes for Planning Commission Regular MeetingOctober5, 2015 Page 1