Minutes for COAH Chairs’ Meeting

Feb 22, 2017

COAH Dean’s Conference Room

In attendance:

Pauline Gagnon, Clint Samples, Rob Kilpatrick, Walter Riker, Steve Goodson, Shelly Elman, Meg Pearson, Kevin Hibbard & Kevin Shunn (Art)

Meeting called to order 11:00am

Minutes for Feb 8, 2016 meeting were approved.


1)Items per Associate Dean-Prep for Saturday!

  • CS presented and outlined two handouts regarding the upcoming COAH College Preview Day on Saturday. He outlined that we had around 97 perspective students attending, give or take.
  • Set up between 8:00 and 8:30 Saturday morning, while students and parents will start to show up around 9:00, Transfer advising will take place at 12:00. CS referred to the details on the COAH College Day Handout and discussion ensued.
  • There was a request for CS to send link to Preview Day to all chairs and KH asked if all of COAH were eating in the same assigned area discussion ensued.
  • PG requested each chair to send her one short story of someone with a one of our degrees who is doing something slightly associated to their degrees, but using those skillsets in a creative way.
  • SE requested considerations for links on humanities & Parent misperceptions for Job opportunities,
  • Short discussion ensued…

2)Course creation for fall/summer

  • PG and CS outlined that COAH is currently using approved funding for PT lines and needs, but if departments have questions or additional need please contact CS.
  • PG is asking for all needs and funding sources to have a discussion with Provost Crafton.
  • It was outlined that departments should go ahead and create the classes but make sure these courses are zeroed out, and it was reiterated that departments should send requests for additional request to CS as soon as possible.
  • PG further explained the process and need to work with CS and included our needs for courses in Newnan.
  • Discussion shifted to Part-time Pay and PG outlined that honors will work to provide the 3K per course, while the Provost’s office will still cover the 2.5K; however, PG further outlined that it wouldn’t be possible for COAH to cover all Part-timer with terminal degrees up to the 3K, given the current college budget.
  • Pauline encourages departments to speak with Janet Donohoe, Dean of the Honors College about opportunities for honors classes.
  • Discussion ensued…
  • PG stressed the main thing is for consistency across the college.

3)DFW rates and data forthcoming

  • PG announced, that History and English have been working on G2C strategies to impact courses with high DFW rates in order to get rates lowered. (HIST 2111 and ENGL 1101)
  • PG asked MP to explain how English is working on this (Emphasizing that English had already started work in this before G2C).
  • MP outlined English’s strategies by assessing student accomplishments through ENGL 1102 and a measure for success in ENGL 1101. MP further outlined that they are still working on the rubric. SE asked if things were adjusted to make courses easier, and MP explained that no , but the classes were focusing on the steps to succeed, PG further stated that we are not making things easier but redirecting focus on the work needed for student success.
  • SG outlined for History, the faculty are still in discussion, so the jury is still out.
  • Discussion ensued…
  • PG explained that EK will start her transition back into the Dean’s office and will be sending out Departmental DFW rates and that each department should identify one course with high DFW rates , which could be worked on over the coming year. PG further explained that she will work on this in-house and there is no need to announce at this time or send out false alarms to increase faculty stress.
  • MP reiterated that English did this because they needed to
  • Further discussion ensued…

4)Assessment-WEAVE-Nov 1 date to complete (close the loop!)

  • PG outlined that Departments needed to just keep track of information at this time regarding departmental assessment.
  • And that more would be coming soon regarding Weave. PG was asked for dates on assessment and what assessment was required? PG outlined that the new system is coming and NOV 1 was given for date; however, she explained that it was still unclear what, but at least we know when.
  • A lively discussion ensued…
  • PG further encouraged Departments to be aware that it’s coming back so please stay tuned.
  • CS will reach out to Amanda in Reeds office about this, but at this time we still have no picture if what the Annual report will look like or require of us..

5)LEAP –encourage faculty to submit courses!

  • PG explained LEAP and encouraged faculty for submissions.
  • SE asked for examples as she thought it was going to focus on XIDS offerings. PG explained it was more academic and that they want new ideas/courses or for faculty to propose tweaked existing courses. PG asked if Chairs knew of colleagues who were planning to submit proposals.
  • Discussion ensued…

RK and CS excused themselves at 11:53am

6)Part time pay –consistency in COAH

  • PG outlined this was covered in previous discussions

7)Feedback from Ketty meetings

  • PG asked for feedback and discussion ensued…(All feed back was positive)
  • PG outlined her continued interest in the COAH Deans Signature Series and PG outlined that Ketty is doing great job.

8)Theme Year-redux ENG-Book/FL&L HumConf/(MP/WR/RK)

  • MP, WR& RK worked on items regarding theme years for COAH.
  • MP presented on handouts prepared by the group. Recommendations were to start in 2017-18 with an introduction and build momentum for 2018-19. Ideas for co or cross teaching seminars and making connections to LEAP “ Make it LEAPY”.
  • PG like the idea of steps and building momentum, ideas for small groups to link in more in the coming years .
  • MP suggested a common link could be liberal education
  • PG would like to announce this at the COAH faculty meeting
  • SE stated that starting early world assist faculty and programs with planning.
  • PG mentioned involvement with the public/community with options for visiting lecturers or existing specialist to present and discussion ensued…
  • PG discussed processes for Serenbe and the Research Residency option and talked about applications coming sometime in March, all agreed.

9)Majors Fair location

  • NA


  • PG asked for as much information on workloads to ensure we were telling the whole story.

The meeting adjourned around 12:20pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Kevin Shunn

Timeline for Evaluations

Jan 30: ALL FAC self-evals due to chairs/Chairs self-evals to Dean

Feb 1-24: COMPLETE Fac Evals/Chair-Dean face-to-face eval mtgs.


NOTE: Staff timeline requires completion but Feb 24

ENGAGE WEST survey rungs Feb 7-March 13


--COAH College Day: February 25th , 2017-- 9-12

--2016-2017 Preview Dates: Apr 23rd


Deadline for Agenda Items// COAH Executive Committee Meetings

Mar 31 Friday, April 7, 2017 at 2PM


APRIL 27TH 3:30

TLC 1301