City Council
Meeting Minutes 3
June 12, 2001
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
PRESENT B. Smith*; B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley*,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
A.B. Maurer, City Manager.
D.H. Edey, City Clerk.
* Participated via the telephone.
Deputy Mayor A. Bolstad called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Mayor B. Smith was absent.
Councillor L. Chahley entered the meeting via the telephone.
Mr. Hasan Nazarali, Alwaez of the Ismaili Moslem Community of Edmonton, led the assembly in prayer.
MOVED M. Phair – B. Anderson
That the City Council Agenda for the June 12, 2001 meeting be adopted with the following additions:
E.1.h. Contract Negotiations – Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3197 – IN PRIVATE.
E.1.i. Property Taxes.
F.1.c. President’s Summit on Affordable Housing – Additional Information.
L.1.h. Bylaw 12596 – Alarm Systems Bylaw Amendment No. 1 – Attachment 4.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
MOVED R. Noce – T. Cavanagh
That the Minutes of the May 22, 2001 City Council meeting and May 30, 2001 City Council Public Hearing meeting be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
B.1.a. Fellowship Award from the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (R. Noce).
Councillor R. Noce, on behalf of Members of Council, congratulated Councillor T. Cavanagh for receiving the 37th Fellowship Award from the Purchasing Management Association of Canada. Councillor T. Cavanagh was the past National President of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada in 1970 – 1971, and has also taught the purchasing course at NAIT and at the University of Alberta Management Development Certificate Program.
B.1.b. Proclamation Designating June 15th, 2001 as “Canadian Forces Day” in Edmonton (A. Bolstad).
Deputy Mayor A. Bolstad welcomed special guests Lieutenant-Colonel R. Curry, Commanding Officer, Area Support Unit Edmonton; Lieutenant-Colonel
J. Ellis, Commanding Officer, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) and the Members of the Edmonton Salutes Committee: Councillor R. Rosenberger, Co-Chair; B. Bannister, Co-Chair; S. MacNab; K. Keith; D. Pelletier; R. Cooke; F. Parker; and A. Gray, Communications Co-ordinator. Lieutenant-Colonel
R. Curry and Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ellis were invited to accept the Proclamation designating June 15th as “Canadian Forces Day”.
Members of Council warmly acknowledged Lieutenant-Colonel R. Curry, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ellis, and the Members of the Edmonton Salutes Committee.
Lieutenant-Colonel R. Curry and Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ellis thanked Council for this great honour and Council’s continued support.
B.1.c. Welcome to the St. Gerard School (A. Bolstad).
Deputy Mayor A. Bolstad, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 6 students from St. Gerard School and their teacher Mrs. Williamson.
B.1.d. Welcome to the St. Richards School (A. Bolstad).
Deputy Mayor A. Bolstad, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 6 students from St. Richards School and their teacher Mr. Lema.
MOVED J. Taylor – W. Kinsella
That items D.2.b.; D.3.a.; E.1.b.; E.1.c.; E.1.d.; E.1.i.; F.1.b.; G.1.c.; H.1.a.; H.1.b. and the in private item G.1.d., be exempted for debate; and
D.2.a. Sale of the Electrical Inspection Division of EPCOR Technologies Inc. (A. Bolstad). Ø
That the May 8, 2001 Corporate Services Department report be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.E. REPORTS RELATED TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MATTERS
E.1.a. Business Taxes Recommended for Write-Off. Ø
That the write-off of $258,989.04 in uncollectible business taxes and penalties covering the period January1,2000 to December 31, 2000, be approved. / Planning and Dev.E.1.e. Notice of Intention to Designate the Sarah McLellan Residence located at 1113584Avenue as a Municipal Historic Resource. Ø
1. That the City Clerk be authorized to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource (Attachment 1 of the April 23, 2001 Planning and Development Department report) to the owner of the property occupied by the Sarah McLellan Residence in accordance with Section 22 of the Historical Resources Act.2. That the General Manager of Planning and Development Department be hereby appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate the Sarah McLellan Residence. / City Manager
Planning & Dev.
E.1.f. Notice of Intention to Designate the Armstrong Block located at 10125 – 104 Street as a Municipal Historic Resource. Ø
1. That the City Clerk be authorized to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource (Attachment 1 of the April 23, 2001 Planning and Development Department report) to the owner of the property occupied by the Armstrong Block in accordance with Section 22 of the Historical Resources Act.2. That the General Manager of Planning and Development Department be hereby appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate the Armstrong Block.
3. That a one-time $200,000 funding for the Heritage Reserve Fund be identified as a priority for consideration in the 2002 Operating Budget. / City Manager
Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 29, 2001
Council Budget
E.1.g. Notice of Intention to Designate the Hull Block located at 10601 - 97 Street as a Municipal Historic Resource. Ø
1. That the City Clerk be authorized to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource (Attachment 1 of the February 12, 2001 Planning and Development Department report) to the owner of the property occupied by the Hull Block in accordance with Section 22 of the Historical Resources Act.2. That the General Manager of Planning and Development Department be hereby appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate the Hull Block.
3. That a one-time $200,000 funding request for the Heritage Reserve Fund be identified as a priority for consideration in the 2002 Operating Budget. / City Manager
Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 29, 2001
Council Budget
E.1.h. Contract Negotiations – Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3197.
1. That the June 8, 2001 Corporate Services Department report remain In-Private as it pertains to collective bargaining as per S.24(I) Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.2. That City Council ratify the proposed settlement between the City of Edmonton and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3197.
3. That the News Release (Attachment 2 of the June 8, 2001 Corporate Services Department report) be approved for release following ratification by the City and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3197.
4. During the term of the Collective Agreement, those persons who have been authorized to bargain are authorized to enter into and execute ancillary agreements regarding clarification and interpretation of the collective agreement and minor modifications to contractual provisions which do not have substantial financial impacts. / Corporate Svcs.
F.1.a. Community Services Capital Budget Adjustment. Ø
1. That the budget approved for project 01-21-5200, Minimum Park Development be increased by $181,000 in Developer funding for a total of $497,000.2. That the budget approved for project 01-21-0079, Neighbourhood Park Development Phase I & II be increased by $125,000 in Residential Land Assembly (RLA) Reserve funding for a total of $1,925,000.
3. That the budget approved for project 99-21-4147, Louise McKinney Park be increased by $942,000 in Grant funding for a total of $2,242,000. / Community Svcs.
F.1.c. President’s Summit on Affordable Housing – Additional
Information. Ø
G.1.a. Transportation Master Plan – Status of Implementation. Ø
That the April 30, 2001 Transportation and Streets Department report be received for information. / Transportation & StreetsG.1.b. Environmental Strategic Plan - Report on Environmental Performance 2001. Ø
That the May 22, 2001 Asset Management and Public Works Department report be received for information. / Asset Mgmt. & Public WorksCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
MOVED J. Taylor – M. Phair
1. That the following items not be made time specific:
H.1.a. Equitable Municipal-Provincial Relationship.
H.1.b. Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC).
2. That the following item be made time specific at 1:30 p.m.:
E.1.b. 2001 World Championships – Financial Status & Wading Pool.
3. That the following item be made time specific at 10:30 a.m.:
L.1.h. - Bylaw 12596 – Alarm Systems Bylaw Amendment No. 1.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
Councillor L. Chahley left the meeting.
MOVED J. Taylor – T. Cavanagh
That Council hear from the Representatives of the Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics at 1:30 p.m., with respect to item E.1.b. - 2001 World Championships – Financial Status & Wading Pool.
FOR THE MOTION: A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, R. Noce, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
OPPOSED: B. Anderson, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, M. Phair.
ABSENT: B. Smith; L. Chahley.
D.1.a. Downstream Effects of the Whitemud/Terwillegar Plan (W. Kinsella).
“Last week the Transportation and Public Works Committee received for information a report on the downstream effects of the Whitemud/Terwillegar plan. The report said that ongoing monitoring and consultation would occur. My questions are to the Transportation and Streets Department:1. How will consultation with the affected communities take place?
2. What benchmarks have been put into place to measure changes against?
3. Will monitoring include air and noise as well as traffic numbers?
4. What is the proposed schedule for ongoing monitoring?
5. How will the results of ongoing monitoring be acted upon? How will any necessary changes be funded?
6. How will the effects of neighbourhood calming measures be evaluated, particularly the impacts on adjacent neighbourhoods?
7. Will the consultation take into consideration the area as a whole, that is the combined communities or will it look at individual neighbourhoods only?
I would like the report to come back to the July 17, 2001 City Council meeting.” / Transportation & Streets
Due: July 17, 2001
D.1.b. Failure in the Sewer Line in the Kennedale Ravine (W. Kinsella).
“I understand that there was a major failure in a sewer line in the Kennedale Ravine on or about June 1 with the result that raw sewage was or has been spilling into the ravine and subsequently into the North Saskatchewan River. I would like a report from the Administration, for the June 19, 2001 Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, on this situation. Specifically, I would like to know when the break occurred, what the extent of the contamination is, what involvement Alberta Environment has had, when and how landowners and residents were informed, what kinds of reclamation need to take place and how the slope of the ravine will be stabilized to ensure that this does not happen again. Finally, I would like to know why City Councillors and the public were not informed of this situation and its implications?” / Asset Mgmt. & Public WorksTPW Committee
Due: June 19, 2001
D.1.c. Greater Edmonton Foundation’s (GEF) Belvedere Property
(R. Noce).
The Belvedere community has advised me that it is concerned about the vacant buildings on the property (eg. vandalism, etc.).
The Belvedere community would like all of the buildings on the property demolished. The GEF supports this request because it believes that it would assist the GEF in selling the property. However, the GEF does not have the budgeted funds available in 2001 to demolish the buildings on the property.
I would ask the City Manager to respond to the following questions:
1. What steps can the City of Edmonton take to assist the GEF with its desire to demolish the buildings on the property in 2001?
2. Would the City of Edmonton be prepared to allow the GEF to demolish the buildings in 2001 and make an adjustment to the GEF budget in 2001?
I would ask the City Manager to respond to City Council by June 26, 2001.” / City Manager
Due: June 26, 2001
D.1.d. SFI Rates (M. Phair).
“The Province recently announced that it is asking for comments regarding SFI rates. Is the City going to respond? How will citizens most affected in Edmonton be encouraged to respond?I would like the reply to return to the July 9, 2001 Community Services Committee meeting.” / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: July 9, 2001
D.1.e. Damage to Trees, Shrubs and Plants Along Boulevards and in Parks (M. Phair).
“This past winter and spring there has been a fair amount of damage to trees, shrubs and plants along boulevards and in parks. I would like to know from Community Services if they have been to assess the damage, if there are any plans to replace damaged trees and plants and whether the Department’s budget will cover the costs.I would like this report to come back to the Community Services Committee by July 23, 2001 or earlier.” / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: July 23, 2001
D.2.b. Task Force on Urban Issues (M. Phair). Ø
MOVED M. Phair – D. Thiele
That the June 5, 2001 Office of the City Manager report be referred to the Executive Committee. / City ManagerExec. Committee
Due: June 20, 2001
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, L. Langley,
R. Noce, M. Phair, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.