The meeting commenced at 7.00 p.m. and finished at 7.40 p.m.
Councillor Parker (Chairman)
Councillors Mrs Deas, Mrs Dion, Smith, Sorton and Parker
Members of the public present: - 16
Officers in attendance:
Jonathan Burke, Strategic Planning Services
Steve Cattle, Legal and Democratic Services
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ms Atkinson.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th February 2005 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
The Chairman stated that a request had been received from Mr T Stewart on behalf of the Southern Poole Chairmen for a presentation to be made at this Area Committee on Local Partnerships and Local Area Agreements.
Jonathan Burke, Poole Partnership/Strategic Planning Services gave a short presentation to the meeting on Local Area Agreements and how these fitted into the current Partnership arrangements. He advised the meeting that LAA’s were a new initiative from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister on Agreements between Local Authorities, their Partners, and Central Government on locally targeted areas for improvement. Initially they were likely to be focusing on:-
Children and young people
Safer and stronger communities
Healthy communities and older people
LAA’s could be seen within the context of the Government’s larger: “The Future of Local Government – Developing a 10 year vision” programme. This document stated that::
“the Government’s aim was to put people at the centre of public services …… Local Government, at the heart of the Community, with the knowledge about local needs and in the front line of delivery, was in a pivotal position to ensure that public services were designed around the needs and preferences of local people and community”.
LAA’s would be made between The Government, The Local Authority and its major delivery Partners in an area – working with the Local Strategic Partnership – including Primary Care Trust, Police etc., with strong local accountability. LAA’s were driven by the Local Authority, working with the LSP, ensuring engagement with local Partners. They offered Councils, and their partners, greater freedom to explore local solutions to local problems. Outcomes and indicators would be in place for each of these themes – building on priorities and issues already recognised locally. As yet there was no agreed timescale for an LAA within Poole but it was seen that these would make a real difference to Poole people and Local Authorities who would have a strong role and input into this process.
The following points were highlighted by those present at the meeting:-
Data collection was important and this information could be shared
Isolated Elderly were an important factor to be taken into account of especially in the Canford Cliffs Area
AGREED that the presentation be noted.
The Chairman reported that a question had been received from Mr T Stewart regarding community involvement in Area meetings. He stated that a response on this question had been included with the Agenda.
Councillor Sorton stated that the Working Group had met on 13 April 2005 and it was hoped that recommendations would be made on a protocol and consultation process regarding the future way in which Area meetings would operate.
A resident felt that the advertising material issued by the Council for Area meetings should also identify local transport links which could be useful for residents who did not have cars.
AGREED that the contents of the question be noted.
(a)Traffic Panel
The Chairman reported that the Traffic Panel had met on 9th March 2005 and discussed the following items related to this Area meeting:-
(i)Florence Road – request for “give way” lines and warning signs. The Traffic Panel had recommended that no action be taken on this item.
(ii)Kings Avenue – measures to prevent parking in Kings Avenue. The Traffic Panel had recommended no action be taken on this item.
(iii)Spur Road/Penn Hill Avenue junction – measures to prevent parking close to the junction. The recommendation from Traffic Panel was to impose “no waiting at any time” restrictions at the Penn Hill Avenue junctions with Spur Road and Spur Hill Avenue.
AGREED that the report be noted.
(b)Transportation Budget 2005/6
The Chairman reported that the Area Committee had a budget of £8,637 available for the coming financial year and the following items had been approved by the Committee or under delegated powers, through the Traffic Panel process:-
Shore Road – direction sign - £800
Penn Hill – night time taxi rank - £1,000
Penn Hill Avenue, junctions with Spur Road and Spur Hill Avenue – yellow lines - £1,000
AGREED that approval be given to the above schemes for implementation in 2005/6.
Steve Cattle reported that the Council was developing the Harbourside Park Management Plan to guide the Management and Development of the Park over the next 5 years. At a recent meeting of the Environment Overview Group it was felt that all Area Committees should be aware of the consultation exercise and for comments and views to be made by residents. He stated that if anyone wished to find out more about the Plan, information was available on the Council’s web site or via the offices of Leisure Services at 30-32 Northmead Drive, Creekmoor.
The following questions were raised:-
(a)Mr Sprackling drew attention to the problems with Gleesons in Shore Road who were using disabled parking spaces for their development works.
Steve Cattle undertook to refer this to Transportation Services.
(b)Mr Taylor drew attention to the state of the roads following works by Utility Companies, especially in Lindsay Road.
Steve Cattle undertook to refer this matter to Transportation Services.
(c)Mr McLeas drew attention to the amount of graffiti in the County Gates areas, especially on Poole Road/Lindsay Road and the walk over bridge at Frizzells.
Steve Cattle undertook to refer this matter to Environmental and Consumer Protection Services.
(d)Mr Mutlow drew attention to an advertisement which appeared in the local press regarding proposed waiting restrictions in Corfe View Road and asked where this had been discussed.
Steve Cattle responded by stating that this had not been included in the budget for next year in relation to this Area Committee and felt that this road was the responsibility of the Parkstone Area Committee. He undertook to clarify the matter for Mr Mutlow.
(e)Mrs Seward asked whether it was still the Council’s policy to erect planning application notification notices as this seemed to be a random exercise?
The Chairman responded by stating that Council did more than was required under the Planning Regulations and indeed notices were always erected making residents aware of planning applications. Unfortunately a number of the notices were removed.
A discussion then took place on residents submitting representations/petitions and the fact that especially with regard to planning applications, when this information was submitted to the Council it was then made available on the Internet. There were some concerns on this especially with regard to the fraudulent use of signatures which was on the increase. The Chairman stated that legal advice was being sought on this issue.
(f)Mrs Seward highlighted the fact that a number of questions had been raised by residents at the meeting and she felt that there was a place for an Open Forum at future meetings.