School of Healthcare Sciences
Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal lechyd
Standards for Professional Conduct and Behaviour
Undergraduate Pre-Registration Programmes
Student Agreement
This document sets out the expected standards for professional conduct and behaviour of Nursing and Midwifery students within the School of Healthcare Sciences.
In signing this document you agree to abide by the School of Healthcare Sciences’ standards stated here and in your student handbook, which is also available on Learning Central.
You should also refer to the University’s Student Handbook.Signing this document also confirms that you have read and agree to abide by all the standards in the University Academic Regulations Handbook.This includes information on the Student Fitness to Practise Procedure and the Student Disciplinary Procedure.
All Nursing and Midwifery students, on successful completion of their programmes, will be eligible to apply to join the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) professional register.
Students will be expected to comply with the NMC Guide for Students of Nursing and Midwifery:protecting the public through professional standardsand theNMC The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics at
Nursing and Midwifery students, in caring for patients and clients, are expected to abide by this code.
The following agreement sets out in a convenient supplementary format some of the additional duties and requirements which apply to you as a student aspiring to a nursing or midwifery qualification. It is in addition to the academic and other requirements referred to above. This is an agreement between the School of Healthcare Sciences and students of Nursing and Midwifery. It does not constitute a contract of employment. Its purpose is to outline the responsibilities of the National Health Service (NHS), non-NHS placements, the University and students who are undertaking pre-registration Nursing or Midwifery programmes. It seeks to clarify our expectations of students when on University and NHS, other organisations’or agencies’premises or involved in NHS or other organisations’business for educational purposes. These expectations are now addressed individually:
1.1As part of your successful application to the School of Healthcare Sciences, you will have completed a medicalquestionnaire or undergone a medical examination prior to commencing the programme.
You may also, at any time during your programme, be required to undergo a further medical examination if, in the opinion of the NHS and/or University, this is necessary.
1.2You are required to meet NHS requirements for all medical vaccinations. At the commencement of the programme you will be required to attend the Occupational Safety Health and Environment Unit (OSHEU) in order for them to verify your vaccination status. Failure to attend any appointments without either notifying the University or OSHEU may lead to disciplinary action which could result in your removal from the programme
1.3You are required to consent to a criminal record (DBS) check prior to the commencement of the programme. You will also be asked to sign a declaration at the end of each year that your record is up to date and that it contains no further offences since commencing the course. Should it emerge that false information has been provided in connection with the check, this may lead to disciplinary action being taken or discontinuation from the programme.
2.1Attendance requirements are incorporated into the progression arrangements (see Student Handbook). Attendance is required at all arranged teaching and clinical skills sessions within the School and a register of attendance will be maintained for all sessions. Some of these sessions are mandatory where attendance is required by regulation, e.g. manual handling,basic life support. Any absence from class should be by prior arrangement and mandatory sessions will need to be re-arranged.
2.2You are required to attend all practice placements as planned and indicated by the placements list provided by the school. If for any reason you are unable to attend any practice placements, you are required to inform your placement and the Programme Support Team before commencement of your shift (see Student Handbook).
2.3Any employment undertaken by a student is secondary to the requirements of the programme and should not compromise the expected attendance in School or placements, nor commitment to the programme.
2.4Students who choose to engage in employment whilst undertaking the nursing or midwifery programmes should be aware that they are exercising their individual right to do so and should not claim to have particular nursing or midwifery skills as a result of being a student of the University. Uniforms provided by the University must not be worn when engaged in extracurricular employment or activities.
3.1You have a legal responsibility to ensure that you abide by the safe practices and codes prepared by the University and NHS or other organization or agency in which you are working and have a responsibility, together with management, for maintaining safe working practices. You are expected to complete the annual on-line Health, Safety and Environment Learning Package which can be accessed via:-
4.1It is a requirement that you will familiarise yourself with the policies and practices of the University, NHS organisations and Independent sector, for dealing with fires and the safe evacuation of patients, staff and fellow students. It is mandatory to attend the annual University Fire Lecture.
5.1In the course of your work, you will come into possession of information regarding patients/clients and their circumstances. Such information must be regarded as confidential and should be divulged to other individuals / agencies only if the patient consents, or when required to do so by law.
5.2Breaches of confidentiality may result in termination in your participation in the programme. All breaches of confidentiality will be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action by the University.
5.3Students are required not to divulge information to the media regarding events that take place within the NHS, other organisations or agencies,or the School of Healthcare Sciences. Any enquiries by the media should be referred to the Programme Manager / University Communications and Marketingdepartment (CAIRD) / the Head ofSchool.
6.1Your attention is drawn to the fact that your personal effects are not covered by any University insurance policies. The University, NHS,and other organizations and agencies accept no liability for loss or damage arising from fire, theft or any other loss of any personal property belonging to students onUniversity or NHS premises or grounds. You are advised to cover your personal possessions by an appropriate insurance policy. You must also obtain business travel on your car insurance if you intend to use your car during any of your clinical placements.
This section addresses your responsibilities as a student of the School of Healthcare Sciences.
Students of CardiffUniversity are subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of Senate and are expected to conform fully to the University regulations both on and off campus.
Failure to comply with any of the following conditions may lead to disciplinary action and jeopardise your future on the programme.
7.1The NHS, other organisations and agencies, and the University expect all students to act responsibly and to maintain appropriate standards of personal behaviour at all times in accordance with the expectations laid down within the NMC The Code: standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (2008). Any event of misconduct will be investigated by the University.
7.2The University expects students to act responsibly and to maintain appropriate standards of personal behaviour at all times. This relates to your time in University, on clinical placements and inyour free time. It also relates to information about the University, its staff and students, and images posted on social web sites such as Facebook,Twitter, and Youtube.
When using IT Facilities you will need to comply with the University IT Regulations and Acceptable Use Policy. Anyone found in breach of the regulations will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary code. Further guidance on IT use can be found in your student handbook and at
7.3Students whose behaviour is deemed to bring the profession or the University into disrepute will have their actions investigated and it may lead to disciplinary action being taken. The Student Disciplinary Codeand Students’ Fitness to Practice Procedurecan be found in the Academic Regulations Handbook.Your personal and professional conduct may impact on your ability to continue on the programme and on your fitness to practise.
7.4The use of bad or abusive language or aggressive behaviour towards other students or staff will not be tolerated and disciplinary action will result. This includes any communications that appear in the public domain, including social web sites.
7.5You must inform the School immediately if there has been a change to your criminal record. If you fail to notify the School, this may result in you being discontinued from your programme.
7.6Students, who unduly or repeatedly disrupt classes following reasonable requests to desist, will be asked to leave the room and their conduct reported to the Programme Manager, who may refer to a senior academic. Disciplinary action may be implemented.
7.7Whilst engaged in any tutorial, teaching session or undertaking examinations all mobile phones, personal pagers or any device which can emit a disturbing noise must be switched off.
7.8The School of Healthcare Sciences does not permit those under the age of 18 who are not registered as Cardiff Universitystudents into timetabled teaching, clinical skills or tutorial sessions.
7.9As required by law, smoking is prohibited within all placement and University premises, except in designated areas.
7.10When in the University and on clinical placement, a student found to be under the influence of alcohol will be subject to fitness to practise or disciplinary procedures.
7.11At any time any student found to be under the influence, in possession of, or dealing in illegal drugs will be subject to the fitness to practise procedure. The Police will also be notified.
8.1It is against The Code(NMC 2008) to accept monies or gifts from a patient or relative. If you are offered a gift or money you must politely refuse or seek advice from your personal tutor.
9.1You will be expected to adhere to the Uniform Policy with regard to the standard of dress whilst in clinical practice (see Appendix 1 - Programme Handbook). Body piercing should be removed while in uniform; this applies to ‘fixed’ body piercing which should be removed prior to commencement of the programme. Uniforms provided by the University must not be worn when engaged in extracurricular employment or activities. Failure to comply with the uniform policy may result in disciplinary action.
Please sign below. A copy will be retained in your student file.
School of Healthcare Sciences
Standards for Professional Conduct and Behaviour
Student Declaration of Agreement
As a student of the School of Healthcare Sciences, I agree to abide by the conditions laid out in this document and have read and agree to abide by the NMC and Cardiff University regulations.
Failure to sign, agree or comply with any of these conditions or regulations may lead to withdrawal from the programme.
Signed: (Student) …………………………………
Print Name:
Signed: (University) …………………………………
Chair’s Action Board of Studies
25 February 2009 last updated 14 January 2015