Go Solar Florida Plans/Plans Approval Team

June 30th Conference Call Minutes

Call Participants: Stephen Barkaszi, FSEC; Keith Showalter, FSEC; Aneta Duhigg, Orange County; Michael Huneke, Broward County

Meeting Discussion Summary

Plans System

·  Update on Electrical and Structural System Demo: Path forward: currently working on conversions to server and interface refinement with server and database. Version 2.0 has been delayed due to IT issues dealing with the server. Once server issue resolved, version will tested and debugged on the new server and sent out to the team for review. New deadline: on or before July 14th, (allowing the team to discuss new version during next call). Version 2.0 will optimize electrical algorithms. Version 2.1 will be released approximately one month later and will optimize structural algorithms. Version 2.2 will finalize plans package and feature a fully functional database for algorithm calculations. Database will initially be populated with American suppliers of modules, inverters, rail systems etc. Stephen working on revised schedule including plans system version release dates.

·  Code Revisions: no new discussion.

Certification Process

·  Master Design Manual: no new discussion.

·  Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF): no new discussion: Strategies for Engaging: contact BOAF Board of Directors to discuss possible use of their mailing list for a Plans System email, or a link on the BOAF website to the Go SOLAR Florida website.

·  Contractor and Solar Community Advisory Group: no new discussion: revisit scheduling next conference call after we have made more progress, targeting end of July.

·  Training/ Class CEUs: no new discussion: Training will be worked on in parallel with plans system, FSEC to conduct a meeting to discuss options for web training and needed resources and schedule. Draft training program by early August, complete in September, open on-line training to select group by early October. Select group to include Plans Team and Solar Advisory Board. FSEC working on establishing CEUs for Plans System training and possible class at next year’s BOAF Annual Convention.

Other Discussion: no other discussion

Action Items

·  Stephen to provide plans system schedule with version release dates and other milestones (by 7/3/15).

·  Stephen to provide plans system version release 2.0 (by or before 7/14/15).

·  Stephen to follow-up about speaking at Central Florida Building Officials Meeting (on-going).

Next Conference Call: Tuesday, July 14th 2:00 p.m.

Call-in Number: 954-357-5485