The Vengeful Master of the Locks...
Water creeping down the wall, a babble of voices calling you to your doom in the stagnant, dismal water of the locks.
Precarious steps descending into the dismal black hole of ending.
Ivy slithering up fear frozen trees like sharp claws ready to strike and take revenge for its master - but who is their master?
by Niamh
The Beast of Fourteen Locks
On the day of the 15-12-42 there was a tall, threatening, green, headless minion ready to swipe at un-expecting human prey, with razor sharp claws a sharp as the devils trident made out of fire, to kill them and drag their souls into a deep dark underwater cave. where the beast waited...all the humans ever knew is that first a mist smothered the landscape, then a warm waterfall fell over them and then the beast attacked...
By Daniel
Coming back to life!
Headless dancing trees, swaying to the rhythm of the flowing water, escaping from the abandoned damp locks. their tangled twisted roots pointing mysteriously in the moon’s glow...
But at who?
Crumbling bark coated in lime green moss, covered by the thick silvery catching cobwebs, waiting to be filled by crawling spiders...
Who will they have for their feast?
Tragic souls sunk down, deep drowned in the dreary moss, nobody knows except the lost secrets from down below...
But how did it happen?
by Juwayriyah, Caitlin, Rebecca and Rebecca.
The Monster of Lock 14
The monster was completely camouflaged in the crystal clear blue water of the locks. it had glowing red eyes, aqua blue skin, dark blue fins and it was looking for its prey. Water cold, the sky was grey, Lock 14 was surrounded by a deep dark misty cloud. If you looked very intensely you would be able to see its deep red eyes glowing as it goes further down into deeper watery depths...
By Daniel
The Monster of Dragon Fly Pound
In legend a man said that he watched a man dive into the freezing rushing water and saw a strange grey colossal creature swim to where he have dived in. It grabbed him and he panicked and struggled. he was dragged under, then red blood rushed to the freezing surface. the towering rough green brown shady trees helped this vicious blood thirsty beast get camouflaged this terrifying creature. Can any brave strong person save us from that evil dull coloured smelly creature...?
By Rory
Flies and Cobwebs
Buzzzzzzz, a puzzled scrawny fly flew into lock 13. this shadowed, overgrown lock was not the same as any other, it was covered with hairy blood thirsty spiders. the annoying buzz, turned into a crunch, as a crawling spider caught it. day after day the colossal blinding cobwebs filled up, the spiders got bigger and bigger until one day...
By Matthew
Mysteries of the Forbidden Canal
Edward was out exploring with his brother, he had brought his microscope with him, it was his dream to become a famous archeologist. For generations people had been going there looking for treasure, beasts, but mostly the legendary lost barge. Edward and his brother were after all of these, after a while they came to a double path and split up. Soon it was Dusk luckily they has brought tents and food, something woke Edward, he got out of his tent and continued his adventure...
By Billy
Red or Dead!
The fourteen locks has always been haunted since the day of 1750, August, Friday 13th. It was on that exact night at 12pm the lost boat sank. On that night the air was full of death, there was a huge raging storm, then the Mist thickened, then suddenly the Devil of hell appeared out of the woods cackling. The devil was threatening disgusting creature, his horns seemed to curl up into the heavens, his teeth were ten time sharper than knifes. His eyes glowed madly like the sun. His pitch fork was a long tool of death...
By Rhys
The Skeleton Boatman
One dark gloomy stormy night, the skeleton of Harry Winchurch came alive. He was a former boatman until his boat crashed into the bank of a thin canal, in 1858. he wanted to have revenge on the relatives of his former old grumpy boss who died 20 years after HARRY in 1878....
By Sam
The Creature of Hell
Swimming swiftly the fish tried to avoid the cruel green swampy creature, but the damp arms entwined on the fish and all that was left was a skeleton floating in the water. The red eyes of the creature pierced the darkness and he saw a young boy called Alex, but before he could crush him to oblivion with his big arms, the boy has scurried away. Little did the monster know that alex would reveal the mystery of the natural disasters and why they happened, but could he save the world?
By Jude
The Era of Doomsday
The area of 14 locks has always been haunted by the mystery of the lost boat. the mysterious age of death clouded the world, mystical and strange beings roaming the stolen land. One day within 5 days of Doomsday lightening flashed, thunder crashed, then suddenly the Dragon of Doomsday arose. for the first time since the meteor wiped out the dinosaurs, The dragon was scary beyond words, his scales were an evil black, his eyes a blood red, his howl shook the heavens...
By Sam
The Signature!
Flowing down the enlaced moss wall, the water guides the tranquil waterfall into a pit of despair. Roots of trees form a fork on the wall. Only his signature left, the pitch fork is waiting...waiting for the right person to tell it’s secrets to. But who?
By Jaye
Waiting Locks
As locks await for restoration , ghostly trees entwined with mysterious vines of ivy waits, whispers and they are praying for her to come. She is the spirit of the dragonfly. She died for these locks. She drowned in despair but she was reassured that the man who killed her will be caught. But how....? When will he return?
By Erin
Adventure Awaiting
That’s when I fell. Down and down. Mauled trees glared at me with their devilish, twisted faces. I landed on something soft. Strong yet soft. But I was stuck, on the web of waiting, then the damp newspaper fell on me. This has to be a nightmare. A twisted, petrifying nightmare. Get me out of here...
By Katy
The Mythical Monster
I was walking along when I saw a ripple in the water. Something green and muddy came into sight. Everything was silent. Suddenly, a dark green horrible monster came up out of the water. It’s mouth opened wide to show some sharp, white teeth. But then I noticed the teeth were covered in blood. Dark red blood. I screamed and ran for my life. I was never, ever going back there again.
By Daisy
The Magic Trick
All was quiet around the lock. There was no noise. Lime green moss splishing and sploshing off the safe, sturdy ground into the enchanting water below. If you dared to look into the dreary, unclean water your reflection would sparkle back at you.
By Molly
The Meeting Area
In the woods, deep, deep into the woods, leaves were separated unwelcomly. Every night, in the light of the moon, a small creature would crawl into the opening, and howl twelve silent howls to show it was midnight. Only the ghosts of the past boatsmen could hear the silent howls. Hundreds of ancient rotting bodies trampled slowly to the opening to talk about their deaths and to relive their lives on the locks.
By Amy
The Old Newspaper
The damp newspaper in the dreary pond of the evil angel’s curse. With its heart stopping myths and frightening stories. This was the newspaper that the evil angel was carrying before she drowned. Rumours still say that when you say her name, her curse will begin and will forever haunt the Fourteen Locks.
By Ellie