14 MARCH 2007
The Meeting commenced at 7:00pm and finished at 8:00pm.
Councillor Eades (Chairman)
Councillors Mrs Hillman, Mrs Lavender, Meachin and Miss Wilson.
Members of the public present: 58 approximately.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Pethen and Trent.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
Councillor Meachin referred to Item 4 (Service Road behind Woolworths, Ashley Road), Item 5, (Herbert Avenue – Highway Issues) and Item 8 (Scott Road and Evering Avenue/Guernsey Road) and stated that no response had been received from Officers on these points which had been made at the last Meeting.
Steve Cattle undertook to include the necessary responses with the Minutes of this Meeting.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Area Committee held on 24 January 2007, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Steve Tite, the Acting Head of Transportation Services, presented a report on objections to the proposed yellow lines in Wolterton Road/Ingworth Road/Cornelia Crescent. His Report detailed the letters of objections and support which had been received. Wrights Dairies had objected to the proposals, stating that this would cause problems for local workers and suggested that the restrictions should be dropped from the northern side of Wolterton Road. A resident of Cornelia Crescent had written to ask for the existing lines in Cornelia Crescent to be removed. Another resident supported the existing and proposed lines in Cornelia Crescent but objected to the proposed lines in Wolterton Road which would displace parking into the residential area.
Steve Tite suggested that the double yellow lines proposed in Cornelia Crescent should be confirmed as they had not prompted objections from residents in this section of road. It was also felt that the new section of yellow lines proposed along the northern section of Wolterton Road could be omitted, provided the gap through the closure was kept free, and to reduce the amount of parking displaced into the residential area.
Mr Barney stated that there were serious problems in Cornelia Crescent and at the end of Wolterton Road and supported the recommendations.
AGREED that the Orders be made as advertised with the exception of the section in Wolterton Road opposite the Ingworth Road junction.
For: Unanimous
The Chairman reported that, at the Council Meeting on 15 February 2007, the following Motion had been received and referred to this Area Committee:-
“Council recognises that residents in and around Khyber Road have suffered for many years unacceptable levels of anti-social behaviour, including noise nuisance, motorbikes, drug dealing, drug taking and littering and therefore resolves to stop-up permanently the alleyway linking Layton Road with Khyber Road”.
The Acting Head of Transportation Services also presented a report, detailing the background and legal implications with regard to the path linking Khyber Road and Layton Road. He stated that the path link between the two roads was not an adopted public footpath, nor was it a public footpath recorded on the definitive map of Rights of Way. It was widely acknowledged that the definitive map did not show all public rights of way and that it should be kept under “continuous review” so if there was evidence of public use, the Council should record and assert and protect the public’s right to use it.
During 2004 reports of crime and anti-social behaviour were made to Officers in Property and Transportation Services and these were included in his report. Following these, Property Services fenced the path and arranged for a local resident to close it at night and re-open it during the day. Following closure at night a local resident reported people climbing over the fence at night and damaging his property. Following this vandalism and complaint the path was re-opened in August 2004.
Recent developments in 2006, along the route of the path, had taken place. However, they made no application to close the path under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which could have taken place because of the development. A note attached to the planning permission clearly stated that the right of way alongside the site should be maintained at all times while work was being carried out and at no time should it be obstructed. The path was currently closed by a combination lock which had allegedly been put on by a local resident in Layton Road.
There had been no formal application to add the path as a definitive map footpath, however, there was some evidence of use.
Steve Tite stated that there was no simple way forward on this issue and the information contained in his Report must be taken into consideration before a decision was taken. It was important to obtain the views of the Area Committee and it was suggested that an informal consultation could take place to gauge the feeling of residents in the area.
The Chairman asked for views from those present at the Meeting on this matter, as follows:
· Mr Maple, of 4 Khyber Road, spoke on behalf of a number of residents, drawing attention to the constant trouble which took place before the gate was erected on the path. Youths were causing disturbance and it was an escape route from the Police. Fly-tipping took place and parking was also an issue with residents not being able to get into their houses. Drug taking was also a problem. Things had improved but some youths still climbed over the gate and residents wished to see a wall erected and even consideration given to giving back the land to residents.
· Mrs Barker, of 8 Khyber Road, stated that since moving into the road in October last year she had felt threatened by youths using the path. Even with the gate being closed youths came onto her drive and climbed over her fence to get through. Groups of youths congregated in the alleyway, causing damage to her car and items were thrown over the gate. The footpath was abused and there was non-stop aggravation for residents and she supported the closure.
· Mr Bartlett of 9 Layton Road stated that this was the only access through and there would be health and safety issues if the lane were shut off. Many of the properties had coal fires and this path was the only access for delivery.
· Mrs Rowland of 11 Layton Road, wanted Khyber Road access left open as she used the lane to go shopping on Ashley Road and had lived there for 28 years and never experienced any problems.
· A resident felt that the Police records should be checked to see how many problems they had been called to which had included cars being damaged, bottles/cans being dumped and, more importantly, needles left lying on the ground. This situation had gradually got worse.
· A resident of Khyber Road drew attention to disturbance by youths which had taken place and their threatening behaviour also drew attention to the disgusting state of the path.
· A resident of Khyber Road drew attention to the fences which were damaged by youths who were often congregating on the path. Everyday there were problems of rubbish and cans blowing in through the adjoining properties and it was becoming a real eyesore.
· Mrs Maple of 4 Khyber Road stated that the residents were not asking for the path to be completely shut but just the thoroughfare to be closed off, especially at night.
· A resident of 10 Khyber Road stated that previously youths had been seen smashing windows at Smarts Garage and drinking alcohol but things had improved when the gate was erected.
· A resident asked what would happen when electric gates were erected on the new development close by.
· Mr Barney stated that the Officers should check the pre-1939 Ordnance Survey Maps and the Deeds of the properties to see what the access rights were for residents.
· A resident responded that his Deeds showed various rights of access and that he was more than happy to let the Council Officers see these.
The following comments were made by Members of the Committee:
· Councillor Mrs Lavender stated that she had been involved in this matter for at least 4 years and it had been originally suggested that a gate was put up but this was too costly and Property Services had agreed to erect a gate. Following this, things had got better. She felt that there was a need to block the path at the Khyber Road end but to still allow access at the Layton Road end for residents. She felt that residents living in the vicinity had suffered enough and that action should be taken as soon as possible.
· Councillor Miss Wilson felt that Property Services should be asked to investigate to see who owned the lane, especially at the Khyber Road end and that an investigation should take place to possibly give back to the residents the rear gardens in Layton Road. Access for residents in Layton Road was a problem.
· Councillor Meachin sympathised with the residents and felt that the lane should be closed at the Khyber Road end and that the remaining gardens should be returned to the residents.
The Chairman thanked everyone for their contribution on this item.
AGREED that the Area Committee, in the light of the representations made by residents, is minded to close off the section of path at the Khyber Road end. Officers be asked to investigate further the feasibility of this course of action. The Area Committee also feels that it would be advantageous to integrate the rest of the path into the rear gardens of the properties in Layton Road subject to any private rights which the owners may enjoy and the Officers be asked to further investigate this option. A further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee which could also include the results of an informal consultation with residents on the use of the path.
For: Unanimous
Steve Tite, Acting Head of Transportation Services, presented a report seeking approval of the Committee’s programme of minor traffic items for the coming year. The Area Committee had a budget of £5,400 and to date, the only scheme approved, had been the provision of yellow lines in Herbert Avenue, costing approximately £1,000.
Councillor Meachin asked why the Area Committee could not use this year’s money and drew attention to the fact that the budget allocation had been cut in half last year.
Steve Tite responded by stating that the process for spending the allocation could not be commenced until the beginning of the financial year.
Mr Maple drew attention to the situation in Albert Road which he felt was dangerous at the Ashley Road end and asked if railings could be put up to stop people using the service tills at the nearby Banks.
Steve Tite stated that this was an enforcement issue which he would investigate further.
Mrs Maple drew attention to the situation in Churchill Road/Livingstone Road with cars parked at the junction and that there was only room for one travel along the road. She stated that the parked vehicles caused a dangerous situation on the blind hill.
Steve Tite stated that this matter was being considered by the Parkstone and Newtown Area Committee.
AGREED that the yellow lines for Herbert Avenue be approved for implementation as part of the Area Committee’s programme for 2007/8.
For: Unanimous
· Mr Reid drew attention to the Scott Road Footpath and the fact that he had spoken to Steve Dean who had advised him that this was Leisure land. He also stated that he had not received an answer with regard to who owned the land at Manorside as this was a convenient walkway to the Community Centre.
Steve Tite undertook to investigate.
· Mr Reid also drew attention to the parking situation at Rossmore College and the Leisure Centre and the fact that people were not able to park due to insufficient spaces. He agreed that there was a great deal of activity in the area but that people were leaving as there was no adequate parking provision and therefore business was being lost.
· Councillor Meachin felt that Officers should investigate to find out if more parking could be provided in the area.
· Mr Shears made a request for Officers to look at the footpath at the Mullins Close end which currently had a step which disabled people found difficult to use.
Steve Tite undertook to investigate this matter.
· Mr Reid drew attention to the dog bin liners which had been provided by the Police and felt that this was a good idea and that hopefully, residents would use them in future.
· M.4 - Service road behind Woolworths, Ashley Road
The Head of Planning Design and Control Services has investigated this matter and advises that the areas of land are rear service yards and although some rubbish has been deposited, it is not sufficiently untidy to warrant a Section 215 Notice as the condition does not materially affect visual amenities.
Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 states that:-