

Of F.I.P.S.e.d. – Rome, March the 31st 2011

The Extraordinary Assembly of FIPSed met on March the 31st 2011 at 4.30 p.m. in the “Salone d’Onore” of the C.O.N.I. – Largo Lauro De Bosis 00194 – Rome – Italy, to deliver the following

Preliminary section:

-Opening of the Assembly;

-Establishment of a Commission to check the mandates;

-Ascertainment of the proper calling and necessary quorum of the Assembly and of the votes being represented.


1.Statutes modifications.


  1. Moral report of the President;
  2. Financial report of the Treasurer (years 2009 and 2010);
  3. Report of the Technical Commission;
  4. Appointment of the General Secretary;
  5. Appointment of the Treasurer;
  6. Assignment of Championships;
  7. Creation of regional Championships (like European Championship);
  8. New Nations;
  9. Sport Fishing World Championships;
  10. Propositions of Federations.


Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Channels Islands, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Marin, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America, Ukraine Wales.


Estonia (proxy to Latvia), Montenegro (Bosnia Herzegovina).


Igor Chinyakov, Richard CLEGG, Eric HUMPHREYS,Roland MARCQ, Claudio MATTEOLI, Imrich MICHALOVSKI, Ferenc SZALAY, Joao VIZINHA, Dragan BOSKOVIC, Jan VAN SCHENDEL et Barbara DURANTE (Interim General Secretary).

Before the beginning of the Assembly, the President proposes one minute of silence for the loss of the General Secretary, Mr. Dupuis who represented for him a loyal and important friend, in addition to a valid manager.

Opening of the meeting

The President MATTEOLI declares the General Meeting of the F.I.P.S.e.d. to be open.

Establishment of a Commission to check the mandates;

Upon proposal of the President, Mrs. Paola Altobelli, Mrs. Cristina Briganti and Mr. Fabio Savi were unanimously appointed to the Commission for the validation of proxies.

Ascertainment of the proper calling and necessary quorum of the Assembly and of the votes being represented.

The Commission for the mandates checking informs on the presence of 30 Delegates and delegates with proxies for a total of 32 Delegates. The number of delegates with right to vote is at 54.

The Assembly is declared as valid.


Statutes modifications

The President informs that the modifications of the Statutes were necessary as to adapt it to the CIPS ones. Both the “geographical zones” and the “anti doping” topics must be harmonized with the CIPS Statutes. In addition to some formal modifications, some substantial changes must be also provided in order to actualize the Statutes and to bring it up-to-date.

The President opens the discussion over the suggested propositions. He informs he will read every article, putting them under approval; once all articles are approved, the entire Statutes will then put under voting.

The Board approves Matteoli’s proposition.

The President reads all articles; the Statutes with the modifications are annex to this minute and it is part of it.

Articles 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are unanimously approved with their modifications.

The art. 8 raises a discussion upon the number of delegates that must be present in case of discussion and approbation of the Statutes modifications.

The 8 is unanimously approved with the following modification: “for the Statutes modifications and during the elective Assemblies it is necessary the presence of at least 50 % of delegates with right to vote”.

Afterwards the President reports on the art. 9.

Actually the FIPSed Praesidium is composed of the President, the two Vice-presidents (one deputy chairman and another responsible for the Technical Commission), the General Secretary/Treasurer and 7 members.

The new proposition suggests some bodies to be appointed instead of elected and to separate the two different charges for the Secretary and the Treasurer. In fact, the General Secretary must work all time close to the President, thus he is requested to be someone the Chairman trusts. The same consideration is valid for the Treasurer, who must moreover be expert in accountability. As well as the Technical Commission Chairman, who should be skilled and practiced in that field.

This is rather different for the Vice-president and the deputy President, who is only asked to politically embody the President’s charge during his absence.

The President asks to approve the following modification: “the President appoints the Secretary, the Treasurer and the President of the Technical Commission; afterwards the General Assembly must approve the appointment”.

Chinyakov suggeststhat these bodies are chosen among a rose of candidates proposed by the different Federations.

The President remarks he hasn’t any concern with this suggestion, but he asks the candidacies are annexed with curriculum vitae.

The Vice-president Szalayis of the opinion that the President should appoint these three persons.

After a long discussion, the President putsfirstly under vote the proposition to appoint directly the three bodies of General Secretary, Treasurer and President of the Technical Commission.

The proposition receives 24 votes in favour

8 abstentions

The President afterwards puts under vote the proposition to appoint the General Secretary, the Treasurer and the President of Technical Commission with following approval by the General Assembly.

The proposition receives 4 votes in favour

28 abstentions

For the reason above, with the majority required by the Statutes, the modification of the art. 9 of the Statutes is approved with the modificationabout the Presidential appointment of the following bodies: the General Secretary, the Treasurer, and the President of the Technical Commission.

The President points out that the inner rules will indicate the way these charges should be appointed.

As regards to art. 10, 11, 12 and 13,they are unanimously approved with the suggested modifications.

The President put under vote the article 14 concerning the “Official Languages”, with the proposition to reduce them to two official languages:

  • Votes in favour 22
  • Votes against3
  • abstentions7

the modification to art. 14 of the Statutes ia approved by the majority.

Articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 are unanimously approved with their changes.

After voting each single article, the President finally put under voting the entire statutes that is unanimously approved.

As there are no othertopics and no member takes the floor, at 5:30 pm the President declares closed the Assembly as regards to the extraordinary part.

He then suspends the meeting for a small coffee break before the beginning of the ordinary part.

The President starts the meeting at 5:45 pm.


1.Moral report of the President

The President reads the report as submitted.

He asks whether anyone has any intervention regarding his report. As there are no interventions, the President considers his report as approved.

2.Financial report of the Treasurer (years 2009 and 2010)

Before referring on his report,the interim General Secretary thanks the Praesidium addressing a special thank to the two Vice-presidents and the President for the confidence they entrusted when she was embodied as Secretary/Treasurer after the loss of Dupuis. A loss that is still painful after about one year.

Afterwards she reads the report as submitted.

The President wishes to underline that FIPSed provides a contribution to the Federations attending the Youth World Championships. This contribution represents about 50 % of the Federation’s expenditures. He trusts the Federation finances still allow such subvention.

Furthermore, he informs that actually two Federations haven’t regularized their membership position: the Brazilian Federation and the Chinese one.

The President asks if there is any intervention regarding the report as submitted by the General Secretary/Treasurer.

As there are no interventions, the President considers the report as approved.

3.Report of the Technical Commission

The Technical Commission’s Chairman remarks that the latest rules regard the Feeder Fishing, a new discipline that will be held this year during the Sport Fishing World Championships for the first time. Of course, something shall be still changed, as it even happened for all the other rules concerning other disciplines. With the help of captains, we will see what to improve.

The President agrees with Mr. Marcq’s opinion. The creation of a new discipline is always followed by an assessment period, thus it will be the same for Feeder as well. After the holding of the World Championship, we will see anything that might be changed.

He thanks Marcq for his job.

4.and 5.Appointment of the General Secretary

The President reminds that after Dupuis’ loss, Mrs. Barbara Durante was requested to embody the chargeof General Secretary as well as Treasurer. He believes everybody agrees on her skills in consideration of herenthusiasm in carrying out this job.Barbara has even continued to work as Treasurer, but it is not her job.

The President suggests to keeping Barbara Durante as Interim General Secretary until next elections. He proposes then Mr. Jacques Goupil as Treasurer, considering that he is a former bank manager and he is duly skilled.

The Board unanimously approves the appointment of Barbara Durante as General Secretary and Jacques Goupil’s as Treasurer.

  1. Assignment of Championships

The President informs that in the documents delivered in files there is the list of Nations the 2011 Championships were allocated to (bold and underlined for championships already allocated). The Championships that are not in bold nor underlined must still be allocated and Nations in the sheet are the applicants. The President suggests allocating Championships for both 2012 and 2013, considering that next year the General Assembly will not take place.

After a discussion, the following Championships for 2012 are assigned:

  • Carnivorous Artificial Baits Shore Angling World Championship – Polish Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Clubs – Portuguese Federation
  • European Championship – Spanish Federation
  • Trout with Natural Baits World Championship – French Federation
  • Carnivorous Artificial Baits Boat Angling World Championship – Egyptian Federation (this allocation is submitted to their participation in the World Championship in 2011)
  • Carp Fishing World Championship – Rumanian Federation
  • Feeder Fishing World Championship – Belgium Federation
  • Black Bass World Championship – Venezuelan Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Nations – Federation of the Czech Republic
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Ladies – Bulgarian Federation (the allocation is submitted to their participation in 2011 to the World Championship)

As regard to the Veterans World Championship, the President informs that the Praesidium, during its last meeting, decided that the Nation applying for the organization of Coarse Angling World Championship for Disabled People shall at the same time organize the Veterans World Championship.

  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Veterans – Portuguese Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Disabled people – Portuguese Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Youth U 14 - U 18 - U 23 – Slovenian Federation

The President informs that, two Federations applied for the organizationof the Ice Fishing World Championship: the Finnish Federation and the Federation of Kazakhstan.

The Assembly allocates the organization of the World Championship to the Federation of Kazakhstan.

The President starts the allocation of the 2013 World Championships.

As regards to the Ice Fishing World Championship, we received the application of the United States Federation.

After a short debate, the Assembly gives the organization to the United States sub judice, under condition of their acceptance of the FIPSed Rules and the promise by their side that any local legislation might not contrast these rules.

  • Carnivorous Artificial Baits Shore Angling World Championship –Federation of Czech Republic
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Clubs – Italian Federation
  • European Championship – Serbian Federation
  • Trout with Natural Baits World Championship – Italian Federation
  • Carnivorous Artificial Baits Boat Angling World Championship – Irish Federation (this allocation is submitted to their participation in the World Championship in 2011 or 2012). In case the Egyptian Federation does not attend the World Championship in 2011, the Estonian Federation might ask the organization …..
  • Carp Fishing World Championship – Portuguese Federation
  • Feeder Fishing World Championship – South African Federation
  • Black Bass World Championship – Spanish Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Nations – Polish Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Ladies – Slovenian Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Veterans – Bosnian Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Disabled people – Bosnian Federation
  • Coarse Angling World Championship for Youth U 14 - U 18 - U 23 – French Federation

The President also announces that the Federation of Andorra has applied for the organization of the Trout with Natural Baits World Championship 2014, while the Irish Federation asked to organize the 2014 Feeder Fishing World Championship and the DutchFederation for the 2015.

Finally, he reminds that every Championship will be finally allocated after the visit of the competition venue by the Technical Commission’s President or by one its member.

  1. Creation of regional Championships (like European Championship);
  1. New Nations;
  1. Sport Fishing World Championships;

10.Propositions of Federations.

The President informs that because of logistic questions, due to bus departures it is necessary to close the Assembly.

Any topic that wasn’t discussed during this Assembly will be debated during the CIPS Assembly the following day.

He thanks all presents for their attendance and wish everybody a good stay in Rome.

At 8:00 pm the President closes the Assembly.

The FIPSed Presidentthe General Secretary

Ugo Claudio MATTEOLI Barbara DURANTE

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