World Without Genocide

Minnesota Justice Foundation Opportunities

Spring 2015

Mock Trial- 2 positions

World Without Genocide hosts an annual summer institute at William Mitchell College of Law for high school and college students. The institute addresses different topics each year. For summer 2015, the topic is “Religions and Genocide.” The three-day institute includes a variety of learning opportunities for the participants, such as expert lectures, survivor testimonies, information from elected officials at local, state, and national levels, and experiential exercises.

Each year, the institute includes a mock trial to illustrate some of the relevant human rights issues addressed in that year’s theme. In 2014, honoring the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, the mock trial focused on Jean-Paul Akayesu’s prosecution for the crime of genocide in 1994. In summer 2015, we will honor the 100th anniversary of the genocide of the Armenians and will have a mock trial of the three leading perpetrators, who were tried in absentia but were never prosecuted in a courtroom.

The MJF students will prepare information for a mock trial using the template that was created last year. The roles of prosecutor, defense, judge, etc. have all been defined; what remains to be developed are the charges brought against the three perpetrators known as the ‘Young Turks,’ the testimony against them, and the case for the defense.

The MJF student in this position will do the following:

  • Become very familiar with the Armenian genocide of 1915-1918;
  • Examine in some detail the situation of the three Young Turks;
  • Prepare the prosecution and defense cases;
  • Complete the mock trial materials.


  • Outstanding legal research skills;
  • Some familiarity with the subject of genocide;
  • Excellent writing skills;
  • Ability to prepare materials appropriate for high school and college students.

Time commitment: an average of 3-5 hours weekly through May 1.

Applications are available at under “About Us.”

To apply: Submit a completed application, résumé, and a 200 to 250-word letter of intent to y August 25, 2014. For additional information, contact 651-695-7621.

Academic credit: Credit may be arranged for students at William Mitchell College of Law. Contact .