Republic of Croatia
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic Croatia
Programme: IPA 2010
Partner country: Republic ofCroatia
Area of Cooperation: Justice, Freedom and Security
Support to the alignment of the Croatian IBM Concept
with EU IBM Concept
Project budget: 100.000,00 EUR
1.Basic Information
1.1Programme: IPA 2010
1.2Twinning Number: HR/2010/IB/JH/06TL
1.3Title: Support to the alignment of the Croatian IBM Concept with EU IBM Concept
1.4Sector: Justice, Freedom and Security
1.5Beneficiarycountry: Croatia
2.1Overall Objective(s):
Enhancement of overall capacities of border control authorities in fight against cross border crimes and illegal migration
2.2Project purpose:
Further development of integrated border management (IBM) concept in the Republic of Croatiain line with EU IBM Concept
2.3 ContributiontoAccession Partnership/ Stabilisation and Association Agreement/ Program of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the adoption and implementation of the acquiscommunautaire
In March 2003, Croatia applied to become an EU member state and officially received candidate country status in June 2004. Accession negotiations between the EU and Croatia started in October 2005 and ended on 30 June 2011. The Accession Treaty was signed on 9 December 2011, while the Croatia EU Accession referendum was held on 22 January 2012. Following the ratification procedure in all the MemberStates and Croatia, the accession is foreseen for 1 July 2013. In the period ranging from the closure of the negotiations to the accession, Croatia will be under monitoring by the EC for all the chapters with special attention dedicated to issues of Chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental Rights).
This Twinning light project is in line with theStabilisation and Association Agreement regarding title VII Justice and Home Affairs, chapter Co-operation in the area of movement of persons, article 76 ‘Visa, border control, asylum and migration’ which stipulates the following:
“Cooperation in the matters referred to in paragraph 1 shall be based on mutual consultations and close coordination between the Parties and should include technical and administrative assistance for:
-the exchange of information on legislation and practices;
-the drafting of legislation;
-enhancing the efficiency of the institutions;
-the training of staff.”
This project is also in line with Accession Partnership (AP). In section Ability to assume the obligations of membership, chapter 24 “Justice, freedom and security”, it is stipulated: “Improve administrative and enforcement capacity of the Border Police by enhancing inter-agency cooperation.“
Moreover, this project is in line with Program of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the adoptionand implementation of the acquis communautaire for 2012[1] referring to the enhancement of border police administrative capacities for the implementation of EU acquis.
In addition, Peer review expertReports for Croatia from July 2010 and April 2011[2], under title “Croatian Border Management” point 13. “Border management strategies” gives the general overview of the area of IBM:
“The IBM structure in the strategies is not following the IBM structure defined in the European Union. At the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels on 4-5 December 2006, the Council defined the IBM concept in its conclusions. According to these conclusions integrated border management (IBM) is a concept consisting of the following dimensions:
Border control (checks and surveillance) as defined in the Schengen Borders Code, including relevant risk analysis and crime intelligence
Detection and investigation of cross border crime in coordination with all competent law enforcement authorities
The four-tier access control model (measures in third countries, cooperation with neighboring countries, border control, control measures within the area of free movement, including return)
Inter-agency cooperation for border management (border guards, customs, police, national security and other relevant authorities) and international cooperation
Coordination and coherence of the activities of MemberStates and Institutions and other bodies of the Community and the Union.
The current three pillar structure in the Croatian IBM action plan should be changed to be in line with the IBM definition.”
In the Croatia 2011Progress reportunder Chapter 24 on Justice, freedom and security the general appraisal was given in terms of having made a good progress in the field ofexternal borders and Schengen. Furthermore, it is also reported on the regular update of the Integrated Border Management (IBM) Action Plan and its compliance with other relevant Concepts onmethodology and technical solutions for border police measures at both future internal and external borders.Adjustingthe structure andcorresponding contentof the Croatian NationalIBM Strategy anditsAction Planand the introduction ofthenew IBMstructurepursuant to the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on4-5 December2006,the Croatian IBM concept willbe fully aligned to theEUIBMconcept.
This Twinning light project will contribute to the objectives stated in the abovementioned documents through the revision of strategic documents in line with EU IBM Concept.
This project aims also in fulfilment of the recommendations given by EU peer-review mission experts carried out in June 2010 and April 2011 (please refer to the Peer review report as stated in second paragraph) regarding the alignment of Croatian IBM Concept with EU IBM Concept.
3.1Background and justification:
In order to accomplish the strategic goal of becoming a member of the European Union, which has been set by the Government of Croatia, and the obligations deriving from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and the Accession Partnership (AP), the Border Police and other relevant agencies in charge of IBM implementation have to undertake a series of complex adjustments which should bring a comprehensive, successive adoption of EU standards in all areas relevant for border management. The ultimate objective envisaged is the full alignment with the Schengen acquis and its accurate implementation.
The development of the Croatian border management is advancing according to three strategies or plans. These are the Integrated Border Management Strategy, the Schengen Action Plan and the Integrated Border Management Action Plan.
According to the decision of the Croatian Government, strategic development of the Border Police and readiness on EU and Schengen standards are followed and monitored through the IBM Action Plan and the Schengen Action Plan.
The Schengen Action Plan for the period from 2007 to 2012 was adopted by the Croatian Government in March 2007. It sets out measures for the adoption of the Schengen acquis, and has a profound influence on the Border Police development process. Schengen Action Plan is expected to be revised in 2012.
The National Strategy for Integrated Border Management and IBM Action Plan were elaborated under CARDS 2001 Project ‘Integrated Border Management – Interagency Cooperation’, mainly outlining the forms of cooperation and coordination between all services with competences at the state border. These two documents are envisaged to form the core strategic framework of the Croatian Border Police and Custom for their further alignment towards the Schengen acquis.
The National IBM Strategy was completed in 2005 and the revised National IBM Strategy was adopted in March 2009. The Strategy covers the main functions of all authorities relating to cross-border issues. The National IBM Strategy establishes mid-term and long-term goals for improving the current three pillar concept including cooperation within the services, interagency and international cooperation of agencies involved in border management, all for the purpose of establishing more effective and efficient system of border management. Inter alia, it outlines measures for enhancing security of Croatian borders thus contributing to the secure borders in the region and ultimately ensuring safety and security for people, nature and environment, as well as combating all types of cross-border crime.
The current three pillar structure in the Croatian National IBM Strategy and Action Plan addressing three levels of co-operation and co-ordination was made according to the EU Commission Regional Guidelines for Integrated Border Management for Western Balkan Countries in 2004 which is not in line with the most recent EU IBM concept.
The most recent common concept of IBM in various EU documents is the ‘four-tierSchengen model’ stated in the Schengen Catalogue (CEU, 2002). According to the catalogue, IBM has four goals (tiers): securing cooperation at the borders; conducting measures in the countries of origin of illegal mobility and threats; cooperation with security actors in other states; and cooperation with domestic security agencies – in other words, working together at the border,both upstream and downstream with other relevant actors.
Recommendations in terms of anticipating and following carefully the rapid development and progress in EU border management were given by EU peer review mission carried out in July 2010 and April 2011 and in that regard, current National IBM Strategy needs to be adjusted accordingly.
The IBM Action Plan was adopted in 2005 and since then has been revised on annual basis. The last update was done in January 2011 and adopted by the Government in April 2011. The next update should be at the beginning 2012. The IBM Action Plan contains actions to be undertaken in the certain period of time and how the planned measures are to be applied (information on needed technical equipment, staff, education etc. in order to fulfil the Schengen requirements).
The IBM Action Plan also covers the three pillars of cooperation, as defined in the Strategy and elaborated within its chapters and sub-chapters, and consequently, it should be revised and adjusted together with the National IBM Strategy.
3.2Linked activities (other international and national initiatives):
CARDS 2001 Twinning project "Integrated Border Management – Border police"; HR/2001/IB/JH/03, Twinning partners: Germany and Slovenia.
A detailed status assessment of the Croatian Border Police was conducted and necessary prerequisites for the continuation and further development of the Croatian Border Police were produced, with regard to legislation, general organization and human resources, technical equipment and IT structure, as well as training and education of the border police.
The project started in October 2002 and finished in January 2004.
CARDS 2001 Twinning project "Integrated Border Management – Interagency Cooperation"; HR/2001/IB/JH/04, Twinning partner: Austria.
The output was a National Strategy for Integrated Border Management and an Action Plan for its implementation. The National Strategy for Integrated Border Management and IBM Action Plan were adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia in April 2005.
The project started in April 2004 and finished in December 2005.
CARDS 2003 Twinning project "Continued Support and CapacityBuilding for the Border Police Directorate"; HR/2003/IB/JH/01,Twinning partners: Germany and Slovenia.
The activities of this project represented a logical follow-up of the CARDS 2001 Twinning projects.The project raised level of education, improved the professional quality of the Croatian border police and promoted border police cooperation. The undertaken measures raised security on Croatian borders particularly in the following fields: Education and further training, International border police cooperation, Legislation / Regulations and Special area NEUM.
The project started in June 2004 and finished in October 2005.
CARDS 2002/2003 Regional Programme on “Integrated Border Management”
The project had strengthened the cooperation in the area of border management among countries of the region (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania).
The project started in June 2009 and finished in June 2011.
PHARE 2005 Twinning project “Preparation for the Implementation of the Schengen Acquis”; HR/2005/IB/JH/02, Twinning partners: Germany and Slovenia.
The project had the following goals: starting the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan (SAP) and the Border Police Development Strategy, strengthening the capacity of the Border Police for risk assessment and enhance capability for surveillance of green border and controls of Border Crossing Points (BCPs).
The results of the project were: The strategic recommendations incorporated into the national strategic documents, the Concept on deployment of personnel on the future Schengen external border done, list of necessary technical equipment and infrastructure for effective border check especially at seaports and airportsdrafted, 25 multipliers for risk analysis trained, draft of the new Concept for border surveillance in the Metković area done and general assessment of the achievements of the Republic Croatia in border management carried out.
The project started in January 2008 and finished in June 2009.
PHARE 2006 Twinning project “Blue Border Surveillance”; HR/2006/IB/JH/01, Twinning partner: Germany with Italy as cooperating country.
The Maritime Police Development Strategy with the accompanying Action Plan for the period from 2011 to 2013 was drafted. This document established the strategic framework for implementation of an efficient system for the surveillance of the maritime border in accordance with the EU standards. This Strategy defines the organisation and training of the maritime police, risk analysis, the IT structure and technical equipment, as well as co-operation with other state administration bodies and agencies whose activities are related to actions at the sea of the Republic of Croatia. The procurement plan for vessels and the employment plan were prepared in compliance with this Strategy and its Action Plan.
The project started in January 2009 and finished in May 2010.
IPA 2010 project “Integrated Border Management”(twinning and supply component)
The twinning component “Integrated Border Management - further strengthening of enforcement capacities of the Customs and Border Police”is aiming at development of an efficient and effective Croatian Integrated Border Management system, which will establish greater security at international borders and diminish cross border crime and illegal migration thus providing the right balance between safety and security and trade facilitation. The twinning project is expected to start in the course of 4Q 2012.
The supply component of the overall project is aiming at further technical equipping of the Border Police in purpose of achieving EU standards for performing border control, through supply of special training equipment, transportation vehicles for police dogs and training purposes, equipment for border surveillance, border control and execution of efficient customs control.
Result 1:
The National Strategy for Integrated Border Management revised in line with EU IBM Concept
Result 2:
The Integrated Border Management Action Plan revised on the basis of the revised versionof the National IBM Strategy
Activities related to Result 1
1.1.Conducting analysis of the Croatian National IBM Strategy and its conformity with EU IBM Concept and drafting the report with recommendations[3]
1.2.Drafting the revised National IBM Strategy on the basis of the analysis conducted and recommendations arising from Activity 1.1
1.3.Organizing one Workshop with at least ten representatives of all relevant authorities[4] in the course of which final version of the National IBM Strategy will be prepared
Activities related to Result 2
2.1.Conducting analysis of the last version of the IBM Action Plan on the basis of the revised National IBM Strategy and drafting the report with recommendations3
2.2.Drafting the revised IBM Action Plan on the basis of the analysis conducted and recommendations arising from Activity 2.1
2.3.Organizing one Workshop with at least ten representatives of all relevant authorities[5]in the course of which the final version of the IBM Action Plan will be prepared
Indicative schedule of activities:
Date / Duration / Activity / Output / Input (working days)Month 1 and 2 / Activity 1.1. / Croatian National IBM Strategy and its conformity with EU IBM Concept analysed and corresponding report with recommendations prepared / MS experts in total of 10 working days
Month 2 and 3 / Activity 1.2. / Draft of the revised National IBM Strategy prepared / MS experts in total of 20 working days
Month 3 / Activity 1.3. / Workshop for at least 10 participants of relevant authorities conducted; the final version of the National IBM Strategy prepared / MS and national experts in total of 5 working days
Month 3 and 4 / Activity 2.1. / Last version of the IBM Action Plan analysed and corresponding report with recommendations prepared / MS experts in total of 10 working days
Month 4 and 5 / Activity 2.2. / Draft of the revised IBM Action Planprepared / MS experts in total of 20 working days
Month 6 / Activity 2.3. / Workshop for at least 10 participants of relevant authorities conducted; the final version of the IBM Action Plan prepared / MS and national experts in total of 5 working days
Total working days / 70 working days
Two visibility events will be organized in the course of the implementation of the project;Kick-off meeting at the start of the implementation and the Final meeting at the end of the implementation of the project activities.
3.5Means/ Input from the MS Partner Administration:
One of the experts may act as the Project Leader responsible for general coordination.
3.5.1 Profile and tasks of the Project Leader
Profile of the Project Leader
- University level education or equivalent professional experience of 15 years in law enforcement
- 8 years of experience in border police
- Experience in drafting strategic documents for border management in accordance with the EU standards
- Working level of English language
- Proven contractual relation to public administration or mandated body, as defined under Twinning manual 5.3.2.
- Computer literacy
- Experience in project management
- Experience in at least one project regarding Integrated Border Management
Tasks of the Project Leader:
- Participation in Steering Committee meetings
- Project reporting
- Ensuring backstopping and financial management of the project in the MS
- Supervising and coordinating implementation of the project
- Participation in coordination of deployment of short-term experts
- Overall responsibility, coordination and direction of the MS TW partner inputs
- Organisation of visibility events (kick-off and final event)
- Co-managing implementation of the project in cooperation with the BC project leader
3.5.2 Profile and tasks of the short-term experts