American History II
11th Grade
Mrs. Danielle Sing
Course Description:
American History Course II will guide students from the late nineteenth century time period through the early 21st century. Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction era to present times. The essential standards of American History Course II will trace the change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movement toward equal rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. An emphasis is placed on the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts as well as the continuing tension between the individual and the state. The desired outcome of this course is for students to develop an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between past and present events, recognize patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events on in the United States in an interconnected world.
The essential standards of this course have been designed to provide a framework for studying political, social, economic, and cultural issues, and for analyzing the impact these issues have had on American society over time. Students will continue to build upon previous studies of American History, the fundamental concepts in civics and government, economics, culture and geography taught in grades kindergarten through eight and use skills of historical analysis as they examine American history. This course goes beyond memorization of isolated facts to the development of higher level thinking skills, encouraging students to make historical assessments and evaluations.
Unit Standards / Percentage on Last Year’s Final ExamStandard 1: Apply the four interconnected dimensions of historical thinking to the American History Essential Standards in order to understand the creation and development of the United States over time. / Tested throughout
Standard 2: Analyze key political, economic and social turning points in American History using historical thinking. / 13-17%
Standard 3: Understand the factors that led to exploration, settlement, movement, and expansion and their impact on United States development over time. / 18-22%
Standard 4: Analyze how conflict and compromise have shaped politics, economics and culture in the United States. / 21-27%
Standard 5: Understand how tensions between freedom, equality and power have shaped the political, economic and social
development of the United States. / 11-15%
Standard 6: Understand how and why the role of the United States in the world has changed over time. / 11-15%
Standard 7: Understand the impact of war on American politics, economics, society and culture. / 11-15%
Standard 8: Analyze the relationship between progress, crisis and the “American Dream” within the United States. / 3-7%
Tests: You will take approximately 7 tests throughout the semester. Each test will include multiple choice, matching, true/false, and occasional short answer. You will also take several common assessments throughout the semester. These will always be cumulative.
Quizzes: We will take the occasional quiz. They will be between tests to make sure you are keeping up with the information, and lets me know if we need to go back and review before the assessment.
Projects: These usually will be small group based and involve class presentations.
Homework: Will be assigned. It could be anything from reading assigned text, to working on a project, to creating a study guide, but usually will consist of vocabulary and worksheets. Homework must be 80% accurate for it to be counted as complete. It is imperative that you do your homework, as it will only help you when you take your tests. I will let you know at the beginning of each unit of what your homework assignment is.
Classroom Resources:
Students will be supplied with a textbook to complete assignments and readings. Homework will be posted on my website at the beginning of each unit
Make-up Work: Any work missed, including tests and quizzes, must be made up within two school days of the date(s) of your absence(s). You will receive no credit for work you fail to make up. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
Grading Expectations Course Weights (suggestions):
Final Exam: At the end of the semester (during exam week) you will take a final exam in this class that will account for 50% of you total grade.
Grading Scale: Grade Breakdown:
A 93-100 Class Work 20%
B 85-92 Homework 30%
C 77-84 Test/Quizzes 40%
D 70-76 Conduct 20%
F 00-69
Course Outline/Timeline:
Unit Name / UnitTimeline
Unit 1: Gilded Age Through Progressive Era (1867-1920) / 14 days
Unit 2: Imperialism and The Great War (1890-1920) / 14 days
Unit 3: Boom and Bust (1920-1940) / 14 days
Unit 4: WW II and The Cold War (1939-1962) / 14 days
Unit 5: Confidence and Crisis (1945-1980) / 14 days
Unit 6: Modern America (1980-present) / 14 days
Exam Review / 6 days
Classroom Rules:
Water and Bathroom: During the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of each block, students will not be allowed to get water or go to the bathroom, as per FCA policy. For the remainder of the time, students will only be allowed to go to the bathroom and to get water twice per 9 weeks. Use these times wisely, as these are your ‘emergency’ opportunities. If you have a medical condition, I will of course discuss this with you AND YOUR PARENT, and work something out.
Class Conduct: The best atmosphere for learning is found in classes where each student has a strong desire to learn, has respect for themselves, the teacher, and other students, and is prepared to meet the requirements for that day’s class. You will be treated as a young adult and will be expected to behave as such. Lack of respect, abusive/vulgar language will NOT be tolerated.
Rules: The student handbook clearly explains the rules of this classroom and the school. I follow the practice:
BE where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there.
DO what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it.
SAY what you are supposed to say when you are supposed to say it.
RESPECT yourself, others, their rights and property.
Tutorial Schedule:
Mondays from 3:00-3:50pm
Student and Parent/Guardian Contract
I have read Mrs. Sing’s American History II syllabus and I understand and agree to abide by the rules and
procedures of the classroom. I understand the consequences that I will incur if I do not abide by the classroom
rules and procedures.
Student Signature:______Date: ______
To be completed by the parent/guardian:
I have read and discussed the rules and procedures with my student. I understand and agree to encourage my
student to abide by these rules and procedures. I understand the consequences that my student will incur if my
student does not abide by the classroom rules and procedures.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Contact numbers: ______(home) ______(work) ______(cell)
Email: ______
***What is the best way to contact you? (Please circle either home, work, cell, or email above.)
Questions/Comments? (This may be from the parent/guardian or the student. If the student or the parent has any
special interests, medical conditions, or concerns please feel free to include these here.)