How to configure UNC Exchange E-Mail on Smartphones

Before configuring UNC’s Exchange email on your smartphone, please configure a passcode and enable encryption in order to comply with campus security policy.


To set a passcode on the iPhone, go to Settings/General/Passcode Lock menu and follow the prompts. If your iPhone is model 3GS or newer, this will automatically enable data encryption.


To enable encryption on your Android device, navigate to: Settings/ More/ Security/ Encrypt device, and follow the directions from there. Note that the phone must be PASSWORD protected in order to be encrypted, which disallows the use of other lock screen options (PIN, facial recognition, etc.).

* Encryption can take up to an hour, so only attempt this step if you have at least 80% battery power, or your phone is plugged in to a power source. Interrupting encryption due to battery rundown could lead to loss or corruption of data on your device. *

Once encryption is complete, navigate to: Settings/ My device/ Screen Lock/ Lock Automatically and select "Immediately".

Jump to the Android Instructions


1. Tap Settings
/ 2. Tap Mail, Contancts, Calendars

3. Tap Add Account
/ 4. Select Exchange

5. Enter your email address and password. You can describe however you want in the "Description" field
/ 6. Select the options you desire then click on the right-arrow in the Account box

7. Enter as shown, except type your Onyen in place of username. Click Next.
/ 8. You may get a screen that looks like this. If you do that means either the information entered was wrong or there is poor cell signal.

9. Click Save
/ 10. If the information was entered correctly then you will only need to tap on the mail icon to see your mail.


1. Tap the Apps icon to access a list of your installed applications, or tap the Email app if it is already on your home screen.
/ 2. Find the Email app and a tap it. If this is the first email account you are setting up on your device, skip to step 5.

3. Tap the Menu button, and then select Settings.
/ 4. Tap the "Add account" option.

5. Tap the "Others" option.
/ 6. Enter your account and password information and tap next. Email account should be entered as:

7. Tap the "Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync" option.
/ 8. It may take a few moments for your device to communicate with the server.

9. You should get the message "Server must be able to remotely control some security features on your device. Continue?" Tap OK.
/ 10. Next you will see a list of the security features that the UNC email server will have access to. You will have to activate administrator in order to complete set up.

11. Select the desired syncing and notification options and tap next.
/ 12. If desired, you can assign a display name to this account and then tap next which will complete the setup.