Mingo Bay Baseball Classic
Week 1 – March 26 – 30, 2018
Monday, March 26th
@ Loris High SchoolChantilly (VA) vs. Yorktown (VA)4:30 p.m.
Clarke County (VA) vs. Wooster (OH)6:30 p.m.
@ St. James High SchoolHoover (OH) vs. Rock Ridge (VA)10:00 a.m.
Austintown Fitch (OH) vs. South Lakes (VA)12 Noon
@ Socastee High SchoolGar-Field (VA) vs. Northwestern (OH)10:00 a.m.
Battlefield (VA) vs. Robinson (VA)12 Noon
Socastee (JV) vs. Cuyahoga Valley Chr. (OH)6:00 p.m.
@ Conway High SchoolJV – Williamsport (PA) vs. JV – Perry (OH)10:00 a.m.
Mount Vernon (VA) vs. Perry (OH)12 Noon
Williamsport (PA) vs. Forest Park (VA)6:30 p.m.
@ Myrtle Beach High SchoolRiverside (VA) vs. South County (VA)10:00 a.m.
Robert E. Lee (VA) vs. Forsyth Country Day (NC)12 Noon
@ Carolina Forest High SchoolBuckhannon-Upshur (WV) vs. Faith Chr. (PA)11:00 a.m.
Highland (VA) vs. Fort LeBoeuf (PA)1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 27th
@ Loris High SchoolFort LeBoeuf (PA) vs. Robert E. Lee (VA)7:30 p.m.
@ St. James High SchoolWilliamsport (JV) vs. Morgantown (WV)9:00 a.m.
Robinson (VA) vs. Williamsport (PA)11:30 a.m.
Northwestern (OH) vs. Mount Vernon (VA)2:00 p.m.
@ Socastee High SchoolPerry (JV) vs. Paintsville (KY)9:00 a.m.
Forest Park (VA) vs. South Lakes (VA)11:00 a.m.
South County (VA) vs. Hoover (OH)1:30 p.m.
@ Conway High SchoolRiverside (VA) vs. Austintown-Fitch (OH)10:00 a.m.
Wooster (OH) vs. Buckhannon-Upshur (WV)12 Noon
@ Myrtle Beach High SchoolYorktown (VA) vs. Battlefield (VA) 10:00 a.m.
Rock Ridge (VA) vs. Chantilly (VA) 12 Noon
@ Carolina Forest High SchoolCuyahoga Valley (OH) vs. Forsyth Country Day (NC)11:00 a.m.
Perry (OH) vs. Gar-Field (VA)1:00 p.m.
@ North Myrtle Beach High Clarke County (VA) vs. Socastee (JV)6:00 p.m.
Faith Christian Acad. (PA) vs. Highland (VA)8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 28th
@ Waccamaw High SchoolGar-Field (VA) vs. Wooster (OH)10:00 a.m.
Forsyth Country Day (NC) vs. Faith Chr. Acad. (PA)12 Noon
@ St. James High SchoolMount Vernon (VA) vs. Fort LeBoeuf (PA)10:00 a.m.
Forest Park (VA) vs. Rock Ridge (VA)12 Noon
@ Socastee High SchoolWilliamsport (PA) vs. Chantilly (VA)9:00 a.m.
Perry (OH) vs. Clarke County (VA)11:00 a.m.
Buckhannon-Upshur (WV) vs. Perry (OH)1:30 p.m.
@ Conway High SchoolHighland (VA) vs. Cuyahoga Valley Chr. (OH)10:00 a.m.
South Lakes (VA) vs. South County (VA) 12 Noon
@ Myrtle Beach High SchoolRobert E. Lee (VA) vs. Northwestern (OH)10:00 a.m.
Hoover (OH) vs. Yorktown (VA)12 Noon
@ Carolina Forest High SchoolAustintown-Fitch (OH) vs. Battlefield (VA)11:00 a.m.
Robinson (VA) vs. Riverside (VA)1:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 29th
@ St. James Buckhannon-Upshur WV vs Mount Vernon VA10:00 a.m.
South County VA vs Forest Park VA12 Noon
@ Grande ParkPerry (JV) vs. Woodrow Wilson (DC)9:00 a.m. (Field 7)
@ SocasteeClarke County (VA) vs. Wooster (OH)10:00 a.m.
Northwestern OH vs Robert E Lee VA12:00 Noon
@ Conway Rock Ridge VA vs Hoover OH10:00 a.m.
Forsyth Country Day NC vs Gar-Field VA12 Noon
Highland VA vs Fort LeBeouf PA2:30 p.m.
@ Grande ParkWilliamsport (JV) vs. Woodrow Wilson (DC)9:00 a.m. (Field 5)
@ Myrtle BeachFaith Christian Acad. (PA) vs. Cuyahoga Valley (OH)10:00 a.m.
Williamsport PA vs Robinson VA12:00 Noon
Clarke County (VA) vs Perry (OH)2:30 p.m.
At Carolina Forest Yorktown VA vs Austintown-Fitch OH10:30 a.m.
Riverside VA vs Battlefield VA12:30 a.m.
Chantilly VA vs South Lakes VA3:00 p.m.
Friday, March 30th
@ Conway
10:00 am Danny Isaac Division 2 Championship
12:00 noon Ashby Ward Division 1 Championship
@ Myrtle Beach
10:00 am Mingo Bay Division 2 Championship
12:00 noon Mingo Bay Division 1 Championship
@ Carolina Forest
10:00 am Consolation Game
12:00 noon Consolation Game
- Home team is the first team listed on the schedule.
- Home Team B.P. (in cages) 1:30 Prior to Start Time/Visitors BP (in cages) 1 Hour Prior to Start Time
- Semi-Finals (Thursday) and Championship Games on Friday (Home Team – decided by coin flip 1 Hour prior to Start Time)
- Check (website) for pairings for Thursday, March, 29th