Date: ______
45 minutes /


  • Institution of Islamic Caliphate
  • Differences between Caliphate system and other
  • Conditions of being a Caliph
  • Conclusion
  • Summary
  1. Students know why the leaders after Prophet Muhammad saw are known as Caliph. (Cognitive)
  2. Student can differentiate between the caliphate system and other non-Islamic system. (Cognitive)
  3. Students know and understand the condition of being a caliph (Cognitive)
  4. Students realize that any administrators must be competent and well equipped with the necessary skills and qualification (Effective)
  5. Students realize that even though we live in a non-Islamic country but we are free to practice our religion. (Effective)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Knowledge
  • Administration
  • Governance
  • Responsibility
  • Differences between Islamic leadership and others

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 2: CALIPH ABU BAKAR AS-SIDDIQ R.A.
(11 – 13 HIJRAH = 632 – 634 M)
1-Life history
2-Appointment as Caliph / i. Students know Caliph Abu Bakar in much detail. (Cognitive)
ii. Students know the special characteristics of Saidina Abu Bakar that made him most suitable candidate as the First Caliph after the demised of Rasulullah (Cognitive)
iii- Students realize that leadership is not a position of arrogance but a trusted responsibility that man will be accounted for in hereafter (cognitive/ effective) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Appointment
  • Leadership
  • Trustworthiness
  • Responsibility

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 2: (Continuation)
  • Resolve the matter of appointment of the first Caliph.
  • Continue the military expedition of Usamah bin Zaid.
  • Codification of al-Quran
  1. Students know the works and achievements of Saidina Abu Bakar as soon as he ascended as the First Caliph. (Cognitive)
  2. Students realize that Islam expounds her adherents to keep peace, independence and integration of the Nation. (Effective)
  3. Students know during the lifetime of Rasulullah, there was no effort to codify al-quran. (Cognitive)
  4. Students know the reason Saidina Abu Bakar accepted Saidina Umar’s suggestion as to codify al-quran.(Cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Peace
  • Integration
  • Harmony
  • Patience
  • Responsibility
  • Endurance
  • Confidence

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 2 (continuation)
  • The group that follows the false prophets
  • The group that refuse to pay zakat
  • The apostacy
  1. Students know the origin and reason of the group known as al-riddah (Cognitive)
  2. Students know the reason why Saidina Abu Bakar acted upon them as he did to al-riddah (cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Responsibility
  • Trustworthiness
  • Firmness
  • Loyalty
  • Broken Promise
  • Betray

Date: ______
45 minutes /

Unit 2 (continuation)

The liberation of Nations (FUTUHAT)
  • Liberation of Iraq
  • Liberation of Syam
See attached appendix on Group Project for the History Subject
Unit 2
Tittle: Liberation of Nations /
  1. Students know the main reason for Saidina Abu Bakar effort to liberate nation such as Iraq and Syam. (Cognitive)
  2. Students understand the reason Abu Bakar adhered strictly to the ethic of wars as given by Rasulullah saw. During his lifetime. (Cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A
Group assignment. / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Governance
  • Patience
  • Endurance
  • Effort

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 2 (continuation)
  • Demised of the first Caliph
  • Conclusion
  • Summary
  1. Students know the death date of Saidina Abu Bakar r.a. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know his legacy as the first caliph in continuing and propagating the dakwah effort of Rasulullah saw. (Cognitive)
  3. Students know that Syaidina Abu Bakar was successful in uniting the Muslims ummah and protecting them from the danger of the enemy. (Cognitive)
  4. Students know that the period of governance under Syaidina Abu Bakar was the shortest but also the critical to map the direction, Islam will take in future (cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Leadership
  • Peace
  • Integration
  • Unity
  • Responsibility
  • Trust

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 3
(13 – 23 H = 634 – 644 M)
  • Life history
  • Appointment as Caliph
/ i. Students know Saidina Umar r.a closer (Cognitive)
ii. Students realize that Saidina Umar’s hardened stance was soften by virtue of listening to surah Taha recited by his sister who had embraced Islam. (Effective)
iii. Students know how Saidina Umar was appointed as Caliph after the demised of the first caliph Saidina Abu Bakar. (Cognitive) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Governance
  • Justice
  • Leadership
  • Responsibility
  • Trust
  • Fairness
  • United

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 3 (continuation)
The Liberation of Nations (FUTUHAT)
  • The Conquest of Persia
/ i. Students know the location of Persia now known as Iran. (Cognitive)
ii. Students know the reason Persia is conquered by Islam. (Cognitive)
iii. Students know the reason why those citizen of the conquered land who refused to embrace Islam must pay a tithe known as jizyah.
iv. Students know the advantages and uses of jizyah to both the Muslims and non-Muslims citizens (Cognitive) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Conquest
  • Justice
  • United
  • Patience

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 3 (continuation)
  • Liberation of Syam and its territories
  • War of Yarmuk
  • Liberation of Baitul Maqdis
  • Liberation of Egypt
  1. Students know the reason for the conquest of the territory South of Syam. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know the reason for the removal of Khalid Al-Walid as the leader of the mission during this liberation. (Cognitive)
  3. Students know how Islam successfully liberated nations such as Yarmuk, Baitul Maqdis and Egypt (Cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Leadership
  • Firmness
  • Confidence
  • Effort
  • Obedience
  • Trust
  • Responsibility

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 3 (continuation)
The community of Muslims during his reign
  • Introduction of new matter
1-Administration Affair
a-Form the Syura Committee
b-Division of the Islamic territories
c-Renewal of land title deed. /
  1. Students know the new things introduced by Saidina Umar in his governance (Cognitive).
  2. Students know Caliph Umar was the first person to use the Islamic calendar based on the year of Hijri. (Cognitive)
  3. Students realize and understand that new developments and improvements should be embarked by any organization insofar if they do not conflict with the teaching of Islam. (Cognitive / effective)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Leadership
  • Renewal
  • Loyalty
  • Obedience
  • Law abiding

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 3: (continuation)
2-Military Field
a-Introduction of salaried soldier
b-Establishment of fortified military posts or garrisons
c-Establishment of Criminal Investigation Branch /
  1. Students know the important of military in peacekeeping and defense of a Nation. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know that each government must possess a stable and strong basic working infrastructure and hierarchy. (Cognitive)
  3. Students realize and understand that Islam lays much importance to matter pertaining the affair of the world in all aspects and not only of religiosity.
(Cognitive/understanding) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Stable government
  • Fairness
  • Trustworthy
  • Awareness

Date: ______
45 minutes /
Unit 3
3-Judicial Affair
a-Stricter criteria of selecting judges
b-Increase the salary of Jugdes
4-Social Development
a-New policy for the zhimmi – The non- Muslims under Muslims protection.
b-New status for slave
c-Encouragement to seeking knowledge and study /
  1. Students know that a nation needs a fair and transparent judicial system to uphold the law of the land. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know why the zhimmi is taxed the jizyah (poll tax) paid to the ruling Muslim government under which they lived. (Cognitive)
  3. Students realize that a leader must be opened minded, creative and visionary to improve and maximize his leadership potential. (Cognitive/effective)
  4. Students know seeking knowledge is an obligation upon a Muslim.
Students know Allah increases the status of the learned. (Effective) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Fairness
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Loyalty
  • Knowledgeable
  • Far sighted

Date: ______
45 minutes / Continuation:
5-Economy Field
a-Development in farming or cottage industries
b-Establishment of Baitul Mal
See attached for Group project Title: Saidina Umar bin Al-Kattab

Demised of Caliph Saidina Umar

Summary /
  1. Students know the important of Baitul Mal in a government. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know the sources of funds for Baitul Mal.
  3. Students know the reason behind the demised of Saidina Umar r.a. (Cognitive)
  4. Students know that Caliph Umar was a competent, firm and highly intellectual leader and his reign of governance is know as the Golden Age of Islam.
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A
Group project / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Stable Government structure and hierarchy.
  • Responsibility
  • Trustworthiness
  • Competent
  • Firm
  • Wisdom

Date: ______
45 minutes /

Unit 4

(23 – 35 H = 644 – 656 M)
1-Life history
2-Appointment as Caliph. / i. Students know who replaced Saidina Umar. (Cognitive)
ii. Students know Saidina Uthman as a person who was willing to sacrifice his wealth for the sake of Allah. (Cognitive)
iii. Students know Saidina Uthman belonged to the minority group who was able to read and write – literate among the Arabs (Cognitive)
iv. Students know only the capable and best were elected as leader. (Effective) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Leadership Quality
  • Sincerity
  • Trustworthy
  • Striving in the way of Allah

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 4 :(continuation)
3-Liberation of Nations (Futuhat)
4-The community during his reign. /
  1. Students know the reasons why Islam was well received by the citizen of the nations it liberated by the 3rd Caliph. (Cognitive)
  2. Students know that Saidina Uthman formed the naval division of the military to enhance the Nation defensive mechanism (Cognitive)
  3. Students know that the reign of Saidina Uthman was divided into two phases – that first of glory and second of downfall or destruction. (Cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Administration
  • Upholding the peace and harmony of a Nation.
  • Importance of mutual understanding

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 4 (continuation)
5- Factors leading to major conflict (fitnah al-kubra).
a-The movement of Abdullah bin Saba
b-Accusation of the burning of al-Quran
c-Allowing Muslims to migrate
e-Usage of funds form Baitul Mal /
  1. Students realize the cordial and close relationship between political leaders and citizens is important to instill understanding confidence and cooperation between the two parties. (Effective)
  2. Students know the factors that contribute to the instability during the last 6 years of the reign of Saidina Uthman’s government (Cognitive)
/ 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Leadership
  • Mutual Understanding
  • Peace

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 4 (continuation)
The Effect of Major Conflict (FITNAH AL-KUBRA)
a-The Origin of the revolutionists
b-The reason for the murder of Caliph Uthman
c-The political division
d-Nepotism ‘asabiyah
e-End of Caliph Uthman’s government / i. Students realize and understand conflict and trickery will destroy an organization or government. (Cognitive/effective)
ii. Students know and understand Islam allows the differential in opinions in all matter without going against the shariah but this must be done with due respect and not leading to division and animosity. (Cognitive)
iii. Students know during the reign of Saidina Uthman there were plenty of revolts but as an entrusted and responsible leader Saidina Uthman tried to improve and find ways to solve the problems. (Cognitive) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept;
  • Understanding
  • Different of opinions
  • Avoid division and animosity
  • Trustworthiness
  • Responsibility

Date: ______
45 minutes /
(35 – 40 H = 656 – 661 H)
1-His life history
2-Appointment as Caliph
3-Basic foundation of his governance / i. Students know the blood ties between Saidina Ali and Rasulullah saw. (Cognitive)
ii. Students know that the wife of Saidina Ali is the daughter of prophet Muhammad saw. (Cognitive)
iii. Students know that Rasulullah held highly of Saidina Ali as the vessel of knowledge due to his highly intellectual capacity. (Cognitive)
iv. Students know the reason Saidina Ali filled the vacant position of caliph after the demised of Saidina Uthman.
v. Students know the little progress during his reign as he faced internal conflict of various degree / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept:-
  • Relationship
  • Knowledge
  • Knowledge
  • Fulfilling obligation and responsibility

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 5 (continuation)
4-The condition of Muslims during his reign of leadership
a-The demand from Sayidatina Aisyah
b-Peace effort with Mu’awiyah / i. Students know the heavy responsibility of Saidina Ali as the Ummah was on the verge of break up (Cognitive)
ii. Students realize that the internal conflicts caused the downfall and weakness of Nation.
iii. Students know the importance for the Ummah to create and maintain a peaceful and harmonious ambiance in our daily lives (Cognitive/effective) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept:
  • Integration
  • Harmony
  • The effort to avoid conflicts
  • The effort to find a solution to the internal conflict
  • Patience
  • Responsibility

Date: ______
45 minutes / Unit 5 (continuation)
a-The rise of the Kharijites
b-The emergence of Shites
5-The murder of Caliph Ali
6-Conclusion / i. Students know the origin of the Kharijites and Shites.(Cognitive)
ii. Students know the factors that lead to the Kharijites’s plan to murder Saidina Ali. (Cognitive)
iii. Students know the reason on the fanaticism of the Shite on Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib. (Cognitive)
iv. Students know why Saidina Ali was murdered and who was the murderer. (Cognitive)
v. Students realize with the death of Saidina Ali marked the end of the period of government of the Khulafa’ al-Rasyidin. (Cognitive) / 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Q&A / 1. Text Book
2. Whiteboard
3. Lesson Summary
4. Mind map / Concept:
  • Governance
  • Leadership
  • Transparency
  • Understanding