1. Board membership

During the year two members of the Board resigned due to work commitments these were Professor Jan Cilliers and Dr. Miguel Diaz. The MP&EM Division thanks them for their service.

Three new members were welcomed to serve on the Board and these are Dr. Stephen Neethling, Mr. Wayne Hopkins and Angus Morrison.

Dr. Stephen Neethling is Reader in Minerals Processing, Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London University.

Mr. Wayne Hopkins is the Proprietor and Technical Design Associate, Faradelk Hydro/Electrometallurgy Design Associates.

Angus Morrison is a PhD student at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London University. Angus is also a member of the Younger Members Group of IOM3.

There are currently 13 members of the MP&EM Board who are Tony Francis (TF) - Chairman, Professor John Monhemius (JM), Dr. Mike Butler (MB), Mike Cave (MC), Tim Smith (TS), Stephen Barnett (SB), Professor Hylke Glass (HG), Dr. R Vasant Kumar (VK), Dr. Neil Rowson (NR), Michael Brooks (MB), Dr. Stephen Neethling (SN), Wayne Hopkins (WH) and Angus Morrison (AM).

  1. Board meetings

Three Board meetings were convened during the year, all at 1, Carlton House Terrace, London. These were on the 31stJanuary with 7 members attending, on the 30thMay with 6 Board members in attendance and on 28th September with 7 members present.

Members attended the IMMa Board meetings which immediately followed the MP&EM meeting.

  1. Activities during 2013

3.1.Technical programme

MP&EM contributed to the organisation of the successful SMEET II, (Sustainable Materials for Emerging Energy Technology) meeting convened at 1 CHT on 27th February. This was organized through the Energy Materials Group and was the second annual event on this topic.

TF and JM were on the organizing committee for the “Minerals for Life – Overcoming Resource Constraints”conference which was held in Edinburgh over June 17-19 by the Mineralogical Society. This was co-sponsored by IOM3. This event was considered to be a success and was reported to effectively break even.

HG is the Chairman of the Geometallurgy 2014 conference scheduled for 9-10 June 2014 at 1 CHT.TF is a member of the organizing committee and JM is on the technical committee. I0M3 are administering the Conference and a micro-site has been established.

3.2.Web-site developments

The MP&EM web site was kept updated with relevant news items and Conferences. In the statistics reported for May - Aug2013 the MP&EM micro site was 12th out of the 42 IOM3 Technical Divisions and other micro web sites recorded.

The contents of the current and back issues of the technical journal Transactions C representing the MP&EM industries areavailable free of charge to members from a link on the MP&EM micro-site, The contents of the 4 editions published during 2014 cover technical activities across the entire spectrum the MP&EM disciplines in 31 papers. The Journal is edited by Dr. R Vasant Kumar who is a member of the MP&EM Board.

3.3.Engagement with technical community and/or local societies

The MP&EM division continued to maintain close cooperation with IMMa and the MinSouth local society, SB was the Chairman of MinSouth local society during 2013.

Planning meetings were attended by TF and JM for the successful “Minerals for Life Conference” held in Edinburgh over June 17 – 19 with the Mineralogical Society and Geological Society.

MB and SB are active members of the IChemE.

The International Council on Mining & Metals, ICMM, were contacted for contributions to the article “Mercury – a growing, menacing toxic legacy”, see section 3.4. The MP&EM, are considering forming an action group with the SDG and ICMM on the issue of small scale artisanal miners, the ICMM has already started an initiative in this regard.

The MP&EM Board maintains a keen interest in and liaison with the IOM3 in-house technical library, which has an exhaustive collection of books and journals probably unique in the Mining world. The library and the related information services continued to operate well throughout the year.

The MP&EM board is a prime mover with IMMa in encouraging a possible integration of the OneMine technical data base with the IOM3 library and the IMMAGE database. This is considered to benefit both organisations.

3.4.Contributions to IOM3 house journals

MB with input from SB and TF produced the article “Mercury – a growing, menacing toxic legacy” referred to in the December 2013 issue of MW with a link to the full article on the MP&EM micro-site.


The IOM3 has adopted a sustainability policy and the UK Engineering Council has launched a code of practice on sustainability which is now beginning the process of embedding those principles with the members of IOM3.

SB is a member of the SDG. It was agreed to pursue the use of internet based links and webcasts to save IOM3 transport costs. IOM3 has purchased video-conferencing equipment but has limited its use to the IOM3 executive. The unnecessary printing of documents and minutes is discouraged.

The MP&EM Board produced andreleased a divisional brochure,500 copies were printed and are held at IOM3. The brochure is considered a successful marketing tool for the division and IOM3 and is distributed by Board members at relevant conferences and meetings. The brochure is on display at the IOM3 offices.

TF signed and sent out welcome letters to new IOM3 members who have specified to be part of the MP&EM technical division. This is done in conjunction with the membership section of IOM3.

The MP&EM Division Board nominated Philip Grey for the Institute’s prestigious 2013 Futers Gold medal, which was subsequently awarded to him.

  1. Strategy and Objectives for 2014

4.1.Opportunities and constraints

A primary objective of the MP&EM Board and its members is to grow membership of the IOM3 through academic, industrial and personnel networking.

During the year 41new IOM3 members selected to affiliate to the MP&EM discipline. Many existing members are practicing in the field but have not specified divisional affiliation. When such members come to the attention of the Board they are requested to contact the membership department to do so.

Ensure the interests of the MP&EM community continue to be represented in IOM3 through membership of Council and the ITPB and other representative routes.

The Chairman to encourage the MP&EM Board members to be actively engaged in furthering member’s interests and the Institute’s objectives.

4.2.Specific targets

Organise the Geometallurgy 2014 Conference at 1 CHT in June 2014 with the IOM3 Conference department.

Initiate another “Minerals R&D in the UK” meeting.

Aim to have at least 50% of the Board members attending meetings and actively contributing.

Nominate a suitable candidate for the 2014 Futers Gold medal.

To arrange a poster display for the Boiler House and 1 CHT.

A medium to long term objective of the Board will be to establish relations with the Universities to encourage those that have not done so to set up teaching modules catering for the MP&EM disciplines as it is thought that no UK Universities currently provide MP&EM as primary undergraduate degree courses

  1. Other matters


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