Mind in Brighton and Hove
51 New England Street
Tel : 01273 66 69 50
Fax : 01273 66 69 51
Date as postmark
Dear Applicant
Volunteer - Dispelling Mental Health Myths in the Workplace Project
Thank you for your interest in the Volunteer role at Mind in Brighton and Hove. This role involves helping to develop and deliver a new project funded by Time to Change and runs until January 2015. The aim of the project is to connect with local businesses to dispel mental health myths in the workplace. We are looking for someone who is passionate about and committed to challenging mental health stigma and discrimination.
Please find enclosed the following information about the post.
· Introduction to Mind in Brighton and Hove
· Job description
· Person specification
· Application Form
· Equalities Monitoring Form
This pack can also be found on our website at www.mindcharity.co.uk. Please do refer to the role description and person specification when filling in your application form. When short-listing for interview, we will be looking at whether and how well you meet the list of criteria given in this document.
Please, email your completed application form and equalities monitoring form to . Alternatively, please send these documents to Mind in Brighton and Hove, 51 New England Street, Brighton BN1 4GQ.
If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to meet with us at our New England Street office to discuss the project in more detail.
If you have any questions about the role, please contact
Yours sincerely,
Jodie Wallis
Project Coordinator
Reg Address: 51 New England St Brighton BN1 4GQ Company Reg No 03592375 Charity Reg No 1071434
Volunteer: Dispelling Mental Health Myths in the Workplace Project
Background information
Who we are
Mind in Brighton and Hove exists to empower and support people who have experience of mental health issues living in Brighton and Hove and West Sussex. We provide a range of services which provide support and help to enable people to make choices about the services they use and treatment they receive. For more details of our services, please see our website www.mindcharity.co.uk
Time to Change is England's biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination. Part of this work is a £2.7m grants scheme to fund grassroots projects, led by people with mental health problems, that will engage communities in meaningful conversations about mental health. The programme aims to change behaviours, not just attitudes. For more information about Time to Change visit their website: www.time-to-change.org.uk
Nearly 9 out of 10 people with mental health problems say they experience, or have experienced, stigma and discrimination. In the working context, research by national Mind identified discrimination at work as preventing people from disclosing their mental health condition and creating a barrier to employment. Only 21% of people with a long term mental illness are employed, compared to 47% with a physical disability. Returning to, or retaining, work can be a major cause of stress for many people with mental health problems and this is being exacerbated by the pressures to secure employment resulting from changes to the benefits system.
Time to Change’s aim is to start a conversation, or thousands of conversations. They want to empower people with mental health problems to feel confident talking about the issue of mental health and they want three-quarters of the population to know someone with a mental health problem so they can talk about it too. We are excited to have a grant from Time to Change to help them with their aim.
Our project will use volunteers with personal experience of mental health problems to visit workplaces and engage with employers and employees and open up conversations about mental health, with particular reference to mental health in the workplace. Visits will include ice breakers such as quizzes and cakes to promote a relaxed and open environment. Our service users have identified employers as a target group to work with.
Dispelling Mental Health Myths in the Workplace Project
Our volunteers will assist the project coordinator with the development and delivery of an exciting new, target driven, project to engage local employers and employees in talking about mental health issues in the workplace. This will involve visiting local businesses with other volunteers and delivering informal sessions to engage them in conversations about dispelling the myths surrounding mental health.
All our volunteers will receive training and support for this role
Tasks Include
· To assist the project coordinator in making connections with local businesses and engaging them in the project.
· To go into the workplace and engage with employers and employees, starting conversations about mental health and dispelling myths.
· To be open about own experiences of mental health, whilst maintaining boundaries.
· Working with the project coordinator and other volunteers in planning and delivering sessions at local businesses.
· To be responsible for liaising with the project coordinator about each organised event.
· To be willing to reflect on practice, and look at alternative ways of engaging if appropriate.
· To provide feedback and monitor the number of meaningful ‘social contacts’ made with individuals at each event.
· To be responsible for evaluations at the end of an event, so that feedback can be sought out from the audience.
· To provide a positive and non-judgmental learning experience for local businesses, with the long term aim of building positive and effective relationships.
Other tasks
· attend our core training programme
· take part in an induction programme into their role
· keep within set boundaries laid out in training and Mind policies
· follow policies and procedures described in training and Mind policies
· attend regular group supervision sessions and debriefs
· attend 1:1 supervision sessions when required and as agreed
· take part in evaluations and reviews to help improve the service
· To work flexibly in order to meet the needs of the project possibly including some evening and weekend work.
What to expect from us:
Mind in Brighton and Hove is keen to make your volunteering experience with us a positive one. In addition to being able to add skills and experience to your CV and be part of a team campaigning for better mental health, we will endeavour to:
· Operate a non-discriminatory policy with regard to the recruitment and selection of volunteers
· Offer a safe and inclusive space to volunteer
· Offer training relevant for your role
· Offer group supervision sessions
· Offer individual supervision sessions when required
· Provide you with on-going support
· Inform you of our procedures
· Recognise your skills and celebrate your contribution
· Ask for and respond to your feedback about volunteering with us
· Inform you of new volunteering opportunities when they appear
· Opportunity to meet new, like minded persons
The project is funded by Time to Change, England’s biggest programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems. The programme is run by the charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, and funded by the Department of Health, Comic Relief and the Big Lottery Fund.
Volunteer: Dispelling Mental Health Myths in the Workplace Project
Person Specification
The person specification lists the knowledge and skills you need to volunteer for Mind in Brighton and Hove. These will not necessarily be gained through paid employment. They can also be gained through voluntary work and life experience.
We are looking for volunteers who are able to offer the attributes listed below.
· An understanding of the stigma and discrimination people with mental health issues face in the workplace.
· Lived experience of mental health issues and a willingness to be open about this.
· An ability to communicate and engage well with a wide range of people including in the context of a business setting.
· Knowledge and/or connections with local businesses in the area
· A willingness and ability to listen to others, share ideas and respond appropriately.
· An ability to take responsibility for own well-being but also seek support when needed.
· Motivated and Flexible.
· Reliability, good organisational and time management skills.
· An ability and willingness to travel across Brighton and Hove.
· An understanding of the value in taking part in training and supervision sessions.
Please, refer to the role description and person specification when filling in your application form. When short-listing for interview, we will be looking at whether and how well you meet the list of criteria given in this document. You may wish to use the criteria listed in the person specification as headings and write a short paragraph under each heading to demonstrate how your personal, professional or volunteering experience shows you possess those attributes.
Mind in Brighton and Hove
Volunteer Application Form – Private and Confidential
Application for the position ofName:
Phone – Work / Can we leave a message? Yes No
Phone – Home / Can we leave a message? Yes No
Mobile / Can we leave a message? Yes No
How did you hear about this volunteering opportunity at Mind in Brighton and Hove?
When are you available to volunteer? Please, tick the relevant box or boxes:
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Week-end
How many hours a week would you wish to volunteer with us?
Are you able to volunteer with us for the duration of the project (until January 2015)
after our core training programme?
Yes □ No □
Knowledge, skills and experience relevant to volunteering
This is the most important part of the form.
When completing this section please use the criteria listed in the person specification as headings and under these please give examples by referring to your personal life, professional, academic, or voluntary work.
You may wish to add some pages. Please ensure all pages are numbered and include your name. Do not exceed 3 pages in total.
Please, note we will not accept CVs
Criminal convictions
Mind in Brighton and Hove is legally required to obtain a Disclosure and Barring Service check for all employees and volunteers.
Please give the names of two people we can contact for references. It would be helpful if one of the references could be from someone who has known you through a voluntary, work or community activity but one personal referee is accepted. Please note that we do not accept friends or family members as referees. Any offer of a volunteering position will be subject to satisfactory references.
Signed: ………………………………
Date: ………………….
1. Please circle your age group:
Under 16 / 16-25 / 26-35 / 36-45 / 46-6566-75 / 76-85 / 86+ / Prefer not to say
2. What gender are you?
Male / Female / Other / Prefer not to say3. Do you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth?
Yes / No / Prefer not to say4. Which category best describes your ethnic or cultural origin?
Other-please state
...... / Black
Other- please state
...... / White
European- please state
Other- please state
Asian & Black African
Asian & Black Caribbean
Asian & White
Black African & White
Black Caribbean & White
Other- please state
...... / Other Ethnic Group
Other- please state
...... / Prefer not to say
5. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Heterosexual/Straight / Lesbian/ Gay woman / Gay manBisexual / Other- please state
...... / Prefer not to say
6. Do you have a religious belief?
Yes- please state...... /
No / Prefer not to say
7. Do you consider yourself to be disabled or have a long-term health condition that limits your day-to-day activities and which has lasted, or is expected to last at least 12 months?
The Equality Act (2010) describes a person as disabled if they have a longstanding physical or mental condition that has lasted or is likely to last at least 12 months; and this condition has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities. People with some conditions (cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, for example) are considered to be disabled from the point that they are diagnosed.
Yes /No / Prefer not to say
8. If you answered “yes” to the last question, please circle the type of impairment which applies to you. If you have more than one impairment please circle all that apply
Physical impairment / Visual impairment / Hearing impairment / Mental healthcondition
Learning disability/ difficulty / Long-term illness / Other- please state
...... / Prefer not to say
9. Are you a carer?
Yes- please circle who you care for:-Parent
Child with special needs
Other family member
Other- please state.
...... / No / Prefer not to say