September 03, 2014
A regular meeting of the Farmington Township Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, September 03, 2014, at 7:00 PM in the municipal building. Board members present were Matthew Sherbine, Howard Schmader, and Lewis Culp. Also present were Amanda Hepinger and Francis Allio. Citizens present were Larry Bauer, Thomas Kirkwood, Bob Tinsley, and Rodney Sherman of the Clarion News.
Public Comments
Thomas Kirkwood asked when the drain on his property would be fixed. The Supervisors noted the issue was temporarily resolved by using a rotor rooter and have future plans for a longer-term fix. It was noted the township was not taking responsibility for the drain but will repair it.
Bob Tinsley complained on the condition of Allio Drive. The roadway keeps washing out and has not been surfaced for at least twenty-six years. Francis Allio said he would be up to fix the road next week.
Reading & Approval of Minutes
Motion by Howard Schmader, 2nd Lewis Culp to approve the minutes of the August 06, 2014, regular meeting as presented. Motion was voted on and carried in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Unfinished Business
Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to proceed with purchasing a building for Joe’s sewage station at a cost no more than $5,500. It was noted they wanted to complete the project before winter. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Howard Schmader has been in contact with Senator Scott Hutchinson concerning the delay in selling the recycling building. It was noted to follow-up with him.
Lewis Culp and Matthew Sherbine attended a fire company meeting to talk to the Board of Directors. The purpose of the meeting was to open up communication between the fire company and the township.
Motion by Matthew Sherbine, 2nd Lewis Culp to approve Francis Allio to attend the Unpaved Gravel Roads workshop September 05. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Matthew Sherbine, 2nd Lewis Culp to approve Janet Ochs’s extension request to extend her sewage line to an outbuilding near her pool at no additional cost. It was noted that this outbuilding will contain a toilet similar to connections that have a toilet in a garage. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Matthew Sherbine, 2nd Lewis Culp to purchase a booster pump for the chlorine building at a cost of $1,207.46. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
New Business
The Cook Building flooded last week due to a filled ditch that was originally designed to direct stormwater into the woods. Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Howard Schmader to pursue quotes to have someone permanently restore the ditch to prevent further flooding into the park building. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to allow the fire company to utilize township equipment during construction of the add-on to the fire station building in order to minimize costs. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Howard Schmader, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to acknowledge and accept the proposed PMRS MMO as presented. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to adopt Resolution No. 2014-04, Restatement for the PSATS Trustees Insurance. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Lewis Culp, 2nd Matthew Sherbine to pay all outstanding bills. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Motion by Matthew Sherbine, 2nd Lewis Culp to adjourn the meeting. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 08:26 PM. Motion was voted on and carried all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amanda Hepinger