International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Intuitional Education

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Thursday July 31, 2008

A call to order was made at 8:05 a.m. with President Peter Jones presiding. He recognized past presidents, Board and other CHRIE leaders and staff and thanked the conference sponsors.

Minutes of the 2007 annual membership meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved by the membership with a motion by Bob Bosselman and a second by Ernie Boger.

Treasurer Lea Dopson made her report, summarizing that CHRIE is solvent. Fred Mayo moved to accept the report; Bob Bosselman seconded. The report was unanimously accepted.

Ray Schmidgall reported that there is $110,000 in the FutureFund in addition to over $1,000 raised last night in the raffle. He thanked those people who contributed to the silent auction.

President Peter Jones presented his president’s report in which he reviewed the strategic planning process, presented proposed changes to the CHRIE structure and reported that the Board of Directors had approved the plan and that the resulting proposed bylaws changes would now have to be voted on by the members. He outlined the expanded federation proposal and the continued role of chapters as part of federations in the proposed changes if both the federations and the chapters choose that course of action. In fact, chapter officers could be the same as federation officers.

Vice President Mokie Steiskal thanked all for their work on the planning process and asked for continued feedback. She also asked for members to let her know how they would like to be involved in CHRIE the following year, especially on what committees they would like to serve.

President Peter Jones presented the presidential gavel to Vice President Mokie Steiskal, installing Mokie as President, with Peter moving to Past President.

Nick Hadgispresented the Immediate Past President’s report. He noted that both the nominating committee and the awards committee worked very well with an increased use of electronic meeting. He commented on how important it was to take care to observe the criteria for the various nominations and awards. He thanked both committees for their work.

Old Business -- None.

New Business -- None

Bob Bosselman installed new board members.

President Mokie Steiskal took the podium as president. She thanked Peter Jones with a gift.

Bob Bosselman moved to adjourn; Mike Zema seconded. The motion carried unanimously.