Milton Primary School PTA

Monday 15th January 2018

In Attendance

Jill Pate (Chair -JP)Mary Brownlie (Secretary - MB)

Michelle Wailes (Treasurer - MW)Lee Munogee (Teacher –LM )

Sandra Gardiner (SG)Janet Graham (JG)

Marla Clark (MC)Hazel McShane (HM)

Michelle Wiseman (MWi)

Action Items Update

Lets- the council have confirmed the lets for the PTA meetings until the end of June 2018.


The event was found to be a success – raising £1,900 profit. Points raised re potential improvements to be considered next year were

  • Possibility of making extra stock of craft from each class year, to sell to others attending fayre, the children manning these stalls were asked by quite a few attenders if they could buy the items so this is a possible further income. LM advised us that they did this at her previous school and raised good funds from this and in fact this year her class made extra and sold them all.
  • Look at how we utilise high school student helpers – it was felt that they should have a PTA member supporting them particularly with entry to the tearoom.
  • There were smaller numbers attending Santa’s grotto this year possible reasons were that:
  • there was not enough signage for the grotto
  • the positioning of the table to pay for grotto

Santa has suggested the possibility of having pre booked time slots

  • The suggestion was made that next year to analyse which tables do well or otherwise, each float to be kept separate until after the event
  • More sellers of raffle tickets on the day
  • The date worked well however shorten the length of the event making it 1.30-3.30pm, drawing the raffle at 3.15pm for those who wait.

Thankyou letters were completed and sent to all those who donated.

Future events

Bag Packing

It was unanimously decided to postpone the bag packing event which was scheduled for the 3rd February 2018, due to time constraints and other events PTA members have on the same day. A future date will be based around other fundraising events. Pupils and parent volunteers will be required (likely on a rota basis).

Spring Disco

At previous meetings there had been suggestions about having the disco during school hours, as this would not require a let for the hall or parent helpers. After discussions on the logistics of this and which we thought would be the preferred decision we decided to keep this as an evening event.

  • Date 28th March
  • Times
  • P1-3 : 6.30-7.30
  • P4-7 : 7.45-8.45
  • JP messaged Jennifer Manson to ask David Rollo to check if he is available for the disco (subsequently confirmed)
  • SG Will organise juice and crisps for the event
  • Cost £2

It was decided that as well as the dancing and corners competitions we would introduce other ‘games’ to break up the time, with the aim of trying to keep the children from getting ‘over excited’ like they have at previous discos. Games suggested were things like the “under/over game” and introducing a forfeit for the loser. Also discussed having pupils bring Easter bonnets or Easter cards for judging on the night. This and prizes for the games can be discussed in more detail at a future meeting (possibly Easter eggs)

MB will organise a let for the event.

Charity event

Unfortunately only 7 feedback forms were received back from parents/carers on what the preferred option would be for this event. However JP still calculated the data from this and the top scoring event was a family race night.

The PTA felt this could also include friends and will advertise the event as a “Family and friends” event. Various venues were discussed and it was decided that Hollandbush Golf Club would be the most suitable venue, they have been very accommodating in the past, it is local, the bar is already insitu and food can be ordered if attendees so wish. Also they have the equipment required for the race night we wanted to go for – this is an event where rather than it being a screen showing the races, people attending the race night complete the races with a type of pull along/rolling horse. SG, MW and MB have been to race nights like this before and agreed it is a fun alternative to the screen option and that it will hopefully keep the children’s interest more than the screen. It was decided to break the night up into adult and children’s races.

JP will collate a letter to be sent out to parents detailing this and further events – a note will be included in this letter reminding parents that on the night the children remain their responsibility and also asking if they would be so kind as to hand in any donations for the raffle into the office.A gentle reminder re using the easy fundraising app when shopping will also be added to the letter.

Suggestions for the commentator were made :

  • SG suggested John Goulding
  • MWi suggested the man who compered a previous event for the PTA, she can contact him for pricing as he may be able to continue the entertainment after the races either with a disco or a cabaret.

If not organising a disco we will need to look into some form of entertainment for after the races, this would involve

  • Arranging a sound system, do the school have something we could use, LM thought there may be something , she will check with Mrs James re this
  • Consider asking Davie Rollo if he could do a set
  • Play music through a speaker, ideas for sourcing speaker were Gaynor Smith (office staff & parent) her husband may have a speaker as he is in a band, MW thought she may have one and will check this
  • MWi will check if the Hollandbush sound system is working to play music through

Discussion was had on prizes for the ‘winners’ of races – it was decided that there would be prizes for the kids races (perhaps a goody bag made up with items from the pocket money stall at the fayre). Adults prize will be a medal – JP thinks there may be some of these in PTA stock.

Event details

  • 7pm start
  • Entry fee £4 adults £1 for children (this was decided as the entry will cost around £10 for the ‘average’ family)
  • £1 per bet – tbc on the night
  • Between 6 and 8 races dependent on numbers attending

Publicity for the event

  • Pupil post
  • PTA facebook page
  • ‘word of mouth’ at the school gate.

Another fundraiser on the night would be a 100 square sheet made available to attendees on the night – possibly at the door on entry. Prize would be £40 so that we can make a profit of £60. Possibly also run “push the coin at the bottle”

MWi will contact the Hollandbush to check availability for dates and information re costing and sound system etc.

[Subsequent amendments: on consultation with the Hollandbush regarding logistics it was decided to host a mix of “interactive” and video races. Hollandbush will source equipment/materials and hire compere/disco. If >70 attendees, Hollandbush will contribute to compere/disco costs].

Milton’s got talent

Date : 13/6/2018 - MB will organise let

Potential Judges (ideally 3 on night):

  • Speak to Mrs James to ask if she could speak to the High school and ask if any of the music department teachers could/would like to be a judge.
  • Gymnastics coach – Wendy Lucas (owns her own gym etc) JP contact
  • Dance teacher – Shirley Craig (judges baton twirling at worlds level and also teaches dancing)
  • Member of the male voice choir.
  • Mags Cathcart as current cheiftan of Lesmahagow highland games and on that theme we could ask the reigning ‘queen’ (a Milton primary school pupil) if she could present the prizes to the winners.

Letter would be sent out asking those who wish to take part to put in a note of interest stating what they would like to do. Undecided if auditions would be held or wait to see how many entries we receive and what type of ‘talents’ are being presented.

Cost :tbc

Small raffle

Tea room facilities : tea/coffee, juice, crisps and haribo ? included in ticket price?

Possibility of selling glow sticks.

Highland Games

Date : 23rd June – confirmed via facebook page.

Theme – Hawaiian beach theme/beach party.

SG introduced the idea of having a larger vehicle so that all pupils can be on the float. Such as a ‘curtain sided’ lorry. She will look into this and get back to us. If this is not an option her brother will again kindly supply his tractor and trailer and older pupils will follow on foot.

Expenditure decisions

Forest Schools

Unsure if Mrs James has confirmed Forest schools with the owner of the project as she was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, tbc at future date. LM introduced the idea that if the children enjoy this project is it something we could look into funding training for one of our teachers to go on to teach. As well as being a great facility for the children it would reduce the costs long-term of bringing in an outside agency each year. She will speak with Mrs James re same.

Possible land for the Forest schools to be completed on surrounds the side of the school/Broompark Drive. MB or SG will speak with local farmer to ask if they know who owns this land to request permission to use this land.

Mrs James to provide further detail re money Primary 7 pupils were looking for to fund a “legacy” project.

MW gave us a total for the amount currently in the PTA bank account – she mentioned she has not received an invoice from the school office as yet for the school pantomime, which we agreed to fund, so this is to come off total. She will check with office if they have received an invoice from Hopscotch theatre.

Paper work was also presented to be completed to change the names of signatories for the bank account and this will be completed before the next meeting. Paper work stated

‘This resolution must be passed at a meeting of the members or relevant management committee of the organisation.

  • The signing rules in the current mandate for the accounts detailed in section 2 be replaced in accordance with section 4 and or :
  • The authorised signatories in the current mandate for the accounts detailed in section 2 be changed in accordance with section 5 and 6 and the current mandate will continue as amended’

Signatories will now be MW, JP and MB. MW also aims to arrange the setup for internet banking prior to the next meeting.

Date of Next Meeting :

26th Feb 2018

Further meetings

26th March 2018

21st May 2018