North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization
of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Twenty-Ninth Annual Gathering
June 24-26, 2016
The twenty-ninth Annual Gathering of the NC Synodical Women’s Organization of the ELCA met at Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, North Carolina, on Jun 24-26, 2016.
The year’s theme was I am Created*Called*Empowered.The theme scripture was taken from Acts 1:8 (NIV).“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Prior to the beginning of the first session, Alice Nelson presented Voting Member orientation.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Registration began at 2:00 pm in the front foyer of the Rhyne Building.
There were three “Early Bird” Awareness Sessions, 2:45-3:45 pm
Grace Chapel Tour I provided by Lenoir-Rhyne University Staff.
Bible Study led by Pastor Lucille “CeCee” Mills.Take part, listen, and learn as we examine and study Romans 12:3-12, 18, 21.
Video:“Bold Like Jesus, facilitator Donna Prunkl.Hear Rebecca Stevens take on the title of the four-part DVD provided by the NC Synod-ELCA. She is an Episcopal priest, an author, and a social justice activist.
First Session – 7:00 pm – Grace Chapel
Ada Smith was Music Director for the Gathering.
The Gathering hymn was “Gather Us In.”
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order and led the group in a responsive reading, which called us to join her in “expressing our commitment to the purpose of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.”
Jane Cadwallader, Co-Chair of the Gathering Program Committee, introduced the Chaplain, the Reverend Lucille “CeCee” Mills.At the present time, Pastor Mills is bi-vocational.She serves as Program Associate for African Descent Ministries deployed from the Churchwide Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Chicago and as Interim Pastor for Family of Faith Lutheran Church in Concord, North Carolina.
The Worship Servicebegan with a responsive reading of Psalm 91. The Psalm Prayer was: “Into your hands we commend ourselves, O God, our bodies and souls and all that is ours.Give your holy angels charge over us, so that the wicked foe may have no power over us; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.”Amen
Pastor Mills led us in prayer prior to the reading of Acts 1:6-8: “So when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?He replied, ‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The meditation was by Pastor Mills, and the Gathering Choir sang “Go Ye Into All the World.”Pastor Mills told us of taking her five-year-old son to see a magician.The magician performed all kinds of tricks with flowers.Pastor Mills asked her son how he had liked the magician, and he said you mean when he opened the pop up flowers?Sometimes we think the same thing about the Holy Spirit.Do we know what it is to be gifted with the Holy Spirit within our bodies guiding us and transforming us?Do we understand this or is it just like a pop-up flower?Jesus was the advocate for the disciples and He told them He would not leave them by themselves.We are not certain the disciples understood what this meant for the Holy Spirit to be within us.We are to walk to the very ends of the earth sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.God expects us to experience everyday how we live out our baptismal call to be bold women for Jesus.God is calling everyone to come out of our comfort zone to be a bold believer.
The anthem entitled “Go Ye Into All the World” followed Pastor Mills’ meditation.The hymn, “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying,” followed the anthem.Pastor Mills offered prayerand the hymn, “All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night” followed.
Presentation of the Gathering Program – Jane Cadwallader and Patti Lovell, Co-Chairs of the Gathering Program Committee stated there were a few corrections to the Gathering Program and Reports.Jane and Patti said they appreciated both those who downloaded the GPR and those who purchased the GPR.
If voting members and participants were downloading the GPR, after Page 58, the pages were one number off (ex. 67 might actually be 68).
If you used a mobile device, there may not be page numbers in the GPR.
Page 17 under the awareness session “What Really Happens After I hit post?” the sentence, “Join us as learn to navigate this world of social media” should be “Join us as we learn to navigate this world of social media.”
Page 24:Dr. Wayne Powell, Lenoir-Rhyne President, could not be with the Gathering to bring greetings; therefore, Dr. Katie Fisher, Assistant Provost and Dean of Students, would bring greetings on behalf of Dr. Powell and the faculty and staff.
Page 87:Jane Rimmer Cadwallader, nominee for Triennial Delegate, should have read Catawba – Beth Eden – Newton instead of Hickory.
How to Report on the Gathering:The word “Delegates” should be “Voting Members;”“Visitors” should be “Participants;”“High School/College” should be “High School” and a separate item for “College.”
Page 95:The offering designation is incorrect.The offering should be ½ CWO and ½ Ministry of Hope, Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women.
Acting Secretary Jean Beaver moved the adoption of the GPR with changes noted and with the flexibility by the President to make changes as the need arises.The motion carried.
Jean Beaver moved that the Standing Rules found on Pages 8 and 9 of the GPR be adopted.The motion carried.
Jean Beaver read the list of appointed Gathering Committees.
Credentials Committee:Linda Blake, Chair, Smoky Mountain Conference, Joyce Gibson, Mecklenburg/Union, Ex. Officio, Jean Beaver, Registrar and Nena Babb, Board Resource
Elections Committee:Robin McCraw, Chair, Northern
Teller Team I:
Linda Gunnet, Triangle
Joyce Garner, Sandhills
Sherry Beard, Catawba
Patti Schmid, Alexander-Iredell
Lorri Monterose, Board Resource
Teller Team II:
Cindy Whisenant, Catawba
Phyllis Myers, North Coastal
Sandra Kennedy, Southwestern
Arlene Duffala, Rowan
Stephanie Oxford, Board Resource
Resolution Committee:
Melanie Denny, Chair
Revonda Heavner, Blue Ridge
Vicki McCombs, Cabarrus/Stanly
Mary Lautensleger, Board Resource
Committee on Report of the President:
Linda Hewitt, Chair
Margie Venable, Central
Leslie Pipan, Board Resource
Committee on Minutes
Gail Welch, Chair, Catawba
Judy Springer, Northern
Donna Prunkl, Board Resource
Parliamentarian:Alice Nelson
The President thanked those serving on committees and Jean Beaver for serving as Acting Secretary.
Dr. Katie Fisher, Assistant Provost, brought greetings from Lenoir-Rhyne University on behalf of Dr. Wayne Powell.Dr. Fisher mentioned significant happenings on campus, new programs and construction.Donald Trump came to campus for a rally, and whether you favor Mr. Trump or not, Lenoir-Rhyne is an open community for dialogue.Garrison Keillor also came to campus. This was especially notable because this is his last year on Prairie Home Companion.There is a bit of construction:Alex and Lee George Science Building, opening in fall of 2018.Health Science Center with PA program, which many schools L-R’s size do not undertake.Monroe Auditorium is receiving many updates.Cromer Center lobby has been renovated, and the cafeteria is being renovated.It will make us distinctive in our area.We have expanded our housing for students on 8th Avenue.L-R will house upperclass students in this housing facility.There is new field turf on the football and lacrosse field; Commencement is also held in the stadium each spring.The road in front of the University is going to one lane.Speed tables are being installed so that all students are safe at Lenoir-Rhyne as they cross the streets in front of the campus.We have started a PA program, initiated a masters in Exercise Science, BA in Instructional Studies to work in private schools, charter schools, etc.Neill McGeachy, Athletic Director for many years at Lenoir-Rhyne, retired.He had reenergized athletics.After Mr. McGeachy retired, Kim Pate was hired as the AD.She previously worked at Brevard and knows our conference and commitment to the student athlete, success outside and inside the classroom.We have a wonderful commitment to the students enrolled at Lenoir-Rhyne.
President Harris announced that the Host Conference for the Gathering is Catawba.Cindy Whisenant, Presider of the Catawba Conference, brought greetings on behalf of the Conference.Scarves designated the women of the Catawba Conference.They werethere to help and assist.Fresh flowers have been placed on the meal tables thanks to Mr. Bud Reinhardt, a florist who provided the flowers.
Information about the weekend:Jane Cadwallader, Patti Lovell, and Linda Davis.Evaluations completed by those in attendance were given a lot of attention. It was mentioned that we cannot control the air conditioning.Parking is differentand is below the Rhyne Building.In front of Belk there is handicap parking and some designated for NC SWO President, Vice-President etc.Attendees were asked not park in those spaces.Registration Saturday will be until 10:00 for Voting Members.Please return the big envelopes with Service Opportunities.Return all envelopes and the red and green voting cards.Our food is being served in a different place, but we hope you enjoy the meals.Check out:Turn in cards and keys.There will be a person in Cromer to collect the cards and keys.If you lose your key or take it home with you, LR will bill the NC SWO, and we will contact the person who had the key.Complete the medical form and keep it on you in case of an emergency.In the event there is an accident, please let us know because we have a certificate of liability from Chicago that covers us this weekend – we have to go through Chicago if there is an accident.Please look on the back of your room door for an emergency route.There will be a Meet and Greet after the session in Fritz.
Leslie Pipan, Chair, Mission Action Committee:Christine Bohr Anderson Scholarship Presentation.Christine Bohr Anderson sent a check for $2,000, and said how much she appreciates the NC Women of the ELCA.Linda Hewitt made the scholarship presentation.She encouraged all women to make a check payable to the NC Women of the ELCA for the Christine Bohr Anderson Scholarship.Linda read a letter from this year’s recipient, Diane Cline, intern at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hickory.In her appreciation speech, Diane paraphrased Joshua 1:9.She thanked the Gathering and said how much she appreciated our sharing the journey with her.
Offering:One half to Churchwide Women’s Organization and one half to Ministry of Hope, Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women.Offering Prayer:The Rev. CecCee Mills
Vice-President Denise White called on Linda Blake for a Credentials Report.
Voting Members:49
NC Synodical Officers: 3
NC SWO Board Members: 8
Churchwide Representative Women of the ELCA (CWO Rep):1
Young Women Guests:1
High School:1
College/ Post High School:2
Middle School:5
Child Care:1
Total Registration:120
Credentials Report was accepted.
Sharon Johnson, Chair, Committee on Nominations, was asked to present nominees for the office of President.Sharon mentioned that the nominations have been given prayerful and careful consideration.She then presented Susan Harris for President.
She reminded the Voting Members that nominations from the floor must have permission of the nominee and bio of nominee.There were no nominations from the floor; therefore, the nominations were closed.
Chaplain Mills led the Gathering in prayer for Guidance before voting for President.
Voting members were instructed to cast their vote for President.
Lydia Davila, Churchwide Organization Representative,began her presentation with “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.”She is from the Caribbean Synod and was elected to the Churchwide Board at the Triennial Gathering in Charlotte in 2014. She said it was a true honor to see everyone here committed to serving God through Women of the ELCA.Together we can mobilize to act boldly on our faith in Jesus Christ.She asked the women to use this convention time to explore how God is calling them.She says she hopes we all consider this call to act and support one another in this calling, reassured that in and through whatever we do in God’s name, we are empowered by the promise of the Holy Spirit.She asked us to take a closer look at how Women of the ELCA is making a difference in people’s lives:
A place for You:This is a brochure for congregational units who are just joining the ELCA.It contains the Women of the ELCA Mission statement.The brochure also highlights many of the Women of the ELCA resources and programs.
Gather Magazine:Some major changes have been made.There are now three Bible Studies and two devotionals each year.It has articles, theological reflections and devotions to help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.
Caféis the award-winning, bold online connection and is free.
Interchange is Women of the ELCA newsletter, and it is a great way for women to get to know Women of the ELCA better.
Global Education:This is the program initiative that trains intergenerational groups of women on issues of Health HIV/Aids, nutrition, conflict resolution and gender violence.
Youth Gathering:Our Women of the ELCA focus was on teaching about preventing human trafficking.
Lydia also highlighted some of the programs and ministriesthe North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization accomplishes in their communities.She ended by thanking the NC SWO for all the ways that it gives to sustain and grow the work of the Women of the ELCA.
Video Greetings:
Lutheran Services Carolinas
Agape+Kure Beach Ministries
Lutheran Youth Organization
Novas Way Ministries
Robin McCraw, Chair of the Elections Committee brought the report of the Elections Committee for President.
Ballots Cast:59
Illegal Ballots:1
Legal Ballots:58
Needed to Elect:30
Robin announced that Susan P. Harris received 58 votes.
Denise White, Vice-President,declared Susan Harris elected President of the NC SWO for a two-year term.
Linda Blake – Credentials report.Linda reported that there was no change in registration since the previous report.
Credentials Report was accepted.
President Harris announced that since the resignation of secretary, Stephanie Buie, there is a need to conduct an election of Secretary for a one-year term to complete Stephanie’s two-term for Secretary
Sharon Johnson, Chair, Committee on Nominations, presented the following names for the Office of Secretary.The biographical information of each candidate is on Page 79 of the GPR.
Chelsea Jones and Melanie Denny
For personal reasons Melanie Denny withdrew her name for the position of Secretary.For nominations from the floor, the nominee must agree to allow her name to be placed in nomination and have available biographical information for distribution.There were no nominations from the floor, and nominations were closed.
Chaplain Mills prayed for guidance for voting for Secretary.
The president asked that voting members mark through the name Melanie Denny.Voting Members were asked to vote for one nominee. The balloting for secretary was closed, and Teller team 2 collected the ballots.
Resolutions must be given to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee by 10:00 am Saturday.
Matins – 6:45 Saturday morning in the garden behind Grace Chapel.In case of bad weather Matins will be held in the Centrum
Breakfast on Saturday begins at 7:30 in Cromer Center.
Saturday’s session begins at 8:45 am.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Morning Matins led by Tonie Neal, was held at 6:45 am in the outdoor Prayer Garden behind Grace Chapel.
Second Session 8:45 am, Belk Centrum
Susan reminded the Gathering that if they had a prayer request to please place the it in the basket at the front of the Centrum stage.
The opening hymn to begin the second session was “On Eagles Wings.”
The Bible Studyusing 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 was led by Chaplain CeCee Mills.Pastor Mills told the Gathering that “reading the Bible is not an educational experience; it is a spiritual experience.”She then led the Gathering in prayer.When you hear the term “gifted,” what comes to mind – special gifts, blessed, unique, artsy, talented, etc. When you hear the word gifted, there are no negative connotations.According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, gifted means having great, special talent or ability.God has gifted each one of us, and God expects us to use these gifts.We are given gifts to build up the whole community, not just ourselves.Our goodness is from God, and it is equal in God’s eyes.In Joshua we read about being strong and courageous.Chaplain Mills told the Gathering that her 23-year-old son is painfully shy, but he speaks to people and draws them to us for God’s purpose.He has an intuitive way about him to know when a person needs his presence.What are some amazing gifts you see in the Women of the ELCA circles, she asked the Gathering?Some of the responses were:baking, writing prayers, encourager, financial ability, quilters, educators, team player, teachers, compassion, wisdom, listener, hugger.Pastor Mills then asked:What gifts are used most often in your circles?Cooking, laughter, leaders of Bible Study, leadership, welcoming, volunteering were some of the answers.She encouraged us to name our gifts and recognize the ones that are underutilized and use them.