February 3, 2017

Millicoma Corral

Michelle Inskeep, Principal


Hello Millicoma Families,
This week we began our second semester, which somehow feels a bit unreal! How time flies when we are busy learning and having fun! Teachers have been diligently working on report cards and we will be mailing them home today.
Swimming lessons for 4th -6th grades are underway. We appreciate having the ability to send our kids for swimming lessons; it is an essential skill living on the coast and promotes wellness and physical activity.
Last weekend Mr. Dan Polk was honored by the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and awarded Innovative Educator of the Year! We are proud to have Mr. Polk on our staff at Millicoma. He offers children hands on learning experiences, promotes a vibrant learning community in his room and our school, and dedicates himself to student success! A well-deserved recognition for a terrific educator!
The Mustang Pride groups have been working on spreading kindness this month and some of you may have been the recipients of our Donuts for Drivers, which was the group’s way of spreading Random Acts of Kindness to parents and bus drivers! I am proud that our students are spreading kindness to those around them. Next Thursday at 8:15, we will have our monthly PBIS assembly to recognize students who exhibit kindness, our behavior focus of the month.
Please continue to check our webpage and Facebook page for updates on events happening at school. This is the point in the school year when things get busy and we try to make sure we keep information updated as often as possible.
Enjoy your weekend!
Michelle Inskeep

Millicoma’s Mustang Pride club will be offering

Valentine Grams


50 cents to deliver to a friend

OR to encourage participation in Kindness Month,

25 cents to have delivered as a RAK

(Random Act of Kindness)

*we will draw names randomly and deliver RAKs*

For sale February 6 – 9 in the cafeteria each morning and lunch!

*All profits will be donated to Mrs. Ashcraft as she fights cancer in Portland*