Miller Practice PPG: Minutes
Miller Practice Patient Participation Group Meeting
Date: 14 October 2014 at 18.30
Place: Miller Practice Highbury New Park
Chair: Chris Wills
Minutes: Amanda Meehan
Practice Staff Present: Amanda Meehan (Practice Manager), Dr Nick Brand
Members Present: Ruth Cohen, Chris Wills, Pat Kirkwood, Mike Gavrille
Item and Discussion / Action PointsMinutes from Last meeting:
Mike reported he attended Local PPG meeting for Islington – thank you Mike!
Coffee morning date set for 22/10/2014.
PPG Des Spec not discussed
Recruitment forms sent to all flu invites
Amanda to set up PPG notice board with constitution, minutes and sign up forms.
Amanda also to update the website / Not discussed – next meeting
Done but minutes not on board yet or constitution
Website updated
Minute Taker for this meeting
New members (approx100) and how this happened
Amanda reported that she had sent an e mail to Chris who circulated to the group with a suggestion, as we are doing a mailshot to over 3000 patients requiring the flu jab, that we invite them to join the PPG. Group agreed and this is the result!
Approximately 50 people want to attend the groups and the remaining 100 patients want to be part of virtual group. The patients interested in joining are of different age groups and include representatives from different ethnicities which is great!
Amanda also reports that staff are giving out the sign up forms to all new patients joining the Practice.
Potential new members and the two groups – virtual and those wishing to be members-Discussion on virtual concept
Amanda suggested that the virtual group could include an e mail forum or a newsletter. Chris also said we could ask opinions on discussion points from meetings.
To note a few members of virtual group are requesting postal replies otherwise everyone else e mail.
To discuss with virtual group items such as and use this to get views of wider patient audience and use the forum as a communication tool and to get views.
Discussion with group and all decisions to go to virtual group following meeting for their opinion.
To set up a ‘distribution list’ on the e mail.
Discussions on confidentiality and holding data and Chris said he had knowledge of this and that the data needed to b held by the Practice. Discussion and group agreed.
Mike volunteered to be in charge of setting up a PPG website! And also to look in to setting up of facebook which can be linked. / Amanda to draft mailshot with welcome about group and info about virtual group to the PPG for review. To mention point they will ‘contribute to practice development’ and also ask for people to let us know any skills they have and would be willing to share.
Mike to look in to setting up website and will report at next meeting on progress
New Members and those wishing to attend meetings – Discussion
Amanda suggested having a strong and clear agenda perhaps with set items such as
-themes for complaints ( anonymised)
-practice update
-current issues
Also of note will strengthen position with CQC and show a patient centred organisation.
Pat reports that website says weekends closed / Amanda to look in to this.
Next PPG Meeting:
Group discussed next meeting and agreed we should have a meeting next month to follow up. / Date agreed for 14/10/2014 – 18.30
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