Terms of Reference
In the context of the Public Management Reform Agenda (PMRA) the Performance Community of Practice (Performance CoP) has been established to support the staged implementation of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework.
The primary purpose of the Performance CoP is to:
- Work together to implement an enhanced Commonwealth performance framework
- Provide a forum to share expertise and examples of better practice
- pilot information and education sessions
- test and validate new approaches
- Establish a feedback loop between framework design, implementation and results
- manage transition arrangements
- identify and respond to implementation issues
The scope of the community spans a range of performance related topics, including:
- whole-of-government performance frameworks
- performance planning and reporting mechanisms
- developing, measuring and evaluating performance information
- guidance material to support the performance framework
It is proposed that membership of the Performance CoP comprise representatives from a broad cross section of Commonwealth entities, ideally with a mix of:
- Corporate staff
- Program managers
- Performance specialists
Members will be asked to identify their specific areas of interest to assist in targeting specific events.
While the community is primarily aimed at Commonwealth entities and companies, it is open to external parties (e.g. officials from other jurisdictions; academics; and relevant experts from the private sector).
Please note some community events will target specific audiences.
Operating arrangements
In the role of convenor/facilitator of the community, Finance will
- coordinate and host events
- distribute communications
Timing/scheduling of events
The community will endeavour to hold face-to-face knowledge sharing community events
- as required or
- on a regular basis
Guest speakers
Guest speakers may be from government entities or relevant commercial or professional organisations for special topics. Unpaid presenters will be the default position as there will be no formal budget for the events.
Venues, hosting, record-keeping
While Finance is the convenor/facilitator for the community, members are encouraged to give presentations or host events, especially where that might maximise the opportunity to share relevant lessons learned or examples of best practice with other members.
As an informal forum there will not be formal minutes, however presentations from each session will be made available for the benefit of members unable to attend a particular session.
Expected lifespan of the community
The community is expected to continued to operate into 2017, after which it’s function and these terms of reference will be reviewed by members of the community.