Midtown Lesson Plan Template

Name: Grade(s): Subject(s)
Curriculum Expectations: (consider the possibility of cross-curricular connections)
List overall and specific expectations that you are addressing and assessing. / Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Describe what you want the students to have an understanding of at the end of the lesson.
Equity/ Diversity and Social Justice (Teacher Actions)
Context: Where does this lesson fit into your overall planning – introductory, middle, culminating? (Prior Knowledge)
Is there a Connection for Students? Connections to other Curricular areas :
What do I know about my students’ lives and how can I connect their lives to this topic? Which current event might spark interest in the Enduring Understanding(s)/ Big Idea(s)?
Minds On: Activating Prior Knowledge
What prior knowledge do my students need in order to relate to and be successful with the content of the lesson? What strategies can I use to activate students’ prior knowledge? / Materials (Teacher/ Student)
Action (small group, investigation, use of manipulatives, technology, etc.)
This section of the lesson describes how students will explore and investigate a new concept (constructivist approach) This is a time when students can communicate, discuss, support each other, construct new knowledge, develop concepts, and use higher order thinking skills. This is a time when teachers can interact with students, differentiate instruction to meet all student needs, identify and challenge student misconceptions and assess for learning. / Materials
Consolidation and Debrief
This section of the lesson is a time to highlight the big idea(s), identify common errors, assess FOR learning for next steps, assess AS learning, and have the students reflect on learning (meta-cognition). / Materials
Differentiated Instruction (Content/ Process/ Product)
(based on the learner - Visual, audial, kinesthetic etc.)
Accommodations and Modifications
(how will you alter the content or delivery of the lesson for those who are not getting the concept) / Materials
Assessments (For/ As/ Of) Learning
Next Steps
Based on Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment AS Learning, record next steps which may include thoughts about the next lesson, groupings, instructional strategies, home connections etc.
Self Reflection
What parts of your lesson were successful in helping your students understand the Big Idea(s)?
What instructional decisions were successful in meeting the needs of all students?
Reflect on your planning and delivery of the lesson and record any changes/modifications that you might make as you continue move forward with lesson delivery.
What went well? / What did not go so well? / What do I need to change?