International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management & Landscape Hydrology

2015.5.16-17 Beijing


School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

National Supervision Board of Landscape Architecture Education (China)

Theory and History Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture


Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University


Research Center for Landscape Architecture, Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning & Design Institute

Center for UrbanRunoff Control & StreamRestoration, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

Hydrology and Water Resources Institute, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University


Many cities in China have frequently encountered serious water logging disasters in recent years, which heavily challenged the status quo of urban livability and future sustainability. Facing these threats, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China has issued a technical guide in October, 2014for building sponge cities, which advocates LID and many other measures to mitigate stormwater impacts. Multiple professions and disciplines are responsible for the stormwater management issues, from hydrology, environmental science, ecology, civil and water engineering, to urban planning, landscape architecture and architecture, etc.

In order to enhance the communication and collaboration among multiple disciplines related to SWM, the International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management & Landscape Hydrology is held during May 16th-17th, 2015 at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. This symposium is based on an integrated and interdisciplinary idea, Landscape Hydrology and advocates interdisciplinary cooperation among multiple professions. With your participation, we believe that this event will play a significant role in promoting further development and to strengthen the multi-disciplinary cooperation of this field.


(1) Human Settlement and Sustainable Rai-scape Design Research

Traditional urban flood control, river management and hydro-scape strategies

Traditional rain harvesting and control techniques in architecture, settlement, landscape and garden design

Requirements of SWM for urban planning and design as well as land development and construction

Sustainable Rain Water Landscape Design Research

SWM-focused green building design research

(2) Stormwater Management International Experience and Regional Strategy

Comparison of SWM based on the condition of countries and regions

Various way to build rain-harvesting green fieldand SWM methods based on different climate conditions

Technical standards and construction costs evaluation of SWM

performance evaluation and maintenance of SWM facilities

Site-specific SWM strategies and technique optimization

(3)Scientific Research of landscape and water in 'Sponge City' development

Urban hydrological analysis and simulation of stormwater processes

Urban Runoff Control LID BMPs technique arrangement and optimization

Urban river system conservation, restoration, and SWM

Requirements of SWM for urban green space planning, design, construction, and maintenance

Research on urban rain-harvesting green field

Pollutant removal in SWM and public safety


May 11-25, 2015 Exchange exhibition on Urban Stormwater management projects

Exhibition Hall, First floor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

May 13-15, Sponge CampusDesign Workshop

Room south 115, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

May 16, International Symposium

Lecture Hall, Welun Building, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

May 17, Morning, Sub- Forum

(1) Hall Jackson Wang, (2)Room 118, (3) Multi-function Room, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Afternoon, Site Visit

West Route: Haidian Park, Yibei Community, Flooding control pond of Beiwu Village

Central Route: Olympic Forest Park, Olympic Stadium Area

East Route: Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Road LID and storage Park

4.Schedule (May 15-17)

May 15/Friday
12:00-20:00 afternoon,Registration (Lobby,School of Architecture)
15:00-17:30 Final Review of Sponge CampusDesign Workshop(Room South 115)
19:30-20:30 Buffet reception (Lobby and Courtyard, School of Architecture)
May 16/Saturday
(Lecture Hall, Welun Building, School of Economics and Management,
Tsinghua University)
Morning Session
8:30-9:00 / Addess by:
Mr. Weiming Zhuang, 【Dean of School of Architecture, Professor, President and Chief Architect ofArchitecture Design and ResearchInstitute of Tsinghua University, National Engineering and Architecture Design Master】
Mr. Rui Yang【Director of National Supervision Board of Landscape Architecture Education(China), Director of Theory and History Committee and Vice-President of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Chair and Professor of Department of Landscape Architecture, Schoolof Architecture , Tsinghua University】
30 min. /person (5 min. Q/A)
Prof. Hailong Liu (1st Session)
Prof. Haifeng Jia (2rd Session) / 9:00-9:30 / Qingzhou Wu【South China University of Technology (SCUT), Professor】Ancient Wisdom Combining with Modern Science and Technology Against Urban Waterlogging
9:00-10:00 / Shaw-Lei Yu 【University of Virginia (UVA) , Department of Civil Engineering,Professor Emeritus】
Hydrology:The Link between Landscape architecture and Urban Storm Water Management
10:00-10:30 / Bill Wenk 【Wenk Associate, USA, Chairman】
Designing the Natural City-Transforming Stormwater into an Urban Asset
Tea Break (10 minutes)
10:40-11:10 / John Lenth【Herrera Environmental Consultants Team, USA, Principal Scientist】
Planning for sustainable development across multiple spatial scales: district, neighborhood, parcel
11:10-11:40 / Dieter Grau【Aterlier Dreiseitl, Germany, President】
Urban Waterscapes Innovation
11:40-12:10 / Wu Che 【Beijing University of Civil Enginering and Architecture, School of Environment and Energy Engineering; Professor 】
The bottleneck Betweenurban stormwater management and landscape design
12:10-13:10 Lunch(School of Architecture)
Distinguished guest Lunch(North South Meeting Room of Jackson Wong Hall, the 1stfloor)
Participant Luch (Lobby, Courtyard and Multi-function Room of the 2rd floor)
/ Stormwater mangament Project Visit (Courtyard)
Afternoon Session
30 minutes/person (5 Min.Q/A)
Prof. Shuhan Zhang (1st Session)
Prof. Guangheng Ni (2rd Session) / 13:20-13:50 / Zhangbin Niu【Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, Urban construction division, Water Department; Deputy Director】
Considerations about Sponge City development of China
13:50-14:20 / Hailong Liu 【School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Associate Professor】
Landscape Hydrology: an integrative and interdisciplinary strategy guiding urban stormwater management
14:20-14:50 / Haifeng Jia【School of Environment, Tsinghua University; Associate Professor】
Urban Runoff Control LID BMPs Planning Methodology and the Case Studies
14:50-15:20 / Guangheng Ni 【Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Professor】
What role the green roof can play in urban flood management
Tea Break (10 minutes)
15:30-16:00 / Jie Hu【Tsinghua Planning and Designing Institution (THUPDI), Vice-President】
Shang Shan Ruo Shui, Ren Di Gong Rong (Harmonious Development Model combiningHumanity, Nature and Water)
16:00-16:30 / Jie Zeng 【China Academy of Building Research , Architecture Design Institute, Vice-President】
Application of Low Impact Development in Green Building
16:30-17:00 / Shuhan Zhang【Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute; Vice General Engineer, Professor level Senior Engineer】
Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Stormwater Resources and the demand of Architecture and Landscape
17:10-17:30 Group photo (Front terrace, Main Building, Tsinghu University)
17:30-18:30 Shengyin Yuan Rain Garden Visit
18:30-20:30 Distinguished guestBanquet Dinner, Jiasuo Restaurant, Tsinghua University
Morning,Sub-Forum (School Of Architecture)
Sub-Forum 1: Human Settlement andSustainable Rain-cape Design Research (Jackson Wong Hall, School of Architecture, 8 Speakers)
Prof. Hui Liu (1st Session)
Prof. Lei Cao (2rd Session) / 8:30-9:00 / Dong Zhang【Z+T STUDIO,Principal】; Mo Wang【FujianAgriculture and Forestry University; PHD Candidate】
Participatory Eco-system: Stormwater Management Integrated with Everyday Life
9:00-9:30 / Hui Liu【Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, School of Architecture; Chair; Professor】
From Rain Garden to Habitat Garden --- The Consideration of Building A Sponge City in Semi-dry and Semi-humid Area in Northwest of China
9:30-10:00 / Hao Wu【Aterlier Dreiseitl, Germany, Chief Director of Water Ecology】
Application of Stormwater Control and Utilization Technology in Ecological Community Project
10:00-10:30 / Lei Cao 【Tianjin University; School of Architecture; Chair; Professor】
The landscape and stormwater management of Tianjin University New Campus
Tea Break (10 minutes)
10:40-11:00 / Yifei Pei【School of Architecture, Southeast University, PHD Candidate】
Research from Huizhou tradition village water system construction to Landscape Hydrology
11:00-11:20 / Yi Han 【Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Designing Institution; Senior Engineer】
Research on Landscape Stormwarter Design in Chinese Classical Gardens and‘Yuan Ye’
11:20-11:40 / Wen Wu【China Academy of Planning and Designing; Engineer】
Natural Rain Garden in Zhongguancun—Take Beijing Zhongguancun Park rainwater Management as an Example
11:40-12:00 / Jin Zhang 【North China University of Technology, School of Architecture and Art, Lecturer】
Study on theEvaluation System ofSite Sustainable Water Design Based on SITES
Q&A 30 Minutes, finished at 12:30
Sub-Forum 2: Storm Water Management International Experience
and Regional Strategy
(School of Architecture, First Floor, Room 118, 9 Speakers)
Prof. Song Liu
(1st Session)
Prof. Xiaoying Meng
(2rd Session) / 8:30-8:55 / Xinxin Ren【Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute; Senior Engineer (UPDIS)】
Shenzhen Guangming New District Low Impact Development Practice and Mechanism Build
8:55-9:20 / Linmei Nie【Norwegian University of Life Science; Professor】
Integrated UrbanStormwater Management in Norway-Transition from a traditional underground drainage system towards a sustainable system on surface
9:20-9:45 / Song Liu 【College ofArchitecture and Urban planning, Tongji University, Professor】
Planning Strategies of ‘Sponge city’ in Germany —— Case Study on Emscher Region
9:45-10:10 / Kaitai Lin【Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Landscape Architecture College; Visiting Professor; Chinese Culture University, Department of Landscape Architecture; Associate Professor】
Regeneration of City Park by the Change of Society and Climate --- From the Experience of New York City Park and Large-scale Project Landscape Water Management
10:10-10:35 / Xiaoying Meng 【Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Design,Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor】
Eco-priority Strategy for Sustainable Rainwater Garden
Tea Break (10 min)
10:45-11:05 / Xu Liu【Tech Future International(TFI); Senior Engineer】
Melbourne Stormwater Management for Urban Development and a Typical Design
11:05-11:25 / LaiLei Yu 【Meter Rain Centre; Chief Researcher】
Water Oriented Planningof Turpan City Region
11:25-11:45 / Jianhui Yang 【Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, School of Architecture,Lecturer】
The planning and design method on stormwater utilization of site appropriatess in Northwest semi-dry semi-humid region
11:45-12:05 / Zhao Zhu【Chongqing University, School of Architecture Planning; Master candidate】
The research of planning Approach aimed at stormwater management and low-environmental-impact of clustering development
Q&A 30 Minutes, finished at 12:30
Sub-Forum 3: Scientific Research of landscape and water in 'Sponge City' development (School of Architecture, Multi-functional Room, 8 Speakers)
Prof. Yanming Li
(1st Session)
Prof. Qiang Li
(2rd Session) / 8:30-9:00 / Jian Qiang 【Beijing Municipal Bureau of Parks; Deputy Director】
Research and Practice of Rainwater Collection Greenbelt
9:00-9:30 / Yanming Li 【Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture, Dean】
The research of stormwater utilization in urban green space
9:30-10:00 / BinQin Yu 【Department of Landscape Architecture, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Post-Doctor】
Green Infrastructure in Micro-scale: Design Approach of Environmental Functional Green Space with Canopy Rainfall Interception Capacity in Shanghai City
10:00-10:30 / Weiping Wang【Jinan University, Resource and Environment College; Professor】
Towards roof runoff replenihsmentofGroundwater in Jinan,China
Tea Break (10 min)
10:40-11:00 / Qiang Li【Beijing University of Technology, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Associate Professor】
Study of Simulation and Optimization of Rainwater Treatment Facilities of Green Street based on SWMM
11:00-11:20 / Qi Tan 【Beijing Jin Lin United Landscape Planning And Design Co.,LTD,Designer】
The rainwater utilization potential of Beijing urban lakes
11:20-11:40 / Zheng Wang 【Tsinghua University, Environment School; PHD Student】
Case Study for rainfall runoff pollution control in contaminated site
11:40-12:00 / Pengyu Chen 【Shandong University, School of Civil Engineering; Master Student】
Simulation and analysis of urban road flood based on HEC-HMS and SWMM
Q&A 30 Minutes, finished at 12:30
12:30-13:30 Lunch(School of Architecture)
Distinguished guest Lunch(North & South Meeting Room of Jackson Wong Hall, the 1st floor)
Participant Luch (Lobby, Courtyard and Multi-function Room of the 2rd floor)
Afternoon, 13:30-18:30, Site Visit
(1) West Route: Stormwater Management of Haidian Park, Yibei Community and Flooding control pond of Beiwu Village
(2) Central Route: Stormwater Management of Olympic Forest Park, Olympic Stadium Area
(3) East Route: Stormwater Management of Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Road LID and FloodingStorage Park
Notice: For the consideration of safety, the amounts of visitors of each route should no more than 100 of 2 buses with 50 passengers. All visitors should follow the direction of instructors and volunteers.