Midterm # 2 Study Guide Questions
Chapter 5
- What is climate? What two main factors determine a region's climate?
- What are greenhouse gases? List four greenhouse gases.
- What is the rain shadow effect, and how can it affect the climate on each side of high mountains?
- What is a biome? What two factors determine whether an area of the earth's surface is tropical, temperate, or polar, and is desert, grassland, or forest?
- List the layers of the atmosphere.
- Distinguish among the layers of the atmosphere.
- Explain what the Coriolis Effect is and how it alters air circulation.
- Describe several organism adaptations for surviving in a desert.
- Describe several organism adaptations for surviving in a tropical rain forest
Chapter 6
- What are coral reefs and coral polyps? List economical and ecological services coral reefs provide.
- What are the two major types of aquatic life zones?
- What are some abiotic factors that determine the types and numbers of organisms found in the layers of aquatic systems.
- What is the coastal zone?
- What is the intertidal zone?
- Distinguish among estuaries, coastal wetlands, and mangroves.
- What is a freshwater life zone, and what are the two major types of such zones?
- Distinguish among the littoral, limnetic, profundal, and benthic zones of a lake.
- List 3 major harmful human impacts on freshwater systems.
- Distinguish among eutrophication, oligotrophic, and cultural eutrophication.
Chapter 8
- What is population dynamics? Why are the populations of most species found in clumps or groups?
- What four factors affect population change? Write an equation showing how population change is related to births, deaths, immigration, and emigration.
- What is the age structure of a population? What can be said about a population made up mostly of people in the reproductive ages?
- What are environmental resistance and carrying capacity? How do biotic potential and environmental resistance interact to determine carrying capacity
- Distinguish between exponential and logistic growth of a population, and give an example of each type
- How can a population overshoot its carrying capacity, and what are the consequences of doing this?
- Distinguish between density-dependent and density-independent factors that affect a population's size, and give an example of each.
- Distinguish among stable, irruptive, irregular, and cyclic forms of population change.
- What is a survivorship curve, and how is it used? List three general types of survivorship curves, and give an example of a species with each type.
- List the characteristics of (a) r-selected or opportunist species and (b) K-selected or competitor species, and give two examples of each type. Under what environmental conditions are you most likely to find each type of species?
Chapter 9
- What factors affect the size of the human population in a particular area? What are the crude birth rate and the crude death rate?
- How is the annual rate of population change calculated? What three countries have the world's largest populations?
- What is fertility? Distinguish between replacement-level fertility and total fertility rate.
- How have fertility rates and birth rates changed in the United States since 1910? How rapidly is the U.S. population growing?
- List reasons why the world's death rate has declined over the past 100 years.
- Distinguish between life expectancy and infant mortality rate. Why is infant mortality the best measure of a society's quality of life?
- Draw the general shape of an age structure diagram for a country undergoing (a) rapid population growth, (b) slow population growth, (c) zero population growth, and (d) population decline.
- What is the demographic transition, and what are its four phases? What factors might keep many developing countries from making the demographic transition?
- Explain how empowering women can help reduce birth rates, poverty, and environmental degradation.
- What is family planning, and what are the advantages of using this approach to reduce the birth rate? Describe the success of family planning in slowing population growth in Bangladesh.