Name of the Department / Centre / Name of the Course / Total Students Strength / Number of Faculty
Diploma / Certificate / UG / PG / M. Phil. / M. Tech. / Ph.D. / Total / P / AP / Asstt. Prof. / Other / Total
Faculty of Arts / Office Mgt. & Business Communication (BHU) / 77 / 77 / This may be collected from Recruitment and Assessment Cell
Office Mgt. & Business Communication (BHU & RGSC) / 34 / 34
Tourism Mgt. (BHU) / 77 / 77
Tourism Mgt. (RGSC) / 21 / 21
B.A. / 2260 / 2260
English / M.A. / 158 / 158
Ph.D. / 6 / 6
Diploma / 90 / 90
Certificate / 36 / 36
Hindi / M.A. / 339 / 339
MA prayojanmoolakhindi (patrakarita) / 50 / 50
Ph.D. / 105 / 105
Diploma / 11 / 11
Sanskrit / M.A. / 164 / 164
Ph.D. / 16 / 16
Diploma / 36 / 36
Telugu / M.A. / 1 / 1
Diploma / 13 / 13
Certificate / 3 / 3
German Studies / M.A. / 4 / 4
Diploma / 22 / 22
French Studies / M.A. / 22 / 22
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Diploma / 109 / 109
Bengali / M.A. / 121 / 121
Certificate / 16 / 16
Urdu / M.A. / 47 / 47
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Diploma / 5 / 5
Certificate / 23 / 23
Persian / M.A. / 2 / 2
Diploma / 6 / 6
Certificate / 9 / 9
Arabic / M.A. / 6 / 6
Diploma / 30 / 30
Pali & Buddhist Studies / M.A. / 16 / 16
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Diploma / 25 / 25
Marathi / Diploma / 18 / 18
AIHC & Arch. / M.A. / 172 / 172
Ph.D. / 39 / 39
History of Arts / M.A. / 159 / 159
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Linguistics / M.A. / 61 / 61
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Philosophy & Religion / M.A. in Indian Philosophy & Religion / 13 / 13
M.A. in Philosophy / 105 / 105
Ph.D. / 17 / 17
Diploma / 14 / 14
Foreign Languages / M.A. / 5 / 5
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Diploma / 294 / 294
Certificate / 39 / 39
Indian Languages / M.A. / 1 / 1
Diploma / 31 / 31
Journalism & Mass Communication / M.A. / 91 / 91
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Journalism & Mass Communication / 16 / 16
Library & Information Science / M.A. / 72 / 72
Physical Education / B.P.Ed. / 97 / 97
M.P.Ed. / 88 / 88
Ph.D. / 21 / 21
Diploma / 6 / 6
Faculty of Social Sciences / B.A. / 1681 / 17 / 1698
Economics / M.A. / 145 / 145
Ph.D. / 20 / 20
History / M.A. / 159 / 159
Ph.D. / 28 / 28
Political Science / M.A. / 159 / 159
MA in Public Administration / 59 / 59
Ph.D. / 14 / 14
Sociology / M.A. / 159 / 159
M.A. in Social Work / 81 / 81
Ph.D. / 12 / 12
Psychology / M.A. / 102 / 102
M.A. in MPMIR / 83 / 83
Ph.D. / 8 / 8
Counseling & Psychotherapy / 31 / 31
Malaviya Centre for Peace Research / M.A. in Conflict Mgt. & Development / 34 / 34
Ph.D. / 3 / 3
Conflict Mgt. & Development / 16 / 16
Centre for the study of Nepal / Japanees Studies / 3 / 3
Law / LL.B. / 973 / 973
HRDE / 30 / 30
LL.M. / 92 / 92
Ph.D. / 28 / 28
Education / B.Ed. / 576 / 576
M.Ed. / 73 / 73
Ph.D. / 53 / 53
Commerce / B.Com. / 1030 / 1030
B.Com. Finance Market Mgt. (FMM) / 123 / 123
M.Com / 547 / 547
Ph.D. / 20 / 20
Management Studies / MBA / 287 / 287
Ph.D. / 25 / 25
Business Administration (PGDBA) / 11 / 11
Faculty of Science / 2412 / 2412
Chemistry / M.Sc. / 161 / 161
Ph.D. / 45 / 45
Botany / M.Sc. / 220 / 220
Ph.D. / 35 / 35
Geology / M.Sc. / 16 / 16
M.Sc.(Tech.) in Geology / 114 / 114
Ph.D. / 8 / 8
Mathematics / M.Sc. / 184 / 184
Ph.D. / 18 / 18
Statistics / M.Sc. / 92 / 92
Ph.D. / 9 / 9
Statistical Method / 76 / 76
Physics / M.Sc. / 135 / 135
Ph.D. / 27 / 27
Spectroscopy / 20 / 20
Zoology / M.Sc. / 106 / 106
Ph.D. / 29 / 29
Geography / M.Sc. / 116 / 116
Ph.D. / 29 / 29
Remote Sensing & GIS / 34 / 34
Bio-Chemistry / M.Sc. / 47 / 47
Ph.D. / 13 / 13
Home Science / M.Sc. / 111 / 111
Ph.D. / 5 / 5
School of Bio-Technology / M.Sc. / 29 / 29
Ph.D. / 6 / 6
Computer Science / M.Sc. / 220 / 220
Geophysics / M.Sc. / 104 / 104
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Molecular & Human Genetics / M.Sc. / 28 / 28
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
M.Sc. In Bio-informatics / M.Sc. (Only for women) / 46 / 46
Centre for Environmental Sc. & Technology / M.Sc. / 83 / 83
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Faculty of Visual Arts / 266 / 266
Painting / M.F.A. / 52 / 52
Painting / 13 / 13
Textile Design / 10 / 10
Applied Arts / M.F.A. / 49 / 49
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Advertising Design / 12 / 12
Plastic Arts / M.F.A. / 29 / 29
Ph.D. / 6 / 6
Faculty of Performing Arts / B.Mus. / 188 / 188
Vocal Music / M.Mus. / 38 / 38
Diploma / 119 / 119
Instrumental Music / M.Mus. / 57 / 57
Diploma / 205 / 205
Musicology / M.Mus. / 29 / 29
M.Phil. / 15 / 15
Dance / M.Mus. / 30 / 30
Diploma / 172 / 172
Faculty of SVDV / Shastri / 280 / 280
Jain Buddha Darshan / Acharya / 2 / 2
Dharmagam / Acharya / 6 / 6
Dharmagam (Agama Tantra) / 11 / 11
Dharmagam / 7 / 7
DharmashastraMimansa / Acharya / 3 / 3
Jyotish / Acharya / 21 / 21
VastuShastraEvamJyotish / 32 / 32
Sahitya / Acharya / 11 / 11
Vedic Dharshan / Acharya / 12 / 12
Chakravarti / 5 / 5
Veda / Acharya / 13 / 13
Karma Kanda / 9 / 9
Vyakarana / Acharya / 8 / 8
Chakravarti / 6 / 6
Faculty of Medicine / MBBS / 325 / 325
B.Sc. Nursing / 118 / 118
Anesthesiology / M.D. / 38 / 38
Certificate / 5 / 5
Anatomy / M.S. / 7 / 7
Biochemistry / M.D. / 7 / 7
Biophysics / M.D. / 5 / 5
Cardiology / D.M. / 0 / 0
Cardiothoracic Surgery / M.Ch. / 0 / 0
Community Medicine / M.D. / 13 / 13
M.S. in Health Statistics / 21 / 21
Ph.D. / 8 / 8
Dermatology & Venereology / M.D. / 10 / 10
Endocrinology / D.M. / 2 / 2
Forensic Medicine / M.D. / 7 / 7
Gastroenterology / D.M. / 6 / 6
Microbiology / M.D. / 10 / 10
Ph.D. / 3 / 3
Gen. Medicine / M.D. / 46 / 46
Nephrology / D.M. / 0 / 0
PGDDT Dialysis Theraphy / 10 / 10
Neurology / D.M. / 1 / 1
Neurosurgery / M.Ch. / 5 / 5
Obstetric & Gynaecology / M.S. / 22 / 22
Opthalmology / M.S. / 16 / 16
Orthopaedics / M.S. / 18 / 18
Otolaryngology (ENT) / M.S. / 10 / 10
Paediatrics / M.D. / 22 / 22
Paediatric Surgery / M.Ch. / 1 / 1
Pathology / M.D. / 17 / 17
Lab Technology / 26 / 26
Pharmacology / 10 / 10
Physiology / M.D. / 6 / 6
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Plastic Surgery / M.Ch. / 5 / 5
Psychiatry / M.D. / 10 / 10
Radio-Diagnosis Imagine (Radiology) / M.D. / 14 / 14
Radiotherapy & Radiation Medicine / M.D. / 8 / 8
Medical Technology (Radiotherapy) / 11 / 11
Surgical Oncology / 1 / 1
General Surgery / M.S. / 46 / 46
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases / M.D. / 11 / 11
Urology / M.Ch. / 0 / 0
Dentistry / BDS / 86 / 86
MDS / 9 / 9
1. Dental Hygienist,
2. Dental Mechanic / 17 / 17
Faculty of Ayurveda / BAMS / 249 / 249
B.Pharma. (Ay.) in RGSC / 60 / 60
Samhita & Sanskrit / M.D. / 5 / 5
SiddhantDarshan / M.D. / 5 / 5
1 / 1
Dravyaguna / M.D. / 8 / 8
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Ayurvedic Drug Standardization / 10 / 10
KayaChikitsa / M.D. / 24 / 24
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Panch Karma Therapy / 12 / 12
Medicinal Chemistry / Ph.D. / 3 / 3
PrasutiTantra / M.D. / 5 / 5
Maternal Health Care (PGDMC) / 8 / 8
Certificate / 4 / 4
Rasa Shastra / M.D. / 9 / 9
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
AyurvedicPharmacutics / 1 / 1
ShalyaTantra / M.S. / 22 / 22
1. Kshar Karma,
2. VikiranChhaya / 10 / 10
KriyaSharir / M.D. / 6 / 6
RachanaSharir / M.D. / 6 / 6
Swasthayavritta & Yoga / M.D. / 6 / 6
Kaumarbhritya/ Balroga / M.D. / 6 / 6
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Neonatal and Child Care (PGDNC Ay.) / 7 / 7
VikritVigyan / M.D. / 6 / 6
ShalakyaTantra / M.S. / 5 / 5
Faculty of I.T. / B.Tech. / 2611 / 2611
Applied Chemistry / Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Applied Mathematics / Ph.D. / 0 / 0
Applied Physics / Ph.D. / 3 / 3
Ceramic Engineering / M.Tech. / 18 / 18
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Chemical Engg. / M.Tech. / 74 / 74
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Civil Engineering / M.Tech. / 60 / 60
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Computer Engineering / Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Electrical Engineering / M.Tech. / 87 / 87
Ph.D. / 8 / 8
Electronics Engineering / M.Tech. / 50 / 50
Ph.D. / 5 / 5
Mechanical Engineering / M.Tech. / 84 / 84
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Metallurgical Engineering / M.Tech. / 24 / 24
Mining Engineering / M.Tech. / 37 / 37
Pharmaceutics / M.Tech. / 54 / 54
Ph.D. / 5 / 5
School of Biomedical Engineering / M.Tech. / 14 / 14
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
School of Material Science / M.Tech. / 22 / 22
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
School of Bio-Chemical Engineering / M.Tech. / 17 / 17
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Faculty of Agriculture / B.Sc.(Ag.) / 475 / 475
Agronomy / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 73 / 73
Ph.D. / 37 / 37
Agricultural Economics / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 73 / 73
Ph.D. / 4 / 4
Animal Husbandry and Dairying / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 15 / 15
Ph.D. / 3 / 3
Entomology and Agril. Zoology / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 33 / 33
Ph.D. / 20 / 20
Extension Education / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 32 / 32
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Farm Engineering / M.Tech. in Agril. Engg. (Soil & Water Conservation Engg.) / 20 / 20
Genetics & Plant Breeding / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 85 / 85
Ph.D. / 13 / 13
Horticulture / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 36 / 36
Ph.D. / 13 / 13
Mycology & Plant Pathology / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 29 / 29
Ph.D. / 19 / 19
Plant Physiology / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 22 / 22
Ph.D. / 1 / 1
Soil Sc. & Agril Chemistry / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 23 / 23
Ph.D. / 3 / 3
Centre of Food Science & Tech. / M.Sc. (Ag.) / 26 / 26
Ph.D. / 2 / 2
Total / 1701 / 262 / 13810 / 6646 / 32 / 758 / 868 / 24077