Wednesday, April 24, 2013
1730 hours
Present:/ C. Waters (chair)
K. Williams
J. Aristone
D. Butler
R. Coe
F. Ellett
I. Haan
N. MacLean
B. Montgomery
C. Osborne
D. Peddie / Regrets: / J. Dreyer
P. Ferner
N. Naylor
P. Long
N. Maltby
T. Stepanuik
C. Swan, Recorder
Board members gathered to welcome the new CEO, Todd Stepanuik, to the Middlesex Hospital Alliance.
Mr. Stepanuik thanked the Board of Directors for the warm welcome and stated he looked forward to the opportunity with the MHA. Mr. Stepanuik provided the Board with an overview of his career to date and spoke briefly about his first 90 days at the MHA. Board members then introduced themselves and provided background information about their board experience and committee participation.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 1830 hours.
MOTION A motion was made and seconded BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
BG: 52/12 The agenda be accepted as presented. Carried
The Chair stated that each board member must declare a conflict of interest at the appropriate time on any item within the agenda that a member may have a vested interest.
The Board Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided the following updates:
CEO Announcement
· The announcement of the new CEO was made to senior leaders, staff, physicians and volunteers on April 5. An announcement was also placed on the Insider. The news was not released to the media until April 10 as the Board wanted as many staff as possible to receive the announcement prior to public release.
Hospital Auxiliary Association of Ontario (HAAO)
· The SMGH Auxiliary hosted the HAAO Spring meeting on April 10, 2013. There was a great turnout of delegates from the region for this event. The Auxiliary thanked Paul Long, Interim CEO and Doug Miller, OHA, for attending the conference and bringing greetings to the guests.
Mayor’s Breakfast
· The SMGH Foundation hosted the 2nd Annual Mayor’s Breakfast on April 18. The guest speaker was Dr. Chris Chant who spoke to the group, talking about himself, his rural roots and choosing to set up practice at a smaller hospital. Dr. Chant was welcomed by all.
Volunteer Appreciation Evenings
· Volunteer Appreciation Week has been changed for 2013. As a result, the recognition for the SMGH Volunteers is this evening. The Board and Administration wish to thank Gina Taylor, Director of Patient Care at the SMGH site, for bringing greetings on behalf of the Board and Administration due to the conflict with the Board meeting. The FCHS Volunteers will be recognized tomorrow evening. Catherine Osborne will bring greetings on behalf of the Board and Paul Long, Senior Administration.
IHSP Webcast
· Frances Ellett provided an overview of the IHSP webcast hosted for board governors on April 16. The expectation from the LHINs is that the Strategic Plan of the hospitals will align with that of the LHIN 2013-16 plan. The plan is clearly focused on community support, highlighting the following: improved access to family health care, increased value of the health care system for the people we serve, evidence based practice and improved coordination and transition of care for those most dependent on health services. The big dot outcomes from the plan include: the reduction of 15,000 emergency room visits and hospital readmissions, resulting in 10,000 more days at home, increasing the availability of family health care and increasing the availability and access to community supports for people, resulting in 7,100 more days at home. There was no mention of wait times or acute care during the presentation.
Risk Governance for Health Care Boards and Senior Management
· Catherine Osborne attended the Risk Governance for Health Care Boards and Senior Management conference sponsored by the OHA on April 8, 2013. The conference provided an explanation of what risk management was and questions to ask from a governance perspective to ensure there is an understanding of the board’s oversight responsibilities as they relate to risk management for the corporation.
CEO Welcome
· The Board Chair extended a special welcome to Todd Stepanuik, CEO, for the MHA on behalf of the Board. The Chair and Board look forward to working together to ensure continued quality health care is provided to patients at the MHA. Mr. Stepanuik expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome he has received from everyone and looks forward to a long and happy working relationship with the Board.
5.1 Breast Assessment Program (BAP) Recommendation – P. Long/K. Williams
P. Long provided an overview of the current and expanding BAP over the next three years, discussing possible risks and the benefits of expanding the program. Operating costs and the capital campaign of the SMGH Foundation were also discussed.
K. Williams stated that the Breast Assessment Program and the SMGH Foundation Capital campaign had been presented previously to the board and had been discussed at length by the Finance Committee. Following further review at the April Finance Meeting, the Committee recommended as follows:
MOTION A motion was made and seconded BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
BG: 53/12 SMGH phase in the Breast Assessment Program including new equipment, renovations, breast health navigator and any other capital and operational expenses deemed necessary for the Program based on the available funding timeframes from the SMGH Foundation.
The SMGH Foundation embarks on a capital campaign that will support the hospital as we phase in Breast Assessment Program.
Capital campaign targets will be raising $2.25 million for the Breast Assessment Program and $2.75 million for Diagnostic Services Endowment Fund.
5.2 2013/14 SMGH HAPS and H-SAA Direction – P. Long
The SMGH 2013/14 SMGH HAPS submission was previously approved by the Board with a total margin deficit of $171,553. In a meeting with the SW LHIN, the hospital was informed that the operating deficit presented for SMGH was too immaterial to provide a budget deficit waiver. They did acknowledge the assumptions made in the budget were reasonable.
K. Williams, Chair of the Finance Committee, stated that the Committee agreed to submit a balance total margin performance indicator based on the SW LHIN commitment to renegotiate any material performance indicators when the actual HBAM and QBP volumes and funding is available later in the fiscal year.
BG: 54/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
The Board of Directors accepts the recommendation of the Finance Committee directing Administration to work with the SW LHIN towards a 2013-14 SMGH Total Margin of 0%.
5.3 2013/2014 Capital Budget – Paul Long
The MHA 2013/14 Capital Budget is tentatively scheduled for final approval in May. The approval, however, may be delayed, due to the significant investment for HUGO. Boiler replacements are required for both SMGH and FCHS. With the time required to tender and replace the boilers, it is necessary to initiate the project prior to the approval of the 2013/2014 Capital budget. SMGH’s boiler is fully funded through Hospital Infrastructure Renewal Funding (HIRF), however only $150,000 in HIRF funding from two years ago is available for FCHS resulting in a shortfall of approximately $280,000.
K. Williams stated that the Finance Committee is recommending the boiler projects go forward prior to the approval of the 2013/2014 Capital Plan. The Committee also recommended that funds required for the FCHS boiler not covered through HIRF, be transferred from FCHS Hospital Reserves.
BG: 55/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
The Board of Directors accepts the recommendation of the Finance Committee that Four Counties Health Services proceeds with the replacement of the boiler in 2013-14, utilizing $150,000 from HIRF (Hospital Infrastructure Renewal Funding) and $280,000 from FCHS Hospital Reserves.
There was no business arising.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda were included with the Board package.
BG: 56/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
All Consent Agenda items, motions and recommendations be accepted as presented.
The Board recognized the value and importance of the role of volunteers throughout the MHA and requested a media release to acknowledge their contributions.
BG: 57/12 A motion was made and seconded BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
The Board convenes to an in camera session to discuss Physician Credentials and Personnel Matters.
T. Stepanuik, P. Long, N. Maltby and C. Swan left the meeting following the medical staff credentials discussion.
BG: 58/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
The Board rise out of camera with a report on Physician Credentials.
BG: 59/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
Upon the recommendation of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Dr. Bourke Tillman be granted ED Locum privileges at Four Counties Health Services.
BG: 60/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Staff, Dr. Jean Chen be granted ED Locum privileges at Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital.
BG: 61/12 A motion was made and seconded, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
Privilege classification changes as recommended by the Chief and Deputy Chief of Staff be accepted as follows:
Dr. Halina Kieraszewicz – Associate to Active
Dr. Wayne Johnson – Active to Courtesy without Admitting
Dr. Agron Alija – removal of restricted license.
The meeting adjourned at 2105 hours.
There was no independent director session following the regular meeting.
Cheryl Waters Paul Long Cathy Swan
Board Chair Interim CEO & Secretary Recording Secretary
MHA Board of Directors Meeting April 24, 2013 Page 1 of 4