PAS 1820
To give the PA student an understanding of the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of dermatological conditions common to the primary care setting.
1. Define and discuss the basic structure, location, and function of the following: epidermis, nails, dermis, stratum, germinativum, spaces glands, spinosum, sweat glands, stratum corneum, melanocyte and pigmentation, hypodermis, hair.
2. Define and discuss dermatological terms such as the following: macule, plaque, carbuncle, papule, wheel, abscess, nodule, bullae cyst, vesicle, purpura, annular, pustule, petechia, herpetiform, scale, linear, zosteriform, crust, furuncle, lichenification, and arciform.
3. Describe the indications for the techniques used in the following diagnostic procedures: magnifying glass, KOH prep, Tzanck smear, Wood=s light, Scabies prep, Gram stain, and skin punch biopsy.
4. Discuss the etiology, presentation, differential diagnosis and treatment of common dermatoses including acne, seborrhea dermatitis, psoriasis, atrophic dermatitis and Pityriasis Rosea.
5. Discuss the etiology, presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of infections and infestations including impetigo, ecthyma, folliculitis, cellulitis, erysipelas, tinea capitis, tinea corporis, Tinea cruis, tinea pedis, candidiasis, tinea versicolor, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, verruca vulgaris, flat warts, filiform warts, condyloma.
6. Discuss the presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms including seborrheic keratosis, skin tags, dermatofibroma, epidermal cysts, actinic peritosis, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma.
7. Describe and discuss continuous signs of systemic conditions including drug eruptions, sun reactions, systemic disease, meningococcemia, gonococcemia, bacterial endocarditis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, dermato mycetes, scleroderma, and erythema multiform.
Dermatology Lecture Schedule
Lectures1. Structure and Function of the Skin: Skin Care and prevention of skin disorders
Examination of the Skin: Incidence of disease; techniques; terms; history and physical exam; laboratory procedures
2. Differentiate Primary Skin Lesions: Macule, Papule Patch etc.
3. Vesicular and Pustular Skin Disease I-Bacterial: impetigo, abscess, carbuncles, etc.
Scaling Lesions I: Tinea; seborrheic dermatitis; psoriasis; pityriasis rosea
Scaling Lesions II: Contact, atopic, stasis dermatitis, and eczema
Vesicular and Pustular Skin Disease II-Non-Bacterial: chicken pox, herpes, etc.
4. Skin Papules and Pigment Changes
Cutaneous Manifestations of Internal Disease
Allergic, Drug and Sun Reactions of the Skin / Reading Assignments AColor Atlas & Symposium of Clinical Dermatology
Objectives: 1, 3
Objective: 2, 5
Objective: 2, 5
Objectives: 6, 7
5. Insect Bites and Infestations, lice and scabies, cutaneous larvae migrans / Objective: 7
6. Sexually Transmitted Disease Lesions / Objective: 2, 3, 5
Lectures, class discussions, case presentations, video and slide presentations.
Grading Scale
The grading scale for this course is as follows:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 75 - 79% (minimal passing grade)
F = is less than 75
Testing Policies
Students are expected to take course examinations at the designated time, which is not part of the class time. Due to the format in which the exams will be presented, students who fail to take a scheduled exam will not be afforded the opportunity to make-up the missing test.