THE SILK ROAD: A Simulation

While Europe was dealing with the loss of culture and knowledge due to increased invasions and the fall of the Roman Empire, Asia entered a period of innovation and prosperity. Ideas, technology, and goods came out of the continent due to cultural diffusion by means of primary trade routes, collectively known as the Silk Road.

The intent of this simulation is not for you to memorize an endless stream of dates and names, but to examine the impact of trade and understand the context of a period of unrivaled discovery.


Your group will represent one of four major stops in the Silk Road:

  1. China (Tang/Song Dynasty)
  2. India (the Gupta Empire)
  3. Abbasid Empire
  4. Byzantine Empire

Leadership: It is your team’s responsibility to divide work in a fair and logical manner. I suggest the following:

  • Electing a team captain that will help divide the work, lead discussions of strategy, and keep all members on task.
  • Share all group members phone numbers or contact information to communicate.
  • Delegate wisely and do your fair share—part of your grade depends on this!


  1. A historic travelposterrepresenting your capital:What is life like in your empire? This will be done on large paper and presented to the class. You want to persuadetravelers to visit. When researching, remember that your poster represents the OLD way of life in your empire—not modern life there!! Your poster must include the following information:
  2. Geographic setting, including a map and bulleted features
  3. Famous sites/points of interest (minimum 2) with picture or drawing
  4. Culture of the Empire: religion, language, type of government
  5. Four most important achievements
  1. An original, entertaining presentationto the class regarding the political, religious, artistic, and technological culture of your empire: WHY should people come there to trade? This is NOT a PowerPoint, lecture, or video. It will be performedLIVE in front of the class! It can take a variety of forms: an infomercial, talk show, Discovery Channel documentary, a “day in the life” skit, or another appropriate creative choice. It must include the following information:
  2. What is happening socially (religion, education, arts, architecture, music, literature, etc.)
  3. What is happening politically (government and legal system, any behavior codes or important laws)
  4. What is happening technologically (new inventions and ideas)
  5. Advantages of trading with your empire (minimum 3)
  1. Four trade objectsPER PERSON: Each group member should create at minimum, four objects to trade (on standard 8.5x11 white paper). The purpose of the simulation is to diffuse your empire’s culture and make money, so choose objects that would be desirable and useful to others and that reflect the important developments of your empire. These objects will be created at home.
    Each trade object must have the following:
  • A printed picture/colored drawing of your object along with a 2-3 sentence description of your object’s significance TYPED/PRINTED on the FRONT. Include what it is and why it is important and clearly statewhere it is from.
  • Make sure all trade objects have YOUR NAME, GROUP, and HOUR on the back.
  • An Important Note: Don’t overlook IDEAS—oftentimes they are more valuable than “stuff.”

Sources:We expect you to find the majority of the needed information in your textbook. Important items that are in your book but are not listed on your poster or used as trade items will adversely affect your grade. In addition, take advantage ofthe hand-selected books on the library cart that pertain to your culture. You may also add some light—not heavy—internet research to help you better understand the technology and art work. Blog websites will be helpful.
All of these will earn you money . . . the higher the quality, the more money you earn for trade day!!

Activities and Schedule

  • Earlier in week: Teacher PowerPoint overview lecture on the Silk Road.
  • Wednesday 10/8: Explain project, form groups. If time, work on “Silk Road Self-Notes” chart using textbooks. NOTES ON YOUR EMPIRE ARE DUE ON FRIDAY!
  • Thursday 10/9: Group work time in the library. Use this time to create your poster, write your skits, and discuss what trade objects each member will make at home. Make sure all work is divided equally.
  • Friday 10/10: Notes on YOUR EMPIRE are due. Group work time in library.
  • Monday 10/13: ALL TRADE OBJECTS ARE DUE beginning of hour. Group work time in library.
  • Tuesday 10/14:Team skit and poster presentations today!
  • Wednesday 10/15: Bring textbooks. Work on notes for other empires. Be educated enough to trade!
  • Thursday 10/16: Trade Day! (see below for more info)
  • Friday 10/17: Formal Written Assessment.Note charts checked for completion of other three empires.


Your group members will take turns traveling across the Silk Road to trade with the other empires. Only half of the group may travel at a time; the other half must stay and staff your trade booth.

  • Your trade objects are necessary to participate in the trade day. Each trade object will carry a point value that is unknown to all simulation participants. It is up to you to determine what objects have the highest cultural, scientific, and historical value and to barter for them using your currency, your objects, or a combination.

**IMPORTANT NOTE on Trade Day: To travel, you must pay fees to the MIDDLE MAN (ME!) to fund your caravan travel on the Silk Road. However, if you can prove to me that you possess the technology that would enable you to expertlynavigate a ship, you may take your chances at rolling the “Sea Die.” Important to note as you plan your journey: Ships did not sail around the bottom of Africa at this time!

At the end, extra credit is awarded on your rubric to the team with the most combined currency and trade object points.

Teacher Assessment: Overall Rubric

(This is a copy of how you will be graded individually—read it carefully!)

Grade Rubric
Categories / Thorough, on time, well prepared:
(5pts) / Above average effort, on time:
(4pts) / Avg. –below avg. work, lacks detail OR late:
(3pts) / Poorly prepared, unfinished OR over 1 day late:
  1. Your empire’s notes (1/4 of chart)

  1. Rest of notes complete(x2)

  1. Four trade objects (x2)

  1. Group skit and poster (x4)

  1. Assessment quest. (x4)

  1. Overall participation(x2)


Empire: / Political: Government / Social: Religion/Philosophy / Social: Art/Culture / Economic: Trade , tech ,innovations
India: Gupta Empire
(and subsequent kingdoms)
A.D. 320-535
Pages 191-197
China: Tang/SongDynasty
A.D. 618-1279
Pgs. 323-329

Silk Road Simulation Self-Notes. Please take careful and thorough reading notes for each empire.

Empire: / Political: Government / Social: Religion/Philosophy / Social: Art/Culture / Economic: Trade , tech , innovations
“New Rome”
A.D. 527-1453
Pages 301-306
Abbasid Empire (Iraq)
A.D. 750-1258
Pgs. 271-279