February 20, 1961
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, February 20, 1961, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor M. D. Wallace, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, Harley Gillman and Winston Crawford; City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer Orrin T. Miller, City Attorney H. Vern Wentz, BYU Intern Tom Gooch, Treasurer Victor Christensen, Chester Kocherhans and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present as follows:
Edward Wolsey390 North 1060 West1400 South road to Carterville
Henry RobertsGoshen, UtahCentral Utah Project
Nick Netto921 Mountain ViewJr. Chamber of Commerce
John Huish824 East 500 SouthChamber of Commerce
Ted Brinkerhoff3335 North Canyon Rd.Orem Riding Club
Grant B. Penrod698 North 1000 EastOrem Riding Club
Wesley J. Omer1795 North 400 WestOrem Riding Club
LaWana Penrod698 North 1000 EastOrem Riding Club
Garth Penrod115 North 1200 WestOrem Riding Club
John L. Smith896 North 100 West1400 South road to Carterville
John E. Rowley646 West 850 North1400 South road to Carterville
Melvin J. Ludlow1315 Carterville Rd.1400 South road to Carterville
Merrill Mecham23 South 1000 EastRemodel house 1000 East Center
Eli Clayson516 East 400 NorthCoordinating Council
LeGrand Jarman895 West 1200 NorthCoordinating Council
V. Emil Hansen262 South StateMetropolitan Water Board
John Gillman405 East 1600 NorthMetropolitan Water Board
Roy H. Gappmayer95 East 1200 SouthMetropolitan Water Board
Carma AndersenNews
Meeting opened with prayer by Laird Billings.
Henry Roberts, representative on the Central Utah Project Board from Goshen, reported that when the Deer Creek Reservoir was constructed, Utah County had no money; therefore, metropolitan water districts were set up. Salt Lake City Metropolitan Water District got most of the water for which Salt Lake is paying an exorbitant amount. It has been proposed to dyke Utah Lake and increase storage capacity of the Deer Creek Reservoir. At this time, the Central Utah Project is in the process of being set up as a water conservancy district.
The Upper Colorado Bill provides that we must have 21 men as representatives. A conservancy district has a right to tax up to 1 mill; however, the people must sign a petition in order for an area to be included in the district. The district can get necessary water or go as it is with the present water. The Upper Colorado Bill also stipulates that we must have a conservancy district that will act as an agency to represent the people. The conservancy district will buy or hold water much like a metropolitan water district does. The power generated and sold will go to pay off the Central Utah Project. Salt Lake County will have only one or two representatives, the same as Utah County does. They are hoping to visit all seven counties, Uintah, Wasatch, Juab, Salt Lake, Utah, Duchesne, and Summit, to present the program. Utah County is the logical place for the headquarters.
Mayor Wallace stated that E. O. Larson had informed him that Orem City's water could be stored in Deer Creek or other places if it could not be consumed in winter. The Bureau of Reclamation builds the power plants. Utah Power & Light Company has agreed to the project. The main transmission lines will be built by the Government, which will sell power to individually owned power plants for distribution. The Council expressed appreciation to Mr. Roberts for the work he is doing and stated that more meetings will be held. Henry Roberts recommended contacting the Governor regarding the project.
Ted Brinkerhoff of the Orem Riding Club reported that the Riding Club was inactive until last year. The road to the arena needs maintaining due to the water tank overflow. The Club would like a culvert installed in the ditch. The arena will be used four nights a week. The Club is trying to get funds for building a club house. City Manager Farnsworth stated that the more people are kept away from the water supply, the better off the City is. Ted Brinkerhoff asked about a special fund for the Club. The Mayor stated that this could be provided only if the Club could be called on, in case of an emergency, as a posse. Orin Miller stated that most areas such as this are gated and fixed so that people cannot wander around. The City Manager was asked to make a study of riding clubs participating in volunteer services.
Laird Billings presented a suggested change on 1400 South Street to Carterville Road. The old plan would make 1400 South limited to the south. The proposal is to widen 1400 South and make a "Y" so that it won't go straight into Carterville Road. Mr. Billings stated that Mr. Ludlow has agreed to give right-of-way for a cut to the north. Motion was made to accept the proposal and stipulate that the Safety Committee make a study and recommendation to the Council, the costs to be paid through B & C road funds as per agreement of February 10, 1958. Motion was seconded by Laird Billings and passed unanimously.
John L. Smith met with the Council to ask that his street be given a name, as the fire insurance company will not insure their home without a fixed address. Clyde Weeks, postmaster, stated that a petition from the people would provide mail service to them from Orem instead of Provo in the Carterville area. The Council advised that the property owners get a petition and check with the City Engineer for house numbers.
The Metropolitan Water Board met with the Council and recommended that the pipeline from the tank be forgotten and a study made to put the well water from Well #2 into the system. John Gillman stated that he felt the well would provide enough water to increase the pressure as needed. City Engineer Miller stated that in order to get water from the well, the City should put in larger mains to State Street and recommended dividing the City in half and moving pressure regulators. If the well were piped properly, it would supply the west side, and the east side could be serviced from the tank. However, he doesn't have all the answers as he has been here only five days.
Woodruff Jensen stated that the 900 West well was good at the first; however, the drillers have followed engineers' suggestions instead of their own ideas. The new well tested 13 second feet. He asked that the pumping system be so designed that it doesn't have to be replaced. Possibly Murdock and Big Bench water could be used and the well water sold to the steel plant.
City Engineer Miller suggested that before we eliminate the 800 North well from the system, we should bring in a consultant to see if it can be put back into operation. Fifty dollars would be worth spending in order to make this determination. City Manager Farnsworth recommended that a log of the well be obtained and then make a decision and recommendation on bringing in a consultant.
The City Manager and Engineer were authorized to make a study for reclaiming the 800 North well. Also, they were to check the filings on Well #2 and to study the possibility of re-applying for 15 second feet of water from Well #2. Dean Fuhriman made an offer to work with the City, if needed, on problems.
Meeting adjourned to reconvene Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Council meeting reconvened at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 21, 1961. Present were Mayor M. D. Wallace, Chairman; Councilmen Alvin Rowley, Winston Crawford, Laird Billings and Harley Gillman; City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer Orin T. Miller and Anne Cooper, Recorder.
Meeting opened with prayer by Alvin Rowley.
City Engineer Miller reported that the motor in Well #1 was running hot.
Mayor Wallace stated that the Metropolitan Water Board asked for a motion on the recommendations of the Council. Motion was made by Winston Crawford to authorize the Metropolitan Water District of Orem to proceed with development of Well #2 and authorize City Engineer Orin T. Miller to be used as consulting Engineer. Motion was seconded by Laird Billings and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Laird Billings to ask Nick Netto to serve on the Planning Commission, with Herbert Stratton as an alternate. Motion seconded by Winston Crawford and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize payment of $900.00 to the County for civil defense as provided in the Budget. Motion seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed unanimously.
The Council Meeting for March 20th was cancelled in order to meet with the Coordinating Council at the Little Theatre in the High School.
Meeting adjourned.
The above and foregoing Minutes of the Council Meeting held February 20, 1961, were read, corrected and approved at a regular meeting of Orem City Council held October 25, 1965.