Salary package of up to £75,344
[subject to Senior Managers Job Evaluation]
Job reference: CVP462
1.Letter from the Human Resources Manager
2.The council’s vision and objectives
3.Job description
4.Person specification
5. Underpinning Behaviours
6.Conditions of service
7.Pension contribution rates
8. Information on exempted posts
9.Equality and diversity sub groups
Dear Applicant
Post of Head of Service Development and Commissioning
This post is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act which means you must provide details of any convictions (including those which are ‘spent’), in addition to any cautions and bindovers orders that you have received in the last 12 months.
Thank you for your enquiry about the post at Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council.
Please find enclosed further details about the post and an application form for you to complete and return by Friday, 17 April 2015. You can find out more about Knowsley Councilfrom our website at
Interviews Interviews are likely to take place on Monday, 27 April 2015 and/or Tuesday, 28 April 2015.If you have not heard by then you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful. If you would like receipt of your application to be acknowledged, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your completed form.
The council places great importance on maintaining high levels of attendance at work and all Directorates operate under well-established guidelines to monitor and control absence. If you are successful at interview, the council willbe seeking references and your present or last employer will also be asked to give details of your sickness and attendance record over the last three years.
If you require any assistance during the selection process due to a disability, please contact us as soon as possible on telephone number 0151 443 3434. For example you may need a sign language interpreter, require an accessible interview room, or need help completing a written application (taped applications may be submitted by prior agreement).
Please note that the Council will disqualify any applicant who directly or indirectly seeks or canvasses the support of any Councillor for any appointment with the Council.
The council is working jointly with the trade unions to implement a fair and equitable pay and grading structure in line with the 1997 Single Status Agreement. This will be achieved by reviewing every post within the council through the job evaluation exercise which is currently being conducted. All posts are subject to the review and therefore advertised grades are provisional and will not be confirmed until the outcome of this exercise. You should note that you are applying for posts with the council on this basis.
You should email your application to:
I look forward to receiving your application and thank you for your interest in this post.
Yours sincerely
Jaci Dick
Jaci Dick
Human Resources Manager
Our shared vision - to make Knowsley: The Borough of Choice
“We want Knowsley to have a sustainable and diverse population with successful townships that provide a sense of place and community.”
Our Council Values
CORE VALUES:Act with integrity / Being accountable / Openness and transparency / Respect for people
Demonstrates honesty, reliability and trustworthiness
Does the ‘right’ thing
Demonstrates consistency
Acts according to a consistent set of morals, values and principles at all times / Acknowledges and assumes responsibility for actions and decisions
Takes ownership and responsibility for resulting consequences and does not seek to apportion blame on others / Makes decisions in an open and transparent manner
Shares information whenever possible
Explains when information can’t be shared
Is open to new ideas and new ways of working / Champions equality and diversity with all people at all levels
Treats people in the way they would like to be treated
Values people and their contributions
Shows consideration for others through thought and action
Job description
Job title / Head of Service Development and Commissioning
Grade / PMG 4 / 5
[subject to Senior Managers Job Evaluation]
Section/team / Adult Social Care
Accountable to / Assistant Executive Director (Adult Social Care)
Responsible for / Commissioning of Adult Services
Date reviewed / March 2015
- The purpose of the post is to lead the development of whole life commissioning for people, with a focus on prevention and early intervention. The post holder will be the lead for integrated commissioning with the Clinical Commissioning Group. Ensuring that high quality support and interventions are provided to support our community, placing residents, children and young people and families at the heart of what we do.
- Key relationships include, officers, elected members, Clinical Commissioning Groups, service users and carers, partners in external organisations, as appropriate
This is not a comprehensive list of all the tasks which may be required of the post holder. It is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility of the work to be undertaken.
Primary Role
- Contribute to the development of Knowsley Council as a commissioning organisation.
- Lead on all aspects of the commissioning cycle including; assessment of population need, service design, procurement, performance management and service review.
- Lead on the development of a whole life strategic commissioning framework to support delivery of services that are effective and directly shaped by the needs of families and carers and of local communities.
- Support the delivery of health and wellbeing strategies for people, to meet identified needs and the strategic outcomes of Knowsley Council and CCG.
- Support the development of integrated commissioning arrangements with Knowsley Clinical Commissioning Group and other partners across Merseyside, where it can contribute to improved outcomes for people.
- Responsible for interpreting and analysing complex local and national policy and priorities and developing clear plans for service design and delivery.
- Development of outcome measures and performance management frameworks that evidence continuous improvement and meet key local and national performance targets, in addition to promoting choice and control for people using services.
- Lead the development of Market Position Statements, highlighting commissioning priorities, need and opportunities for community service providers, taking into account views of families and carers, local communities and potential providers.
- Lead on a programme of service reviews to support the modernisation and redesign of services in line with the council’s strategic outcomes, and that meet the required standards, targets and priorities for service improvement across LA and NHS performance indicators, as appropriate.
- Lead contract negotiations on behalf of Knowsley Council and its partners to ensure financial efficiency, quality and continuous service improvement
- To support the Council’s Senior Management Team working with elected Members and Executive Directors to deliver the Council’s vision, priorities and core values.
- To effectively contribute to the overall strategic management of the Authority by supporting the Chief Executive to develop clear, long-term strategies, supported by appropriate policies and procedures.
- To support elected members in undertaking the roles as community leaders and ward members.
- Responsible for commissioning budgets to the value of c£75m, including management of pooled budgets, contracts and partnerships with both internal and external providers across health, housing and social care economies.
- Lead on the whole life commissioning of services, including:-
Continuing Healthcare and Continuing Care
Intermediate Care and Reablement Services, including occupational therapy
Respite Service
Day Services and Day Opportunities
Older People’s Housing Need including; Extra Care and Sheltered Housing
Supported Accommodation and Housing Related Support
Telecare and Telehealth
Stronger Families
Services that reduce loneliness and isolation
- Work with CCGs, Acute Trusts, Provider Trusts, Local Area Teams, Local Authorities, other public organisations and the Independent and Voluntary sector and families ad carers to ensure a whole systems approach to the delivery of care and support.
- Lead on the interface with health colleagues, including CCGs, Acute Trusts and community services to ensure seamless provision of services to ensure seamless provision of services that support avoidance of unnecessary hospital admissions/readmissions and safe and effective discharge planning.
- Management of a portfolio of contracts in line with agreed performance measures and outcomes.
- Integrated commissioning lead for a ranger of community based services across the CCG and Council, as identified in the s75 agreement.
- To regularly monitor and review services to ensure they are provided effectively and in accordance with level of need/risk.
- To promote and enforce the Council’s Health and Safety policy and maintain safe working practice to self and others.
- To ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out taking into account employees capabilities.
- To use equipment as instructed and trained.
- To highlight and manage any health and safety issues, which could place individuals in danger.
- To monitor sickness absence levels and identify work related trends, capacity/vacancy rates which would place the Local Authority at risk.
- Normal hours of work will be 36 per week, but the post holder may be required to attend meetings outside normal office hours in line with the requirements of the service in line with Council Policy.
- A recognised professional qualification or management qualification or substantial work experience in one of the specialist areas, with significant evidence of continuous professional development.
- Implement and act in accordance with the Information Security Acceptable Use policy and Data Protection Policy.
- Protect the council’s information assets from unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, destruction or interference.
- Report actual or potential security incidents.
This job description is a representative document. Other reasonable similar duties may be allocated from time to time commensurate with the general character of the post and it’s grading.
In addition to his/her principal duties the post holder will be expected to contribute more widely to the overall development of the Service and the Council. You may be required to be available to contribute to the Out of Hours Service.
All employees are responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy so far as it affects them, their colleagues and others who may be affected by their work. The post holder is also expected to monitor the effectiveness of the health and safety arrangements and systems to promote appropriate improvements where necessary.
All employees are expected to be committed to the Equality and Diversity policy and assist in removing the barriers to service delivery and employment to enhance a positive equality culture.
This post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975. You are therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for any other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the Act and any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the Authority. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to the positions to which the Order applies.
Person specificationPost title / Head of Service Development and Commissioning / Grade / PMG 4 / 5
[subject to Senior Managers Job Evaluation]
Section/team / Adult Social Care
This post is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act – applicants must disclose all criminal convictions including those which are ‘spent’, in addition to any cautions and bindover orders received in the last 12 months
Please read the guidance notes before completing your application form. Please demonstrate, with examples, how you meet the criteria for the post, as set out below
Criteria /Essential requirements
/ * M.O.ASkills, knowledge, experience etc
1 / Ability to embrace the values of Knowsley MBC / A/I
2 / Proven ability to initiate and implement practical policy solutions / A/I
3 / Experience of multi-disciplinary strategic planning and performance monitoring which supports Council and partner priorities / A/I/P
4 / Proven ability to develop, maintain, embed and promote a performance culture across the organisation / A/I
5 / Proven ability to spot trends, patterns, and interdependencies between issues making the necessary changes to systems and processes and bringing together work streams / A/I
6 / Evidence of innovative thinking, encouraging ideas from across teams, creatively working around new constraints and challenges / A/I
7 / High level of communication skills – written, oral and presentational, including the ability to interpret complex data and information through accessible reports, briefings and presentations / A/I/P
8 / Experience of influencing, giving advice to, and building effective working relationships with senior managers and/or Members and partner organisations. / A/I
9 / A high degree of political awareness and sensitivity / A/I
10 / Good interpersonal and relationship management skills / A/I
11 / Knowledge and understanding of local government and health systems / A
12 / Ability to manage and drive through change / A/I
13 / High level experience of managing the performance of others / A/I
Qualifications / Registrations
14 / A recognised academic and/or management qualification (Level 5 or above) and / or a recognised professional qualification in a relevant discipline, with significant evidence of continuous professional development / A/C15 / MA degree or evidence of post graduate study at MA level / A/C
16 / Evidence of current CPD / A/C
Health and safety
17 / Ability to ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out taking into account employees capabilities / A/I
Personal attributes and circumstances
18 / Ability to meet tight deadlines – organising own and others work effectively / A, I
19 / Awareness of and commitment to equality and diversity principles / A, I
20 / Ability to work flexibly including some evening work / A
21 / Demonstrate experience of working as part of a team meeting a wide range of objectives / A
22 / Ability to demonstrate effective leadership and management skills including detailed knowledge of organisational policies / A/I
23 / Ability to demonstrate strategic thinking / A/I
24 / Knowledge of effective Quality Assurance management systems and the ability to design plan and deliver systems / A/I
25 / Knowledge of effective management practices, particularly as they relate to planning to achieve agreed outcomes and leading and developing others / A/I
26 / Ability to plan and organise own time, create work schedules and prioritise and set schedules for self and others / A/I
27 / Ability to apply solution focused approaches to problem solving and make decisions of a highly complex nature with consideration of associated risk factors / A/I
28 / Ability to apply effective conflict resolution skills using appropriate approaches to sustained improvement including coaching / A/I
29 / Able to communicate effectively and present information to a wide range of audiences / A/I
30 / Ability to work in partnership and develop trust, respect and co-operation of a broad spectrum of partners / A/I
31 / Ability to take advantage of, and effectively use information technology and to ensure and manage the consistent use across the team / A/I
32 / Ability to demonstrate commitment to own continuing professional development and to support and motivate that of other colleagues / I
Special Requirements
33 / This post is registered as exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and in accordance with the Police Act; the successful candidate must be able to obtain satisfactory Enhanced Criminal Record Disclosure in order to be appointed to the post. In this respect a criminal record check will be undertaken prior to confirmation of appointment / A
34 / Access to a car with full driving licence valid for usage in the UK / or equivalent mobility / A
35 / Ability to be able to work outside of normal office hours if required / A
36 / Ability to understand and demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity / A/I
37 / Must be legally entitled to work in the UK / C
38 / The Council operates a no smoking policy. Employees are not allowed to smoke in the workplace or to take smoking breaks during work time
*Method of assessment (*M.O.A)
A = Application form C = CertificateE = Exercise I = Interview P = Presentation T = Test AC = Assessment centre
Date / Approved by authorised manager / DesignationMarch 2015 / Julie Moss / Head of Service
Where the post involves working with children, in addition to a candidate’s ability to perform the duties of the post, the interview will also explore issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including:
- Motivation to work with children and young people
- Ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with children and young people
- Emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours
- Attitudes to use of authority and maintaining discipline
We have a positive attitude to the employment of disabled people and guarantee an interview to those who meet all the necessary criteria of the person specification.
Underpinning Behaviours Framework
Concept Knowsley
Underpinning Behaviour – Managers Framework
This document defines the way in which the activities and core responsibilities contained within the job description must be consistently deployed as a manager in Knowsley.
LEADERSHIP / Strategic Perspective / Looks at issues with a broad view to achieve the organisations goals. Thinks ahead and prepares for the future. Understands outside expectations and influences on the organisation. Identifies common goals, interests and views with other agencies. Supports the vision for the future and implements the strategy for how it can be achieved.