Middle School Supply List


Humanities – English – ESOL – Science – Math – Spanish

The CIC Agenda is available at the PSTA store and is requirement for all Middle School Students

·  FOUR small (one inch) THREE RING binders and four packages of dividers

·  2 colored pocket folders

·  2 packages of ruled index cards (small size)

·  1 package of colored pencils

·  12 medium tip black or blue ball point pens

·  12 #12 pencils OR a supply of mechanical pencils

·  Notebooks – at least 6 large notebooks with lines and “tear off” pages and, if possible 3 hole paper. One of these notebooks will be used for Wellness class

·  2 glue sticks and 1 tube of correction fluid

·  1 ruler, centimeter and inches

·  Scissors (Friskars is an excellent brand)

·  Calculator with scientific notation (extremely important and required)

·  Spanish dictionary, paper back

·  English dictionary, paper back

·  2 CD’s for saving electronic data, rewritable

·  1 removable device for electronic storage. (Thumb drive – 1G)

·  2 pencil sharpeners

·  1 large eraser

·  1 pencil bag for storing classroom supplies

MS Specials – PE, BAND, ART and CHOIR

·  PE Uniform, purchased from the PSTA store. Red shirt and black shorts

·  3 pocket folders

·  2 black workbooks

·  3 4B or 6B pencils

·  White Nata eraser

·  Old T-shirt apron

·  Band performance uniform – black semi – formal pants or skirt, white dress top – shirts or blouses. No spaghetti straps please

·  Notebook and folder for Wellness Class

CIC School Uniform for Middle School Students

The school uniform can be purchased at our school store. Please ensure your son or daughter is properly dressed each day he or she arrives here to campus. Sweatshirts, sweaters, pants, skirts, or jackets must be all dark blue in color with no other writing on them. Please note that JMUN is a “Business Dress” event and proper clothing is expected during this event each school year.