New Horizons Music Ministries, Inc. 757-927-4857

349 Ivy Home Rd. Hampton, VA 23669


Priscilla Minter (757) 927-4857

349 Ivy Home Road, Hampton, VA 23669

I/We request New Horizons to render service on:

Date Requested July 26, 2015 Time event to begin: 4:00 PM

Alternate Date______NA__ Time event to begin______

Services are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Please do not assume your invitation to serve is accepted by New Horizons and begin planning your program until you have received confirmation.


Name: Minister Alvin Brown

Mailing Address FFLWOC P O Box 886 Yorktown, VA 24692


Phone#(757)898-1994(church)©(757)696-3081alternate Fax#______

E-Mail Address:


Full Name Faith for Living World Outreach Center

Mailing Address: P O Box 886

City: Yorktown State: Virginia Zip: 23692

Phone: (757) 898-1994 Fax# (757) 898-0293

E-Mail Address;


EXACT address where performance is to take place

Site Name: Faith Living World Outreach Center

Street Name: 130 Goodwin Neck Road

City: Yorktown, VA

Type of Event (check one)or

______Church Service ______Concert ______Banquet

___X______Fund Raiser ______Other (Specify) ______

Name of event 3rd Annual New Horizon Music Ministry Fund Raiser for Missions

Who will be responsible for the introduction of New Horizons?

Someone from your church/organization ______

Someone from New Horizons _____X______

Expected length of your total program 2 1//2 Hours

Amount of time allotted to New Horizons to sing: 2 Hours

Note: Less than 1 hour will be generally not to be considered

Will your event be x inside or ______outside?

If outside, will New Horizons perform ____ without cover or ______under a shelter?

If outside, which of the following will take place in the event of inclement weather?

______Event will be moved inside ______Event will be canceled

Will there be an intermission? X Yes ______No

Will other groups be participating in the program? ______Yes ____X___No

(If yes, how many? ______List each below and what they will be doing:


How many people do you expect to attend this event? 100

Will there be a printed program? Yes X No ______

Will alcohol be served in or around the event? Yes______No X


“Our musical ministry depends on donations of kind supporters, such as you. Without your support we cannot continue our ministry. We are requesting that your donation be in the range of $300 or more due to gas requirements, operating costs, etc.”

Are you willing to make a donation to support New Horizons? Yes _x___ No ____

In the event that any donations are mailed, please send to:

349 Ivy Home Road

Hampton, VA 23669

Make checks payable to: New Horizons Music Ministries, Inc.

It is our goal to reach as many people as possible through our musical outreach ministry and promote a positive image of recovering addicts. To do this, we ask your assistance in publicizing this event.

How will you be advertising this event?

Neighborhood flyers ___x___ Newspaper ___x___

Radio ______Television ______

Other (Describe) ______


Facility Seating 200

Is there sufficient space for approximately 30 people to sing? Yes __x__ No _____

Is there sufficient space for musicians and equipment? Yes __X__ No _____

Can sufficient private space be made available one (1) prior

To service time for New Horizons to practice? Yes ___x__ No _____

Can sufficient space be provided for members of New

Horizons to change clothes? Yes ___X___ No ______

Is there a stage? Yes ___X___ No ______

Is a sound system available? (Microphones, speakers, etc) Yes ___X____ No ______

Are drums available? (Congo, bongo, etc.) Yes ______No ___X___

If necessary, can furniture be moved to accommodate us? Yes ___X____ No ______

Does your facility have up to date electrical service that will

Support sophisticated sound equipment? Yes ___X____ No ______

Thank you for considering us to minister to you. Be blessed and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

PLEASE NOTE: New Horizons will provide the number of traveling members in the music group only to Minister Alvin Brown prior to event.

Singing Songs to God – Songs of Hope – Veterans in Recovery From Alcohol and Dope