Job Description

Position / Graduate Intern – Household Economic Strengthening (Agriculture and Value Chain Development) / Grade / A
Department & Location / Programs (Nilinde Project); Mombasa / Date / May 2017
Duration / Fixed term contract – 1 year
Reports to (position): / Economic Strengthening Officer – Agriculture and Value Chain Development
About Plan / PlanInternationalisanindependentdevelopmentandhumanitarianorganisationthatadvanceschildren’srightsandequalityforgirls.Webelieveinthepowerandpotentialofeverychild.Butthisisoftensuppressedbypoverty,violence,exclusionanddiscrimination.Andit isgirlswhoaremostaffected.

Dimensions of the Role

This role provides a learning opportunity for the incumbent as they provide support the promotion and establishment of sustainable agricultural livelihoods within the targeted OVC households and communities.

Areas of Learning/ Duties

  • Support implementing partners to initiate and scale-up evidence-based initiatives that enhance the uptake of appropriate agricultural value chain development interventions among the target OVC households and communities, consistent with recommendations provided in the market assessment reports.
  • Support the implementing partners to understand, embrace, implement and monitor the key elements of the household economic strengthening pathway among the target OVC households using the “case management approach”.
  • Development of a database/MIS that can capture all relevant information regarding the status of livelihoods and the economic empowerment of the target households.
  • Provide technical assistance and coordinate field related activities, trainings to local implementing partners and other workshops for the economic strengthening team
  • Develop and review monthly plans and priorities in line with the approved work plan program priorities.
  • Produce accurate and timely reports and success stories to showcase project lessons, and results to contribute to the wider sector and institutional knowledge.
  • Monitor field-level implementation to ensure that activities achieve desired results; make recommendations to improve guidelines and tools for implementers, and provide regular coaching to implementing partners to improve quality.
  • Support implementing partners to ensure compliance with donor requirements and regulations.
  • Work together with partners to ensure problems emerging in the implementation of the key elements of the household economic strengthening pathway are quickly addressed/resolved to maintain program progress, and experience gained is properly documented.
  • Build the capacity of local CBOs/NGOs to implement similar programs through knowledge transfer, training, development of good practice, evidence based research
  • Carry out monitoring field visits and support to ensure compliance to set project standards
  • Collect and review project data to monitor progress, and produce accurate reports.
  • Submit complete, accurate and timely reports that conform to prescribed formats and other parameters from Plan and the donor.
  • Contribute to documentation and sharing of best practices with stakeholders as appropriate.

Criteria for eligibility

Those eligible to apply to participate in the internship program shall be Kenyan citizens who meet the following criteria:

  1. Graduates from Kenyan universities/reputable colleges
  2. Must have completed studies in a relevant field of study within the last 24 months.
  3. Graduates who are below 25 years old and willing to commit their time on the program for the entire year
  4. Demonstrated good character, creativity, honesty, positive attitude and ability to learn
  5. Graduates who are currently not in employment

Education Qualifications Required

A Diploma or Bachelor's degree in agriculture, agricultural extension, agricultural economics orhorticulture

Knowledge and Skills that the Intern will demonstrate at the End of the Period

  • Work with various project stakeholders e.g. communities, OVCs, PLWHIV, GoK, County Governments
  • Documentation and report writing skills
  • Communication and negotiation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Decision making and problem solving skills
  • Planning and coordination skills
  • Build effective teams and partnerships

Physical Environment and Demands

A typical office environment with50% field visits.

Level of Contact with Children

Medium level: Occasional contact with children


Signature of Intern & DateSignature of Supervisor & Date