Middle School Late Work Policy
The CAC Middle School believes in creating a culture of academic rigor where there are high expectations for all students to complete work of quality and to turn in work on time. We believe that this practice serves to improve the quality of all student work. Students will not receive zeros when work is not turned in as they don’t have an option of not turning in work. We know that, in the past many students have not had work done on time or not completed work at all, and they have therefore, received zeros. This practice was used in hopes of helping students understand the consequences of not doing acceptable work. This practice has not been successful in getting all students to complete acceptable work, and many students leave having completed few if any challenging assignments, and are therefore completely unprepared for the new level.
Late work is just that – late – but it must be completed if teachers are to correctly determine if students know and understand the standards being taught and assessed.
Students must be given extra help opportunities. These extra help opportunities will be required of students who do not complete and submit work on the day that it is due as well as for students who turn in work of obviously poor quality which reflects little or no effort.. Students who do not meet deadlines or submit poor quality work will be required to complete the work after school. Parents will be notified that work has not been received and students will then be required to stay after school on Monday and/or Wednesday to complete work. Attendance is required and completing outstanding work will take precedence over any other after school commitments such as sports, clubs, and other activities.
Students who do not complete their work in time to submit it on the day that it is due, but who complete their work prior to their assigned Monday/Wednesday after school session will still be required to attend the assigned after school period.
Students who are absent from school on the day work is assigned are responsible for meeting with their teachers to determine what work has been assigned and when it is due. Generally, students are given extra days to complete work equal to the number of days of missed work in the event of excused absences.
Students may not receive full credit for any assignment that is late or turned in incomplete. Students will initially receive an Incomplete (“I”) on any assignment not turned in.
Tests may be excluded from the policy.
- Teachers may choose to give students opportunities to raise test scores by coming in during extra help times.
- Some teachers already allow students to make up tests in order to pass, and this practice should continue if it is working.