Northern New Mexico College
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Nursing Community Advisory Board (CAB)
Meeting Minutes
Date: 12/9/2016
Time: 2 p.m.
Place: Seledon Martinez Building Rm VE 201
Attendees: Susie Frost, Ana Malinalli X Gutierrez Sisneros, Monica Leyba, Theresa Lopez, Lore Pease, Dr. Darlene Hess, Lauren Reichelt, Ellen Trabka, Andrea Tuero, Wendy Van Dilla, Terry Mulert, Veronica O’Halloran, Michelle Ortiz, Dr. Richard Bailey, Dr. Ivan Lopez
Recorder:Ana Malinalli X Gutierrez Sisneros
Facilitator:Lauren Reichelt
TOPIC / DISCUSSION / OUTCOME / PERSON RESPONSIBLE & DUE DATE / STATUS (OPEN/CLOSE)1. / Call to Order, roll call, approval of meeting minutes & agenda /
- Call to Order-
- Roll Call- Introductions invited
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Approval of Agenda with the addition of the following agenda items:
- NM BON Simulation Guidelines update;
- NM BON requirement for licensure update
Amended Agenda approved. / Closed
2. / Introductions / Introduction done. / Closed
3. / Remarks from the President and Provost / Provost Lopez thanked the CAB members for their community input.
President Bailey expressed pride in the nursing programs at Northern. / Closed
4. / Report from the Chair / No report. / Closed
5. / RN to BSN Program Report / CCNE Accreditation Report/Update
Summary of Program Outcomes
Introduction of new FT faculty:
- Ana x Gutierrez-Sisneros, Clinical coordinator for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and Assistant Professor in both programs.
- Susan Wayne, half-time faculty for the RN to BSN Program and half-time faculty for the ADN Program.
- Both faculty formerly taught as adjunct faculty for the RN to BSN Program.(See attached bios)
- The program received a 10 year accreditation from the CCNE.
- Thank you to the CAB for your generous support of the program! The site visitors had many positive comments about the CAB.
- 13 currently enrolled students (3 students on LOA).
- No new students enrolled for fall 2016. 4-5 potential new students for fall 2017 admission.
- Anticipate 4 graduates in May 2017.
- The Dean asked for input from the CAB: Is this program still meeting the needs of the community? Any suggestions as to how to recruit additional students? How can the community sustain this program?
- Discussion: President Bailey remarked that SFCC is interested in this program. Is it possible to teach classes via ITV at the Higher Education Center (HEC) in Santa Fe? Lauren asked about teaching nursing in an online environment. Terry Mulert, Northern Foundation Director, asked how the college can help to market the program. Can BSN student specific scholarships be offered?Lauren suggested a U-Tube video as a recruitment tool to post on the website. She also recommended that the program keep its holistic focus, as she has heard many positive comments. Several additional suggestions for recruitment were offered by CAB members.
- Since local healthcare agencies are now requiring nurses to get a baccalaureate degree in nursing, is this program meeting the needs of the community? How is it working for you? What differences do you see in your baccalaureate prepared nursing staff? How can we improve the program?
- Discussion: Terry Mulert asked about the incentive for RNs to pursue the BSN degree. Dean Trabka discussed state and national mandates for BSN prepared nurses and local employer mandates.
- The associate Director is piloting some aspects of online course delivery.
Associate Director Dr. Hess outlined plans to pilot online classes. One hybrid course to be taught in the spring semester.
The college is exploring expanding resources for Distance Education. / Closed
6. / ADN Program Report / ACEN Accreditation Report/Update
- Program Director Theresa Lopez discussed the upcoming site visit for ACEN initial accreditation. She stated that the program is meeting all ACEN Standards and Criteria.
- 7 former ITT Tech nursing students, displaced due to the institution closing, were admitted to the level 1 cohort.
- Director Lopez announced her upcoming retirement June 30, 2017. The college is actively advertising/recruiting for a new program director.
- The SNA students will have a float in the upcoming Espanola Light Parade.
- See attached power point presentation related to ADN Program outcomes.
7. / Update on community partnerships /
- MOU with Presbyterian Espanola Hospital negotiated for spring semester.
8. / Employer Surveys /
- The AND Program distributed Employer Surveys to be filled out.
NM BON Simulation Guidelines update /
- Up to 50% of clinical practicum experience can be done as simulation.
NM BON requirement for licensure update /
- Eligible candidates can sit for the NCLEX-RN up to 8 times. If still unsuccessful, need to take a refresher class.
9. / Advisory Board Members/Concerns, Questions / None stated. / Closed
10. / Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 3:35pm / Closed
Respectfully Submitted by:Approved by:
Ellen Trabka Ellen Trabka, Theresa A. López