Robotics “Lego My Bot” Training Itinerary

July 6, 2010

8:00 – 8:30 Greet and Introductions

- Icebreaker

- complete the Interest Inventory sheet

- open kits and start organizing robotics parts in the kit (1 NXT Kit per Teacher)

8:30 – 8 : 45 What is Robotics ? / Video /Trainer Experience

8 : 45 – 10:15 Start building your Robot.

Use the NXT 2.0 software tutorial: Challenge Brief, Building Guide, and Programming Guide

10:15 – 10:25 Break (show videos from last year’s camp)

10:25-11 :3 0 Continue Building and Programming Robot

Use the NXT 2.0 software tutorial: Challenge Brief, Building Guide, and Programming Guide

11:30 -12:30 Lunch

12:30- 12:45 Explain software programming basics

12:45 - 2:00 Continue Building and Programming Robot

Use the NXT 2.0 software tutorial: Challenge Brief, Building Guide, and Programming Guide

2:00– 2:10 Break

2:10 – 3:30 Continue building and programming Robot

Use the NXT 2.0 software tutorial: Challenge Brief, Building Guide, and Programming Guide

3:30– 4:00 Share what you have built and learned today


Note: See if I can take pictures and/or video tape what teachers build. Then, share it with the teachers so they can show students.)

Goals of the Robotics Training

- teachers should be able to complete the building of the NXT Robot

- teachers should understand the basics of building and programming a NXT robot (from this point the sky is the limit)

- teachers should have a robot to share with their students to motivate them

- teachers should feel confident enough to explain basics to students

Robotics Interest Inventory Sheet for Students

Name __________________________________ Grade ____________

Elementary School that you attend __________________________________

1.) What is your level of experience with Lego NXT robotics?

a.) beginner (I do not know anything about robotics)

b.) intermediate (I know a little about robotics)

c.) advanced ( I have a lot of experience building robots and programming)

d.) expert ( I can build any kind of Lego NXT Robot and write a program for it)

2.) How well do you work with other students?

a.) I am a team player. I work well with others.

b.) I am a leader. I like to give my peers instructions.

c.) I like to work by myself/ independently.

d.) I work well independently or in groups.

3.) Do you have a Robotics club at your campus?

a.) Yes

b.) No

If yes, number of years your team competed?


4.) Why do you want to participate in the Robotics class for the Summer Camp?

a.) I am very interested in Robotics

b.) I am only interested a little

c.) I have no interest in building robots

d.) I only like Multimedia and Graphic Arts

5.) What is your favorite subject?

a.) Math

b.) Science

c.) English/Reading

d.) Social Studies

e.) Writing

6.) Do you think that you would be more interested as a _______________.

a.) Builder (building different robots)

b.) Programmer (Writing the programming and executing the programming for robots)

7.) What do you hope to learn from the robotics class this week?

8.) Do you have any suggestions/ideas for teaching the Robotics class at your campus?


Name 5 ways to relax

Name 4 ways to start an argument

Name 3 ways to make people laugh

Share 2 expectations for the camp

Add a wild prediction of the best possible outcome should the expectations be met