September 20, 2011

Chairperson, Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education Office in Morrisonville, Illinois.


Ms. Ann Chandler, Morrisonville; Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau, Taylorville; Ms. Patty Wood, Edinburg; Dr. David Lett, Pana; Mr. Bob Pritchett, South Fork; Mr. Scott Doerr, Nokomis; Mr. Jeff Strieker, Bond County; Ms. Deb Philpot, St. Elmo; Ms. Melissa Ritter, Ramsey; Mr. Mike Kelly, Carlinville; Ms. Connie Woods, Panhandle; Mr. David Powell, Hillsboro; Mr. Chad Allison, Litchfield.




Mr. Mike Gauch, Mulberry Grove; Mr. Doug Slover, Brownstown; Mr. Rich Well, Vandalia.


Ms. Alison Boutcher, Director; Brenda Patrick, Assistant Director Christian Region; Ms. Angie Armour, Assistant Director Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region; Ms. Crystal Lawler, Assistant Director Bond/Fayette Region; and Ms. Tammy Hadley, Secretary/Recorder. Visitors: MSSE School Psychologists, Amanda Cunningham, Tricia Kelley, and Kristy Haston.


Presented for review and approval:

·  Regular and Executive Session Minutes from August 16, 2011.

·  Recommendation for destruction of Executive Session audio recordings older than 18 months – none to destroy this month.

·  Payables lists – Total $77,712.04

o  $61,319.79 = MSSE Central

o  $425.00 = MSSE (cash pay to Bond Co. – FY11 ARRA Preschool reimbursement)

o  $1,890.68 = CR/MSSE

o  $8,346.69 = BF/MSSE

o  $5,729.88 = MC/MSSE

·  Statement of Position – as of September 30, 2011, the fund balance for MSSE was $695,682.11.

·  Receipts vs. Expenditures – Ms. Boutcher presented the receipts vs. expenditures report.

·  Ms. Boutcher reported that all district assessments are paid to date.

Motion to approve all items on the consent agenda: Mr. Allison; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 13 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.


Cornerstone Academy Information – Ms. Boutcher provided a summary of the programs at Cornerstone Academy and ChrisMont. She reviewed some other questions that have been directed to Barb Daugherty, Principal, since the summary was provided. Ms. Boutcher will create a Question & Answers sheet, send it to superintendents, and post it to the MSSE website. The sheet will continue to be updated as questions arise.

Ms. Woods shared information regarding a visit she and her principals recently made to Cornerstone. She reported that they left the facility feeling really fortunate and happy for the students placed there. The staff was very accommodating, providing a tour and allowing them to have lunch with their students.

MOE Documentation – Ms. Boutcher provided superintendents with updated information on their Maintenance of Effort (MOE) worksheet documentation. She explained the process necessary to create the composite worksheet for the coop. Due to the extra revenue created by the stimulus funds received in FY10, all district MOE worksheets were in a negative. In order to move the district MOE worksheets to a positive, it was necessary to review each district worksheet and “explain away” the negatives using explanations accepted by ISBE. Following this process, all districts and MSSE ended with a positive MOE. Ms. Boutcher also explained changes ISBE made to this year’s worksheet, and what those changes mean to the districts and coop. Ms. Boutcher plans to make an appointment to meet with ISBE regarding the changes that will impact our districts next year. Some district corrections are still needed which will require a letter from the districts’ auditors. Ms. Boutcher will meet with these districts and try to submit the corrections to ISBE before Thanksgiving break.

MSSE auditors are in the office this week. Robin Yockey has indicated that, barring any unexpected problems, she believes she would be able to have the audit completed for the October board meeting. Ms. Boutcher proposed to superintendents a short October meeting which would include only the Consent Agenda and the FY11 auditor’s report. Following the short board meeting, Ms. Boutcher, Jeanne Vancil, and Robin Yockey would like to meet with the superintendents and district bookkeepers regarding the special education account coding. Lunch will be provided.

You Make the Difference Award – Ms. Boutcher explained a new component that is being added to the MSSE staff recognition program – a quarterly You Make the Difference Award. Any MSSE Central staff person may be nominated for the award by anyone. The award is based upon persistence to meet goals, imagination to realize the next big idea, cooperation to build a strong team, and enthusiasm to inspire success. Present to be recognized for the first award, were School Psychologists, Tricia Kelley, Amanda Cunningham, and Kristy Haston. These three psychologists were instrumental in taking initiative to make contacts with other psychologists outside of our cooperative to improve our reevaluation process. Through their efforts, they highlighted an area of concern, found resources to solve the problem, and presented a solution accepted by their peers and adopted by the organization.


Second Reading and Adoption of Policies – Ms. Boutcher shared recommendations of the Policy Committee.

The following policies are due for a 5-year review. No changes by IASB:

·  1:20 Organization

·  1:30 Cooperative Philosophy

·  3:30 Line and Staff Relations

·  5:170 Copyright

The following policy has recommended revisions/updates. The Policy Committee recommends new wording as the current wording indicates the Governing Board is composed of the Superintendent and one member of the Board of Education of each Member District:

·  2:10 Joint Agreement Governance –

o  “The Mid-State Joint Agreement is governed by the Mid-State Joint Agreement Governing Board composed of one duly designated member of the Board of Education of each Member District. The Superintendent of each member district shall be an ex-officio member of the Governing Board and their presence or absence shall not be determinative of whether a quorum of the Governing Board exists.”

The following revised and new policies are being reviewed by our legal counsel, Merry Rhoades and our human resource consultant, Travis Bushue. The Policy Committee recommends waiting until the October board meeting to consider their approval:

·  5:132 Internet/E-mail Usage Policy

·  5:132-E Exhibit – Authorization for Internet Access

·  5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct – NEW

·  6:235 Access to Electronic Networks

Motion to accept second reading, recommendations, and adoption of policies 1:20, 1:30, 3:30, 5:170, and 2:10: Mr. Strieker; second, Ms. Wood. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


FY12 MSSE Action Plan – Ms. Boutcher presented and summarized the FY12 MSSE Action Plan.

FY12 Director’s Goals – Ms. Boutcher presented the FY12 Director’s Goals which are tied to the MSSE Action Plan.

FY12 Professional Development Plan – Ms. Boutcher presented the FY12 Professional Development Plan required by our IDEA grant.

Leave Requests – Ms. Boutcher presented requests for maternity leave (per MSSE policy, FMLA leave will be figured concurrently with use of sick days):

·  Jessica Ryan, School Social Worker in the MCC Region. Jessica’s anticipated leave will begin October 24, 2011and she will use 32 sick days.

·  Kandy Richardson, COTA in Christian Region. Kandy’s anticipated leave will begin November 24, 2011, and she will use 40 sick days.

Administrator Compensation Report and Contracts Over $25,000 – Ms. Boutcher presented the Administrator Compensation Report for FY12 and the report of FY11 Contracts over $25,000. The reports are posted on the MSSE website.

Legal Fees – Ms. Boutcher presented the current procedures concerning legal fees along with the July 24, 2007 board minutes where the procedure was approved. She suggested that each region discuss the procedure regarding the payment of legal fees at their October region board meetings. Based upon the region discussions, recommendations for changes can then be brought to the November MSSE Executive Committee Meeting.

Motion to approve FY12 Action Plan and FY12 Director’s Goals: Mr. Kelly; second, Ms. Woods. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. at the Mid-State Central Office in Morrisonville.

Flyers have been emailed regarding trainings being provided by Dr. Colin Peeler on Thursday, October 6th and Friday, October 7th.


Motion to adjourn at 11:06 a.m.: Dr. Lett; second, Ms. Philpot. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mrs. Tammy Hadley, Recorder

Chairperson Date

Secretary Date

MSSE Minutes 2011.09.20