Broughton Rugby Mid Season Newsletter - Season 2015/16

As the pitches begin to turn to mud, the darkness surrounds the players at training and 2015 comes to a close I felt it was a good time to write out to members and keep you updated on how the season is going so far both on and off the pitch. If you have any questions feel free to contact me via email at or speak to me in the clubhouse when I’m next in.


Men’s Team

As I write Broughton Men's team are sitting mid table in the league having won three of their eight games this season. At the start of the season we began without the retired Duncan Nicolson, with an influx of players from Crieff and Preston Lodge who followed their friends here and a changing coaching team. The league was a natural step up from East League three and small mistakes were punished heavily by the opposition. After the first loss against Trinity though results got closer and closer until the team began to win, taking victories against Edinburgh Northern, Liberton and Ross High. There are still ten matches to play in the season and no match is a guaranteed win but I hope the performances continue to improve and we can attract even more players so we can run our own 2nd team.


Our women’s team are currently in second place in the National Division 1, in a battle with Ayr and Stewartry for the opportunity for promotion to the Premier League, and are in the semi final of the Plate competition. In a similar fashion to the men's team there are many new faces and there has been a process of making everybody feel part of the team which has been helped by bus trips across Scotland and taking part in the tug of war at Edinburgh Zoo to celebrate National Rhino day against the Zoo Keepers. Through the partnerships with Lismore Ladies and Corstorphine Cougars we have also been making sure that everybody that wants a game gets the opportunity on a Sunday, one player who has benefited from this was Julie David who stepped up to play for Cougars this year and has just returned from representing West Coast Vikings at the Dubai 7’s tournament.

Broughton, Accies and Trinity Partnership

For those that read the website I have been putting up weekly updates of what the BATs partnership has been achieving across the North of Edinburgh with both work in primary and high schools. Their work involves training children in how to play rugby, something teachers no longer have the time or skills to do, and also helping the children’s development through learning the values rugby teaches of respect, effort and being part of a team.

Having been involved in the club for the past thirteen seasons I am aware for some there is a question over whether or not the club should be involved in the BATs partnership due to the lack of the benefits we have received in the past. However I firmly believe in planting seeds and if we don’t help kids learn to play rugby we can’t hope to attract them later on in their adult lives. Due to this I have joined the management team of BATs and my aim is to start building towards an U12’s BATs girls team playing out of Broughton in the future making us a hub for ladies rugby in North Edinburgh, raise our profile within the community and attract new members – not just playing members, but parents as well.


Social Events

To date down at the clubhouse we have had a mixture of events including Bubble Football, the Annual Broughton Club Dinner, Live World Matches on the big screen, a Halloween party and the usual post match drinking antics.

In the near future we have the following events that I would welcome all members to

19th of December - Xmas Lunch

24th of January - Cheese and Wine afternoon.

Before watching the Ladies match against Kirkcaldy we will be holding a cheese and wine social for all members to vote on the design of the strip for the 2016 season and updating members on the progress we have made in clubhouse extension plans.

5th of February - Burns Supper and Ceilidh to celebrate the Bard with our traditional three course dinner, speakers and then dancing the night away. Contact myself for tickets.

6th of February - BATs Fundraising Burns Supper - The following night we will be putting on a more traditional dinner without the dancing to raise money for our youth section to support their work in local schools teaching children to play rugby. Again tickets available through myself.

Pro 12 Final Tickets and Edinburgh Gunners Tickets

Similar to the commission we receive on selling international tickets, the club can now also earn money for sales of Edinburgh Rugby tickets and for the Pro 12 Final that is happening at Murraryfield on Saturday the 28th of May. To buy tickets contact Tom Richardson for an order form via his email of

Member Benefits

By being a card carrying member of Broughton you are already able to access the following benefits through our sponsors:

·  20% Mon - Thurs on Food and Drink at Indaba Tapas Restaurant, Tollcross

·  Discount physiotherapy through Graeme Roberts at Glenogyle Leisure Centre

·  Hire of the club house

·  Access to international tickets.

·  Discounted prices for coaching training through the SRU

In addition starting from this month through our partnership with BATs and Edinburgh Accies I am pleased to announced you can now join their local business scheme and receive discounts in Stockbridge from business including George Bower Butchers, Hectors and many more. Just fill in the attached form and return it to me to receive your card. Discounts can be seen at:


At present there is a design competition happening for the 2016/17 season strip and all members are welcome to enter a design with the chance to win their own personalised jersey. With a new strip comes opportunity for local businesses to raise their profile by buying advertising space on the shirt. If anybody has contacts with a business that may be interested, please forward on their details as we have a range of sponsorship packages available.


For all that are interested our kit and apparel suppliers at PSL will be holding a discount day at their shop at 18 Beaverbank Place, Edinburgh. EH7 4FB on the 13th of December allowing you a 10% discount on all stock including Broughton stock, which can be ordered instore or online.

New Changing Room extension

As part of our plans to support rugby for boys and girls, as well as improve the facilities for our women’s team, we have developed plans for an extension to our changing facilities immediately to the north of the existing ones. There will be a new shower unit with individual cubicles, additional toilets, an additional changing room, and, if we can afford it, a small gym. Plans have been drawn up, and we shall be consulting with SoprtsScotland, the SRU and Edinburgh Council to ensure that the new facilities meet latest standards and are fully fit for purpose. At present we are in discussions with Edinburgh Council to secure a new long term lease for the land the existing buildings are on, and to secure the additional ground for the new build. We’ll keep you informed of progress.

We hope to secure funding from SportsScoutland and the SRU, but we’ll also be planning some specific fundraising ourselves next season, with a view to starting building work in 2017.

Changes Ahead

As some of you will be aware this is Sandy Scott’s final year as the bar steward after many, many years of service. This will naturally leave a huge space in the club that the committee are still trying to fill initially through another volunteer or volunteers. If you are aware of somebody with the time that might be interested in the role, please again pass on their details so we can follow up on possible leads.

Final Thoughts

Finally, I’d like to wish all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It’s been a busy and active year at the rugby club so far and I hope to see you down here in 2016 to enjoy the excitement of the matches, the sense of connection with other members and of course a pint or two, to toast the life we still have.

Johnny Wells

Broughton Rugby President

Associate Membership Application Form 2015/16

For Members of Broughton Rugby Club

Membership Category / Cost pa / Membership Benefits
Associate / £0 / Membership of the EAFC Members’ Discount Loyalty Scheme.

Please note, Associate Members’ do not haveEAFC voting rights.

Member’s Details

Name: / DoB:
Postcode: / E-mail:
Phone no:

EAFC will use your contact details to:

1.  Send you your associate membership card

2.  Send you our e-bulletin – please note you can unsubscribe from the e-bulletin at any time and still remain an associate member.

Please return completed form to: Johnny Wells -

Broughton Rugby Authorisation

I confirm the person applying for associate membership of EAFC is a member of Broughton Rugby Club
Position at Broughton Rugby Club: