To support and challenge senior management to maintain or raise standards in the pursuit of outstanding teaching and learning


2.1To ensure that the College curriculum reflects the College’s strategic objectives.

2.2 To analyse exam results and to inform discussion about the SAR.

2.3 To consider and pass judgement on the process associated with the College Self-Assessment Report and to discuss and confirm the interim grades arising, in advance of the validation process with the PRD colleges.

2.4 Challenge Senior Management by using a number of Key Performance Indicators to debate College reports on retention, achievement, attendance, progression, enrichment, value added and destination data to enable the monitoring of performance against targets to maintain improvement in these areas throughout the year.

2.5To receive reports on the outcomes of inspections and monitor the implementation of consequent action planning.

2.6To receive and review reports on teaching performance through internal inspection reports and the impact on student performance including results and value added activities.

2.7To evaluate mid-year review of the student voice from quantitative data.

2.8To approve the College’s Quality Cycle and to monitor the College’ Improvement Plan.

2.9To review the curriculum offer and consideration of proposed developments.


3.1The Committee shall comprise a minimum of five members (who may or may not be members of the Board), one of whom should be the Principal. The Committee may invite the Board’s advisers or other third parties to attend meetings of the Committee as appropriate (such persons shall not have a vote but shall be entitled to speak at the meeting).

3.2The Vice Principal and the Assistant Principal (Quality) will be invited to attend each meeting.

3.3The Chair of the Committee will be appointed by the Board


4.1The Committee will meet 4 times during an academic year.

4.2The quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be no less than 3 members, one of whom must be the Principal.


5.1The Clerk to Governors shall act as Clerk to the Committee.

5.2The Board to approve the Committee’s business cycle and meetings.

5.3The Chair of the Curriculum and Quality Committee will approve the agenda. Members should submit any items for the agenda to the Clerk to the Committee, as set out in the College’s Standing Orders.

5.4 The agenda will be despatched to Members of the Committee seven calendar days prior to the meeting, as set out in Standing Orders.

5.5 Draft minutes will be circulated to Members of the Committee, subject to approval by the Chair of the Committee.


Date of next review summer term 2015

Approved by the Board7 July 2014

Date of reviewJune 2014

Approved by the Board October 2013

Reviewed by the Committee June/September 2013

Approved by the Board1 October 2012

Review by the Committee with changes12 September 2012

Approved by the Board for 2011-20123 October 2011

Approved by the Board24 May 2010

Terms of Reference formally adopted by the
Committee at inaugural meeting 15 September 2010

WCB/C&QC/Terms of Reference/2014-2015