Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 2
Lesson 1: Managing Lists
Topic 1-A: Sort a List
How to Sort a List
1-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Which option sorts the list according to the tab characters present in the list?
A . / Case sensitivity
B . / Sorting language
XC . / Sort field separator character
D . / Text
1-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Ensure that the list title is excluded from the sort action.
Topic 1-B: Renumber a List
How to Renumber a List
1-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How do you turn off numbering of a list?
XA . / Click the Numbering button.
B . / Right-click and choose Set Numbering value.
C . / Click the Numbering button drop-down arrow and select Change List level.
D . / Press Enter.
1-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Restart a list after the third point using the Set Numbering Value dialog box.
Topic 1-C: Customize Lists
How to Customize a List
1-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How do you promote a list item?
A . / Press Tab.
B . / On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Increase Indent button.
C . / Press Enter.
XD . / Press Shift+Tab.
1-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Customize a numbered list using the options in the Paragraph group to display numbering in the one, two, three format.
Lesson 2: Customizing Tables and Charts
Topic 2-A: Sort Table Data
How to Sort a Table
2-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / To perform a sort on additional fields, what would you do in the Sort dialog box?
A . / In the Sort By section, define the Sort field, sort type, and sort order.
XB . / In the Then By section, from the Sort By drop-down list, specify the fields you want to sort by.
C . / Select an option from the My List Has section.
D . / None of the above.
2-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Perform a descending sort on the “Location” column of the table.
Topic 2-B: Control Cell Layout
How to Control Cell Layout
2-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you center text vertically and horizontally within the table cell?
XA . / By clicking the Align Center button in the Alignment group on the Layout Contextual tab.
B . / By clicking the Align Top Center button in the Alignment group on the Layout Contextual tab.
C . / By clicking the Align Bottom Center button in the Alignment group on the Layout Contextual tab.
D . / By clicking the Center button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
2-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Merge the first row in the table using the Table Tools Layout Contextual tab.
Topic 2-C: Perform Calculations in a Table
How to Perform Calculations in a Table
2-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you repeat the formula that you last entered?
XA . / Press F4.
B . / Press F9.
C . / Press F2.
D . / Press F5.
2-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Calculate the sum of the total sales column in the table.
Topic 2-D: Create Charts
How to Create a Chart
2-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / What should you do to change a chart from a line graph to a column graph?
A . / Re-create the chart using the original table data.
B . / Double-click the chart and select an alternative chart type.
XC . / Select Change Chart Type from the Type group in the Chart Tools Design Contextual tab.
D . / Right-click the chart and choose Edit Data.
2-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Add a title “Month” below the horizontal axis of the chart.
Lesson 3: Customizing Formatting with Styles and Themes
Topic 3-A: Create or Modify a Text Style
How to Create or Modify a Text Style
3-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you apply a built-in paragraph style to a selected section of text?
XA . / Choose a style from the Styles task pane.
B . / Choose a font style from the Font drop-down list in the Font group.
C . / Choose a style from the right-click menu.
D . / Choose a style from the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
3-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Scale the character size of the title, Burke Properties to 150% using the Dialog Box Launcher button in the Font group.
Topic 3-B: Create a Custom List or Table Style
How to Create a Custom List or Table Style
3-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you display the dialog box that is used to create a custom list style?
A . / On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Define New Multilevel List from the Multilevel list drop-down list.
XB . / On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Define New List Style from the Multilevel list drop-down list.
C . / On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Define New Number Format from the numbering drop-down list.
D . / On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Change List Level from the Multilevel list drop-down list.
3-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Apply the new style, Table Test, you have created to the table.
Topic 3-C: Apply Default and Customized Document Themes
How to Apply Default and Customized Document Themes
3-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How can you search for more themes?
A . / Use the Find and Replace dialog box.
XB . / Use the Choose Theme or Themed Document dialog box.
C . / Use the Save Current Theme dialog box.
D . / Use Create New Theme Colors dialog box.
3-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Apply the Paper theme effect for the document.
Lesson 4: Modifying Pictures
Topic 4-A: Resize a Picture
How to Resize a Picture
4-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Why is the Lock Aspect Ratio check box selected?
A . / To ensure that the height and width of the picture is adjusted separately from each other.
XB . / To ensure that the height and width of the picture is adjusted proportionately with each other.
C . / To ensure that the picture is scaled relative to its current size.
D . / To ensure that the picture is scaled relative to its original size.
4-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Crop 10 inches from the bottom of the picture.
Topic 4-B: Adjust Picture Appearance Settings
How to Adjust Picture Appearance Settings
4-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you blend parts of the picture to the background?
A . / Select Grayscale.
B . / Select Washout.
XC . / Select Set Transparent Color.
D . / Select No Color.
4-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Reset the original settings of the picture without displaying the Format Shape dialog box.
Topic 4-C: Wrap Text Around a Picture
How to Wrap Text Around a Picture
4-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / What should you change to place a picture in front of text in a document?
A . / Text Alignment
B . / Text Layout
C . / Image Alignment
XD . / Wrapping Style
4-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / How will you set the picture behind the text?
Lesson 5: Creating Customized Graphic Elements
Topic 5-A: Create Text Boxes and Pull Quotes
How to Create Text Boxes and Pull Quotes
5-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / You want to link two text boxes together. You have clicked Create Text Box Link on the Text Box toolbar. What should you do next?
A . / Click the first text box.
B . / Format the first text box.
C . / Draw the second text box.
XD . / Click the text box you want to link to.
5-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Insert the Annual Quote text box and type “We'll find the right property for you.”
Topic 5-B: Draw Shapes
How to Draw Shapes
5-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you resize a shape using the Format Contextual tab?
A . / Set the height and width of the shape in the Arrange group.
XB . / Set the height and width of the shape in the Size group.
C . / Set the height and width of the shape in the Shape Styles group.
D . / Set the height and width of the shape in the Insert Shapes group.
5-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Add the text “Shine” to the star shape using its right-click shortcut menu.
Topic 5-C: Add WordArt and Other Special Effects to Text
How to Add Special Effects to Text
5-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you change one WordArt style to another?
A . / By choosing a style from the right-click menu.
XB . / By choosing a style from the WordArt Styles gallery.
C . / By choosing a style from the Quick Styles gallery.
D . / By choosing a style from the Change WordArt Shape drop-down list.
5-2 / Multiple Choice
( Q ) / What does the Drop Cap effect in a paragraph let you do?
A . / Enlarge and drop the first word of a paragraph to a specified number of lines.
XB . / Enlarge and drop the first letter of a paragraph to a specified number of lines.
C . / Enlarge the first word of the paragraph.
D . / Drop the first letter of the paragraph.
Topic 5-D: Create Complex Illustrations with SmartArt
How to Create Complex Illustrations with SmartArt
5-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Where can you preview a SmartArt graphic?
XA . / In the left pane of the Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box.
B . / In the center pane of the Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box.
C . / In the right pane of the Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box.
D . / In the SmartArt Styles gallery.
5-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Add a new shape to the hierarchy chart and type the information, “Gina Lee Sales Representative”
Lesson 6: Inserting Content Using Quick Parts
Topic 6-A: Insert Building Blocks
How to Insert Building Blocks
6-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / To insert a building block, which feature in the Text group will you use?
A . / Text Box
XB . / Quick Parts
C . / Drop Cap
D . / Object
6-2 / Multiple Response
( Q ) / On which of the building block characteristics can you perform an alphabetical sort in the Building Block Manager?
XA . / Name
XB . / Category
C . / Building Block
XD . / Gallery
E . / Fields
Topic 6-B: Create Building Blocks
How to Create Building Blocks
6-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / After selecting the content to store as building block, how will you launch the Create New Building Block dialog box?
A . / By right-clicking and choosing Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
XB . / By choosing Save Selection To Quick Part Gallery from the Quick Parts menu.
C . / By right-clicking and choosing Create New Building Block.
D . / By choosing Building Block Organizer from the Quick Parts menu.
6-2 / True/False
( Q ) / True or False? Saving a building block in Building Block.dotx location will make it available in the default global template.
A . / True
XB . / False
Topic 6-C: Modify Building Blocks
How to Modify Building Blocks
6-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you modify the property that controls the appearance of the building block on a page?
A . / By selecting an option from the Gallery drop-down list.
B . / By selecting an option from the Description drop-down list.
C . / By selecting an option from the Category drop-down list.
XD . / By selecting an option from the Options drop-down list.
6-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Customize the sidebar to have a dark red outline.
Topic 6-D: Insert Fields Using Quick Parts
How to Insert Fields Using Quick Parts
6-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / What is the first step in inserting a field using Quick parts?
A . / Select a field from the Field dialog box.
B . / Edit the property of a field.
C . / Format the selected field.
XD . / Choose Field from the Quick Parts menu.
6-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Edit the date field to include the day also.
Lesson 7: Controlling Text Flow
Topic 7-A: Control Paragraph Flow
How to Control Paragraph Flow
7-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Which section on the Line And Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box has options to control the paragraph flow?
A . / Formatting Exceptions
B . / Indentation
XC . / Pagination
D . / Spacing
7-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Make the lead-in paragraph for the figure titled Relocation Services Management Team appear along with the figure.
Topic 7-B: Insert Section Breaks
How to Insert Section Breaks
7-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you display the Breaks gallery?
XA . / In the Page Setup group, click Breaks.
B . / In the Pages group, click Page Break.
C . / In the Text group, click Quick Parts.
D . / In the Page Background group, click Page Borders.
7-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Delete the section break before the text, “Rates Say: Buy Now!”
Topic 7-C: Insert Columns
How to Insert Columns
7-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / How will you ensure the heading spans the page after inserting columns in a document?
A . / In the Columns dialog box, select the number of columns.
XB . / In the Columns dialog box, select This Point Forward.
C . / Insert a new section break after the heading before inserting the columns.
D . / In the Columns dialog box, set the column width for the first column separately.
7-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Insert a column break before the text, “To contact Burke Properties.”
Topic 7-D: Link Text Boxes to Control Text Flow
How to Link Text Boxes
7-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / You want to link two text boxes together. You have clicked Create Text Box Link on the Text Box toolbar. What should you do next?
A . / Click the first text box.
B . / Format the first text box.
C . / Draw the second text box.
XD . / Click the text box you want to link to.
7-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Break the link between the two text boxes present in the document.
Lesson 8: Using Templates to Automate Document Creation
Topic 8-A: Create a Document Based on a Template
How to Create a Document Based on a Template
8-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Which is the last step in creating a document based on a template?
A . / In the New dialog box, select a template and click Create New Document.
B . / In the New dialog box, select a template and click Create New Template.
XC . / Save the file with the .docx extension.
D . / Save the file with the .dotx extension.
8-2 / True/False
( Q ) / True or False? Templates can be selected from a local computer or online.
XA . / True
B . / False
Topic 8-B: Create a Template
How to Create a Template
8-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / You have created a new custom template. When you try to base a new document on this template, the template name does not appear in the Templates dialog box. What step should you have performed?
XA . / Choose Word Template from the Save As drop-down list.
B . / Assign the template a file name.
C . / Create a document to use as a basis for the template.
D . / Test the template.
8-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Create a template based on the Equity Fax template in the Installed templates category.
Lesson 9: Automating Mail Merges
Topic 9-A: Perform a Mail Merge
How to Perform a Mail Merge
9-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / What is the correct sequence of the steps in the mail-merge process?
A . / Merging the information to produce the output, creating the data source, entering fields in the main document to link it to the data source, and formatting the main document.
XB . / Formatting the main document, creating the data source, entering fields to link the main document to the data source, and merging the information to product the output.
C . / Entering fields to link the main document to the data source, creating the data source, merging the information to produce the output, and formatting the main document.
D . / Formatting the main document, entering fields in the main document to link it to the data source, creating the data source, and merging the information to produce the output.
9-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Display the Mail Merge Wizard pane.
Topic 9-B: Mail Merge Envelopes and Labels
How to Merge Envelopes and Labels
9-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / You need to send a mail to customers who live in the 10023 ZIP code. You have selected the data source in the Mail Merge task pane. What should you do next?
XA . / Filter the data source.
B . / Sort the data source.
C . / Exclude recipients.
D . / Insert fields in the main document.
9-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Display the Label Options dialog box using the Create group on the Mailings tab.
Topic 9-C: Use Word to Create a Data Source
How to Create a Data Source
9-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / You are trying to perform a merge using a data source you created. There should be four letters in the completed merge output, but you are seeing only one letter. What step needed to be performed when you created the data source?
A . / Enter field names as column headings in the table.
B . / Create a table in a Word document.
C . / Specify the Word document as your data source.
XD . / Enter the merge data in separate rows in the table.
9-2 / Multiple Choice
( Q ) / You are creating a data source in a Word document. You have inserted a table in the Word document. What should you do next?
A . / Run the Mail Merge task pane and specify the Word table as the data source.
B . / Create and format the main merge document.
C . / Enter field names as column headings of the table.
D . / Enter the merge data in separate rows in the table.
Lesson 10: Using Macros to Automate Tasks
Topic 10-A: Perform a Task Automatically Using a Macro
How to Perform a Task Automatically Using a Macro
10-1 / Multiple Choice( Q ) / Which dialog box lets you add a macro-enabled file to the global template?
XA . / Templates And Add-Ins dialog box
B . / Macros dialog box
C . / Trust Center dialog box
D . / Word Options dialog box
10-2 / Performance-Based
( Q ) / Store the macro-enabled file, burke properties.dotm, into the Normal template.
Topic 10-B: Create a Macro