Kailahun Food for Emergency Ebola Virus Disease Support (Kailahun FEEDS)

Post Distribution Monitoring

Unconditional Cash Transfer


“Hello, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. My name is ______and I’m from Save the Children. We are conducting a survey to learn about the recent Save the Children’s cash transfer program to families impacted by the Ebola outbreak. Your household has been selected to participate in an interview that includes question on topics such as your family background, the beneficiary selection process, household expenditure, the distribution process and any recommendation for future improvements. These questions will take about 30 minutes to complete and your participation is entirely voluntary. We would like to ask for your honest answers to help us improve our services. If you agree to participate, you can choose to stop at any time or to skip any questions you do not want to answer. Your answers will be completely confidential; we will not share information that identifies you with anyone. If in the future you have any questions regarding survey and the interview, or concerns or complaints we welcome you to contact Save the Children Kailahun Field Office by calling 079385960 or 030329502or reporting through your local cash transfer committee.

Q1. Enumeratoridentification number:
Q2. Date and time of interview:
Q3. Does the respondent consent to be interviewed about the household in question? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q4. Respondent name (first, last): / First: / Last:
Q5. Respondent sex: /
  1. Male
  2. Female

Q6. Respondent age: / (Please estimate if unknown) / Years
Q7. Do you benefit from the FEEDS program? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q8. Do you have a beneficiary card? /
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Not with me now, but yes I have one

Q9. Please enter the card number information.
If the person responds “No” to Q7 or Q8, please note that this person is not eligible for the PDM. Thank you for yourtime. The interview is finished.
Q10. How many people live in your household? (Including respondent)
Q10a. How many of the members are children under 5 years of age?
Q10b. How many of the members are between 5 and 17 years old?
Q10c. How many of the members are between 18 and 59 years old?
Q10d. How many of the members are 60 years or older?
SUM the responses in Q10a+b+c+d / Sum 10a+b+c+d= / Q10=
Only proceed if the cells with the sum of Q10a+b+c+d equal Q10. Revise as necessary, then move on.
Q11a. Of the children under 5, how many are females?
Q11b. Of the children under 5, how many are males?
Q11c. Of the children aged 5 to 17, how many are females?
Q11d. Of the children aged 5 to 17, how many are males?
Q11e. Of the adults aged 18 to 59, how many are females?
Q11f. Of the adults aged 18 to 59, how many are males?
Q11g. Of the adults 60 and over, how many are females?
Q11h. Of the adults 60 and over, how many are males?
SUM the responses in Q11a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h / Sum Q11a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h= / Q10=
Only proceed if the cells with the sum of Q11a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h equals Q10. Revise as necessary.
Q12. Does the household live in Kailahun district? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q13. What chiefdom do you live in?
Q14. What section of the chiefdom?
Q15. What community of the section?
Q16. Do you understand why you were selected to benefit from this programme? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q17. If yes, can you name three reasons why you or other beneficiaries were selected to receive the cash transfer? (drop down list options) / 1.
Q18. How do you feel about the selection process? /
  1. Fair/acceptable
  2. Unfair/unacceptable

Q19. What role did the community play in determining who was on the final list of beneficiaries? /
  1. Significant. Community screened the list from the CTC
  2. Some. We worked with the committee in selection eg CTC members.
  3. Some. Paramount Chief was involved, as well as the CTC and the community.
  4. None. the decision was made by the CTC without input from the community
  5. None. The decision was made by the Paramount Chief with no input from the community
  6. None. The decision was made by others with no input from the community
  7. Don’t know
  8. Others…………………………(specify)

Q20. Did you have to pay anyone a fee, gift or tip to be selected for this project? /
  1. Yes (name who)
  2. No

Q21. Does this household have its own SIM card? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q22. Does this household have a phone handset? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q23. Do you have a reliable phone network in your community or close by that you can use regularly? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q24. Do you receive electronic transfers on your phone directly from Save the Children via SPLASH? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q25. Do you receive cash directly from Save the Children via SPLASH? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q26. Please explain what you receive from Save the Children(if you didn't receive mobile money or cash).
Q27. Did Save the Children give you the choice to receive mobile electronic transfers? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q28. How much money did you receive from Save the Children? / Amount in SLL:
Q29. Was the amount of money you received equal to the amount you were told you would receive? /
  1. Yes
  2. No – it was more
  3. No – it was less
  4. I was not told an amount

Q30. How many times have your received a cash transfer from Save the Children as a participant in the FEEDS program? /
  1. Once (this was my first transfer)
  2. Twice
  3. Thrice

Q31. How much in total (Sierra Leone Leone) have you received to date from the FEEDS program run by Save the
Children? / Amount in SLL:
Q32.Can you complete the cash withdrawal any time that you want? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q33.Are you satisfied with the means by which you receive cash currently? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q34. When were you informed about the day of distribution? /
  1. More than a week before distribution
  2. A week before distribution day
  3. 4-6 days before distribution
  4. 2-3 days before distribution
  5. A day before distribution
  6. The day of distribution
  7. I was not informed
  8. Other…….(specify)

Q35. How were you informed about the day of distribution? /
  1. Through cash transfer committees
  2. Through SCI staff
  3. Through friend
  4. Through SMS
  5. Other ……(specify)

Q36. Have you ever used Mobile Money before? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q37.Have you been given training or orientation by SCI or its partners, NaCSA/SPLASH on how to use Mobile Money? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q38. Do you know where the nearest pay point in which you can withdraw cash from your phone is? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q39.How long does it take you(or the person who acted on your behalf) to access a mobile money agent? /
  1. <20 min
  2. 20 - 45min
  3. 45min -60 mins
  4. More than one hour

Q40.How much did you pay in transportation costs to travel to the money agent? / Amount in SLL:
Q41.How long did it take you to get to the cash distribution point? /
  1. <20 min
  2. 20 - 45min
  3. 45min -60 mins
  4. More than one hour

Q42.How much did you pay in transportation costs to travel to distribution?
Q43. Who is taking care of the children under 5 on distribution day? /
  1. Spouse
  2. no one--they are home alone
  3. an older sibling 5 up to 10 years old
  4. an older sibling 10 up to 15 years old
  5. an older sibling 15 years or older
  6. relative or community member > 25 years old
  7. relative or community member <25 years old
  8. Other
  9. children came with me

Q44. Were there any delays in receiving the money on the distribution day? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q45. Which type of delays in receiving the money on distribution day? /
  1. The mobile money agent never arrived
  2. The mobile money agent was late
  3. The mobile money agent did not have enough money for all the beneficiaries
  4. The network was down, so I was unable to retrieve my money
  5. lack of identification required
  6. I arrived late and the mobile money agent had already left
  7. None
  8. Other.....(specify)

Q46. Did you have to pay anyone a fee, gift or tip to get your money? /
  1. Yes (name who)
  2. No

Q47. How can we improve the use of cash transfers and Mobile Money? /
  1. Nothing, it's perfect
  2. The transfer amount is too low
  3. The transfer amount is too high
  4. The distribution point is too far
  5. The closest mobile money agent is too far
  6. I do not understand how mobile money works
  7. I was not informed with enough time to go to the distribution point
  8. I do not know when I receive money on my phone
  9. There is not network coverage in my community
  10. We do not know how beneficiaries were selected
  11. People who are not vulnerable were on the beneficiary list
  12. People who are vulnerable are not on the beneficiary list
  13. Others....(specify)

Q48.Have you had any safety concerns at all traveling to the merchants or carrying cash after a distribution? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q49. Are you aware of the community feedback and response mechanisms for the program? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q50.Who are you to contact if you have a problem or concerns related to the cash transfer? /
  1. CTC
  2. Save the Children
  3. Chief
  4. Community feedback reference group
  5. Other (Specify who)

Q51. Have you directly or somebody you know (indirectly) placed a complaint with Save the Children? /
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don’t know

Q52. How did you place the complaint? /
  1. Suggestion box
  2. Hotline
  3. Community feedback reference group
  4. Directly with Save the Children
  5. Other

Q53. Do you know if the problem or concern was addressed/resolved by SCI? /
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don’t know

Q54. Do you know anyone in the community who did not receive their transfer recently that should have? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q55. Why do you think that they did not receive their transfer? /
  1. They misplaced or did not have their identification card
  2. They had a sick family member so they could not come to distribution
  3. They did not have their SPLASH issued SIM card
  4. They did not have their PIN code
  5. Other

Q56. For the next set of questions I would like you to estimate how much your household spent in SLL on each of the following in the last 30 days.
  1. Food
  1. Transport
  1. Debt repayment

  1. Gifts or sharing
  1. Rent or shelter
  1. Household items (like clothes, shoes, furniture, mattresses, etc.)

  1. Medical costs (like doctor visits and medicine)
  1. Taking care of or buying livestock
  1. Schooling (like fees, school supplies, books, pens, transport to school, school uniforms, etc.)

  1. Agriculturalinputssuchas:fertilizer,seeds,tools,and/orhiringlabor toworkyourownfield?
  1. Other things
  1. SUM Total
Q57. Is it accurate to say your household spent (value in 56 l.) in the past 30 days? (If, no please go back and fix until it is ok) /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q58. How many SLL did your household save? / Amount in SLL:
Q59. You mentioned that Save the Children FEEDS gave you (Q.28 value). Can you please tell me which type of your expenses this money went to? /
  1. Food
  2. Transport
  3. Debt or loan repayment
  4. Gifts or sharing
  5. Rent or shelter
  6. Household items like clothing
  7. Medical costs for people
  8. Care of or purchase of livestock
  9. School fees or supplies
  10. Agricultural inputs
  11. Other

Approximately what amount went to each based on the responses selected above?
  1. Food
  1. Transport
  1. Debt repayment

  1. Gifts or sharing
  1. Rent or shelter
  1. Household items (like clothes, shoes, furniture, mattresses, etc.)

  1. Medical costs (like doctor visits and medicine)
  1. Taking care of or buying livestock
  1. Schooling (like fees, school supplies, books, pens, transport to school, school uniforms, etc.)

  1. Agriculturalinputssuchas:fertilizer,seeds,tools,and/orhiringlabor toworkyourownfield?
  1. Other things(including saving if applicable)
  1. SUM Total
Q60. You have told me (Q59. Value) of the cash transfer was spent. This should add up to the same amount of the cash transfer we gave them. (If, not please go back and fix until it is okay).
Q61. Where did you buy the majority of your food? /
  1. Chiefdom headquarters
  2. Community headquarters
  3. Other (Specify)

Q62. Was there ever a shortage of the type of food that you were trying to buy? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q63. Were you always able to purchase what you needed? /
  1. Yes
  2. No

Q64. Who in your household decided on how to spend the money? /
  1. Self
  2. Spouse
  3. Husband and wife together
  4. Grandparents
  5. Child who is head of household
  6. household decision
  7. Other household members
  8. Other community members
  9. Other (Specify)

Q65. Do you think the cash grant has affected the relationships in your household? /
  1. Yes, for the better
  2. Yes, for the worse
  3. No
  4. Don't know

Q66. Do you think the cash grant has affected the relationships in your community? /
  1. Yes, for the better
  2. Yes, for the worse
  3. No
  4. Don't know

Q67. How do you expect this transfer to benefit you?
Q68. Would you prefer to be given cash or food commodities for you and your family? /
  1. Prefer cash
  2. Prefer food

Q69. During the last 7 days, were there days (if so, how many) when your Household had to employ one of the following strategies because of lack of resources to buy food?
Write the number of days each strategy was used in the last 7 days (0 to7). Write 0 for the coping mechanisms that were not used.
Number of days out of the past seven: (Use numbers 0 – 7 to answer number of days; Use 0 for not applicable)
a / Relied on less-preferred foods, less expensive food?
b / Borrowed food or relied on help from friends and relatives?
c / Reduced portion size of meals?
d / Reduced the quantities consumed by adults/mothers for young children to be able to eat?
e / Reduced the number of meals eaten per day?
Q70. Any other comments or questions?
Thank you so much for your time in participating in this survey. If in the future you have any questions regarding survey and the interview, or concerns or complaints we welcome you to contact Save the Children Kailahun Field Office by calling 079385960 or 030329502 or reporting through your local cash transfer committee.

PDM for Unconditional Cash Grant – Ebola response: Kailahun district, Sierra Leone page 1