Michelle Pilati
Rio Hondo College
Vice President
Beth Smith
Grossmont College
David Morse
Long Beach City College
Wheeler North
San Diego Miramar College
Area A Representative
Julie Bruno
Sierra College
Area B Representative
Jon Drinnon
Merritt College
Area C Representative
Lesley Kawaguchi
Santa Monica College
Area D Representative
Stephanie Dumont
Golden West College
North Representative
Dan Crump
American River College
North Representative
Dolores Davison
Foothill College
South Representative
Kevin Bontenbal
Cuesta College
South Representative
Michelle Grimes-Hillman
Mt. San Antonio College
Representative at Large
Dianna Chiabotti
Napa Valley College
Representative at Large
Phil Smith
American River College
Julie Adams, CAE
Executive Director
Subject: Exemplary Program Award
Dear Local Senate President:
The Academic Senate is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the Exemplary Program Award. The Board of Governors will present the 2011-2012 Exemplary Program Award to as many as six programs from across the state at its January 2012 meeting. The Board of Governors established the Exemplary Program Award in 1991 to recognize outstanding community college programs. The Foundation for California Community Colleges will again fund the Exemplary Program Award. As many as two California community college programs will receive cash awards of $4,000 and up to four programs will receive honorable mention plaques. This award offers an excellent opportunity for your college to showcase exceptional programs.
In order to enlarge and enliven the pool of recipients, the Academic Senate selects annual themes in keeping with the award’s traditions. The theme for 2011-2012 is Student Success: Programs Engaging First-year Students.The focus of the award will be on those programs that engage and serve incoming first year students to provide them with services and/or instruction tailored to identify their needs and prepare them in ways that increase student retention and persistence. Innovation, integration and adaptation based upon sound research are the keystones to successful applications.
Completed applications must be received in the Academic Senate Office by 5:00 p.m. on November 10, 2011. The selection committee will complete the review process by early December. Please submit one original and one (1) copy of your nominated program. Scanned applications submitted by email (see below) with the appropriate signatures will be accepted. However, please call the Senate Office to verify receipt of the application.
Exemplary Program Award recipients will be selected from throughout the state, with no more than two from any one Academic Senate area, and notified when the selection process is completed. Winners will be honored at the January 10, 2012 Board of Governors' meeting.
Please contact the Academic Senate Office with any questions.
Michelle Pilati
Enclosures (2)
555 Capitol Mall Suite 525 Sacramento California 95814
(916) 445-4753 Fax (916) 323-9867